Chapter 23
Jiang Yun's yard is very lively today.

Mrs. Zhou and her two daughters-in-law cut the cleaned kudzu root into small pieces and piled them in a basket. Jiang Yang and Jiang Bai wrapped the cut kudzu root pieces in clean gauze and hammered them in a stone mortar.

A group of villagers watched curiously around, and a woman asked uncertainly: "Yan Niang, is this kudzu root really edible?"

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said, "Whether you can eat it or not, you will know when it is made? Please come and taste it then."

Another woman laughed and said, "Oh, it's rare to see you being so generous, so I can't believe it."

Mrs. Zhou didn't care, and laughed and scolded: "There are kudzu roots all over the mountain. I have something to hide. If you don't believe me, pull it down. Don't let me teach you how to do it later."

The man hurriedly begged for mercy, "Don't, I said the wrong thing, come here, I'll help you cut together, seeing you have so many, when will you have to cut... Qiao Niang, go and get another knife." Then, she rolled up her sleeves and squeezed Zhou Qiao away, and got to work.

Seeing this, other people clamored for help, some for cutting, some for hammering... Once there were more people, Jiang Yun's family ran out of tools, so some people ran back to get them.


When Mr. Su stepped into the courtyard of Jiang Yun's house, he saw such a lively scene.

Mr. Su was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had made a mistake.

After confirming that he had gone right, Mr. Su was a little angry. Jiang Song was still sick, and Liu Su's body also needed to rest. Such noise was really not conducive to the patient's recuperation.

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Yang had already seen him, and quickly put down his hammer to meet him, "Mr. Su, are you back?!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Mr. Su's eyes lit up, "Mr. Su came at the right time. Su Niang said that this is kudzu root, which can be washed and eaten. Do you see it?"

Mr. Su froze for a moment, looked at the ruddy Liu Su, suppressed the doubts in his heart, took the kudzu root handed over by the villagers, and carefully identified it, "This is indeed kudzu root, edible. But the roots of many plants are very similar to , You have to recognize it before digging.”

He didn't say anything about not digging randomly, because he knew how important such an edible plant was to the Jiang family who had a hard life.

What's more, Liu Su took the lead in digging this kudzu root, so there is nothing to worry about.But for the other villagers present, Mr. Su still couldn't help exhorting a few more words.

When Mr. Su opened his mouth, everyone felt certain that they were more serious about learning how to make it.

Jiang Yun and the others also cheered to eat steamed kudzu root, and Mrs. Zhou simply asked Zhou Qiao to bring half a pot to steam it for everyone to taste.

Hearing the noise in the yard, Mr. Su frowned slightly, turned to Jiang Yang and said, "I'll come and see your elder brother."

Regarding Jiang Song who was seriously injured, Mr. Su was actually very worried, but his time to go out to the doctor was basically fixed, and some patients were still waiting for him to go to the follow-up consultation, so he really had to go.

This time I wanted to go back quickly, but I ran into a pregnant woman with dystocia on the road. I was delayed for two days, and I just came back last night. I came to the door early this morning, and saw the noisy scene in the yard.

Jiang Yang originally wanted to ask Mr. Su if these days were going well, but found that Mr. Su seemed a little angry.

Jiang Yang didn't know why, but he didn't speak anymore, and just quietly led Mr. Su to see Jiang Song.

I don't know if it's the effect of the recovery potion, but Jiang Song's recovery speed is extremely fast these days, and his body is getting better every day.

He can now walk a few steps by himself while holding onto the wall, but this morning the family is busy, so he obediently lay on the bed for fear of making trouble.

The moment he saw Jiang Song, Mr. Su was stunned, how could he be angry?
After checking the pulse, it was found that Jiang Song's body was really healed, and even the injury on his leg was also recovering very well.

Mr. Su's first reaction was, "Did you change the prescription?" He was somewhat self-aware of his medical skills and prescriptions.

After Jiang Yang explained, Mr. Su was speechless in a daze.

It's not like he hasn't seen patients suddenly improve in the past years of his practice, but it's the first time he's seen something so outrageous.

Mr. Su asked Jiang Song to take off his clothes again, and examined him carefully. He found that the bruises on his body were healed, and even the scabs had fallen off the wounds scratched by the tiles when he fell.

Mr. Su took Liu Su's pulse again, and found that her pulse was better than Jiang Song's, just like spring on a dead tree...

This...he would believe it if he drank the panacea.

As a doctor, he naturally knew how could there be such a miraculous panacea in this world?It's just that there are differences in the efficacy of different prescriptions, but no matter how good the prescription is, the recovery of the sick body needs to be nourished a little bit.

But the facts were right in front of him, which made him wonder if there was any deviation in the pharmacology he had learned...

Thinking of Liu Su's symptoms before, Mr. Su couldn't help asking: "Do you still have any discomfort?"

Liu Su's fingers tightened, but she didn't show anything on her face. She shook her head with a faint smile, "Thanks to Mr. for so many years."

Mr. Su shook his head and said nothing.

For so many years, Liu Su's illness has been repeated, but his health is getting worse and worse. In fact, he has never figured out Liu Su's cause, let alone prescribe any effective medicine.

So he knew very well that Liu Su's condition had nothing to do with him.


Jiang Miao led Jiang Yun and his children to sit on the porch, each holding a piece of steamed kudzu root and gnawing on it.

The steamed kudzu root tastes pink, with a touch of sweetness, and the key is to fill the stomach!

Five children sat in a row and ate with gusto.

Jiang Yun looked at Mr. Su's lonely leaving figure, turned his head and asked Liu Su who sent Mr. Su out, "Mom, what's wrong with Mr. Su?"

Liu Su touched her head, "Mr. Su is just tired these days."

Jiang Yun nodded earnestly, "Mr. Su has to go around to see people when he is old, it is very hard."

Jin Ba: ... He bet that Mr. Su is definitely not 40 years old.

Liu Su smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Yun looked up at the faint smile on Liu Su's face, feeling distressed for some reason, "Mother, you can eat too."

Liu Su looked at the kudzu root that Jiang Yun handed over, resisted the discomfort and took a bite, chewed carefully and swallowed.

Jiang Yun looked at Liu Su with bright eyes, "Isn't it delicious?!"

"Well, it's delicious."

"That's all for you to eat." He said and stuffed the kudzu root in his hand to Liu Su.

Liu Su looked at the whole kudzu root in her hand: ...

Under Jiang Yun's earnest gaze, Liu Su finally ate the whole piece of kudzu root, and then returned to the kudzu-cutting team as if fleeing.

Jiang Yun took a piece of kudzu root that Jiang Miaoxin brought her, sat down again, and enjoyed the lively scene in the yard.

She couldn't participate in the production in person, but she had to watch the kudzu powder being made with her own eyes.

Looking forward to it...

Jiang Yueshui on the side swallowed the last piece of kudzu root, and said with satisfaction: "It's so delicious... I really hope that I can eat so full every day."

Jiang Yun said with high spirits: "It's definitely possible."

Looking at the villagers in the yard who were actively learning to make kudzu powder, Jiang Yueshan said with some reluctance: "Do you really want to teach them? If they dig up all the kudzu root, will we still have something to eat?"

 See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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