Chapter 228 Important Data

Mrs. Zhou, who was guarding Jiang Yang, turned around and patted his arm.

Xia Qi sat up with a groan.

Mrs. Zhou: "I'm very angry. It looks like I'm fine."

Xia Qi: don’t even care about it

When Mr. Su came in, he took his pulse without expression, turned over his clothes, and felt his leg bones.

"You're recovering well, have a good rest."

Xia Qi: "...Don't you even ask me if it hurts?"

The impression was that he was seriously injured... At that time, he felt that he might not be able to survive. Why is this situation now making him a little confused?

Mr. Su was speechless: "So does it hurt you?"

Xia Qi: " doesn't hurt."

Mrs. Zhou couldn't stand it anymore, "Mr. Su has been busy all night, go and have a rest. Zhan Hao will send someone to guard here in a while, and my Sanniang will also prepare the food and deliver it."

Mr. Su looked at Mrs. Zhou who had also not slept all night, and walked to Jiang Yang to check, "The wound is no longer harmful, and the leg bones are normal, but both he and Xiao Wu lost too much blood and their vitality was damaged. It’s unclear when he will wake up.”

Mrs. Zhou stood up with some disappointment, "I know, I'm going back to sleep too."

Mr. Su nodded with satisfaction and left.

Xia Qi was left alone with two unconscious wounded men.

Xia Qi: ...I miss Jiang Yun for a day.


"...Where is it? I'll go take a look..."

A familiar voice came, and the drowsy Xia Qi suddenly woke up.

The door opened, and the little figure ran into the house with the light on his back, and went straight to... Jiang Yang.

Seeing the unconscious Jiang Yang with no trace of blood on his lips and his legs tied to wooden boards, Jiang Yun clenched his fists and breathed a little heavier.

Jin Ba in the space: "Calm down, ask them about their injuries first, and then go back and figure out a solution."

Jiang Yun bit his lip and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

He went to see the unconscious Xiao Wu again, and finally came to Xia Qi, stretched out his hand and touched the top of his head, "Does it hurt?"

Xia Qi's eyes turned red, "Sister Yun..." As expected, only the cute little Jiang Yun cared about whether he was in pain or not, wuwuwu...

Jin Ba in the space covered his face: ...

Sister Jiang Yun patted his arm firmly, "Don't cry, I will help you get revenge!"

Xiao Jiu, a member of the second team who was responsible for guarding them, said: "Brother Zhan Hao has captured them... It's a pity that the leader ran away."


in space.

Jiang Yun kept pacing in front of the operating table.

"Didn't points get fed back as soon as the entry was successful before? Why did it take so long this time? This thing won't be broken, right?" Jiang Yun kicked the console in anger.

The console screen lit up, and there was a "ding" sound, and the sound of points being credited came.

[Congratulations on completing the lost "Flower Chopping Method" experiment and scoring 50000 points. 】

Jiang Yun: "Ahhhhhhh! Fifty thousand points!!! I'm rich!!!"

Jin Ba couldn't help but grinned and said, "Fifty thousand points, plus the more than ten thousand points you had left, is enough for you to buy them two tubes of nutritional supplements."

Restoration potions mainly restore physical energy and trauma. In the case of Jiang Yang and Xiao Wu, nutritional supplements are more reliable. They can not only supply the nutrients their bodies need when they are in coma, but also speed up blood production to help them recover. However, this nutritional supplement is more expensive than the recovery potion. One tube costs 30,000 points, and the second tube costs 35,000 points...


Alliance Labs.

Xie Nian stared blankly at the "experimental data on shiitake mushroom cultivation by chopping flowers" in front of him.

After the last signal capture failed, he has been guarding the "endless" signal receiving end and strengthened the lock on his own signal.

As one of the main developers of the system, he knows the internal logic of the system very well.

For example, the alliance's mall warehouse is divided into many areas. To exchange items through the system mall, the other party needs to briefly connect to the corresponding warehouse area on the alliance's side.

Although the signal generated by each exchange of the other party is very weak, not enough for him to track the other party across too far time or space, he can still catch the tail of the signal and find the corresponding warehouse area in the alliance.

There is also the learning function in the system, which actually cooperates with colleges in different regions of the alliance.

If the other party is just self-study in the learning library, the knowledge storage capacity of the system itself is enough to support it. However, all AI holographic courses are patented by major colleges and are only authorized for use by the system.

In other words, every time the other party uses the AI ​​holographic course, it needs to complete a connection authorization with the corresponding partner college.

This is also a means for major colleges to enrich research data without locking learners’ information.

Precisely because there are no privacy issues involved, major colleges are willing to open their firewalls to allow him to track possible signals in his own name.

It turns out he was on the right track.

The other party's exchange items were relatively simple, basically only connected to the ordinary medical library, and the frequency and signal strength were not large, so it had no reference significance for him.

But the other party's learning signals all pointed to the alliance's largest agricultural research institute...

This is intriguing.

Which galaxy residents will start the agriculture course first after acquiring the system?

Looking at the experimental data that shocked the Agricultural College in front of him, Xie Nian had some guesses in his mind.

Since the development of the alliance, various technologies and civilizations have achieved unprecedented development. However, the depletion of various resources and the proliferation of radiation and energy have caused great changes in the entire alliance environment.

Today's alliance agriculture can only be carried out in artificially developed simulated test fields, and cannot be carried out in a natural environment at all.

An experiment like the "flower-cutting method" that relies entirely on the natural environment to grow shiitake mushrooms cannot be carried out in a simulated experimental field, because the simulated experimental field cannot simulate the mycelium spores existing in the complex mountain forest environment...

The reason why the alliance spent a lot of money to develop "Endless" was because the existence of a different space was discovered in the wooden sign. The most rare thing is that the experimenter detected the environmental data of ancient times from that different space - this is true in many galaxies throughout the alliance. All are unique.

The alliance hoped to find a solution to the alliance environment through "Endless", but unfortunately, it was stolen before it even started.

Xie Nian returned to his thoughts and looked through the experimental data.

The variety of mushroom trees chosen by the other party was the only one he had ever seen in his life. Many of them touched upon his blind spots in knowledge. He also had a PhD in ecology as a minor...

So there is a high probability that these trees are species that have become extinct in the alliance.

Continuing to browse, I found that the other party's data analysis and summary was not profound enough, and it was obvious that it was still in the preliminary research stage.

Xie Nian looked more and more frightened.

With the amount of data she had - tens of thousands of mushroom trees, this... if it were a real forest, how big would it be!

Xie Nian's first reaction was that the other party was faking it.

But the fact is that after research and judgment, the major professors at the college determined the authenticity and reliability of this data and provided feedback on the system.

So, it's true.

Xie Nian had an idea that kept popping up in his mind...

 good night, see you tomorrow

  (End of this chapter)

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