Chapter 231 Dispute

Perhaps Jiang Yun's expression was too confident. Doctor Xu was silent, carefully checked again, and finally said with some hesitation: "...The color is indeed different from ordinary Bazhen Soup, but I can't see it. What else was added?”

Jiang Yun said proudly: "That's natural. This is my husband's secret recipe! It specializes in treating all kinds of internal and external injuries."

Doctor Xu and Cao Jinbao: ... Bazhen Decoction is mainly used to treat deficiency of qi and blood. What medicine can be added to treat internal and external injuries?

But Jiang Yun was also insistent. Just kidding, there is a recovery potion in it. Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't drink it? !

In the eyes of the uninformed Doctor Xu, the child Jiang Yun was completely making trouble unreasonably.

So he just threw up his sleeves and left, leaving behind a sentence, "If you have the ability to get him up to take medicine, then you can feed him!"

Jiang Yun was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Cao Jinbao sighed, "The fever won't go away and I'm unconscious."

Jiang Yun:! ! ! She was only two days late, why...

Cao Jinbao was very anxious now and had no intention of dealing with her, so he advised: "Niang Yun, this is really not a joke. King Yong'an has a special status. If someone does something wrong, we will all be implicated. You'd better not get involved... …”

Jiang Yun: "Uh... His injury seems to have been caused by me accidentally..." It's impossible not to get involved.

Cao Jinbao, Han Zheng:...

And just when Jiang Yun was racking her brains to make them believe in her and let her go in to deliver medicine, her rescuer—Zhao Huan—appeared.

Knowing that Jiang Yun had a way to help Zhao Feng reduce his fever, Zhao Huan took her in without hesitation.

When Dr. Xu heard the news and came over, Jiang Yun had already ordered people to apply cold compresses and wipes on Zhao Feng's body.

"You are all kidding! Your Highness already has a high fever, yet you still use cold water... If you continue to toss like this, if you are infected with the cold again, will His Highness still be alive??" Dr. Xu was so anxious that he lost his mind. If His Highness dies, his days may be over.

Zhao Huan said with a cold face, "When I asked you if there was any way to relieve the fever, you said that you were very inexperienced and could only try your best. Now she... what is your name?"

"Jiang Yun!" Jiang Yun raised his head proudly.

Zhao Huan continued: "Jiang Yun said there is a way to reduce the fever. If I don't let her try it, will she watch her brother wait for death?"

Doctor Xu was embarrassed and annoyed. King Yong'an had a distinguished status. He could not even determine the cause of the sudden fever. Treatment could only be based on experience, so he naturally had to be more conservative in his words.

Doctor Xu: "She is just a yellow-haired girl. She doesn't even know the prescription for Bazhen Decoction. What method does she know to reduce fever?"

Zhao Huan stared at Jiang Yun, "You don't know the prescription of Bazhen Decoction?" Because her brother has been ill for a long time, even she knows the prescription of Bazhen Decoction, but Jiang Yun doesn't know? Does she really know medical skills? If you don't understand, then the way she saved her brother that day...

Just when Zhao Huan was having doubts, Jiang Yun said confidently: "I don't know about Bazhen Tang, because there are specialties in the art! I, I... I specialize in first aid!"

Doctor Xu was so angry that he puffed his beard and stared, thinking that Jiang Yun was playing tricks on him, "What about first aid? I have been practicing medicine for decades and I have never heard of such a medical skill!"

"That's because you are ignorant!" Jiang Yun put his hands on his hips and read out the information that Jinba checked in the space. "There is a saying in "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" - hold him slowly, do not cut the rope, and lay him down on the bed. One person puts his feet on his shoulders, holds his hair with his hands, and does not let the strings bend. Another person presses his hands on his chest and moves it several times. If it is already stiff, it will gradually bend. , and press his abdomen. After a while, the air comes out of the mouth, inhale and open the eyes..."

Jiang Yun was reading to himself, and Doctor Xu's expression changed. Finally, he sighed and his face became a little sad. "A medical book like "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" is not something people like us can read..."

Jiang Yun, who cheated secretly: ...Well, did she cheat?

Just as he was thinking about it, Qingzhu, the attendant of King Yongan, walked out with a look of surprise.

"His Highness seems to have really recovered from his fever!"

Zhao Huan was overjoyed and ran straight into the house. Jiang Yun happily wanted to follow, but Doctor Xu rushed in from her side, leaving her behind.


"It's really gone..." Dr. Xu, who took the pulse, murmured in disbelief. Even Jiang Yun took the opportunity to step forward and give the medicine without noticing. By the time he reacted, half of the medicine in the bamboo tube was already finished.

Only this time, Doctor Xu did not say anything to stop him, but waited for Jiang Yun to finish feeding the medicine.

"I judged people by their appearance earlier. I apologize to you." Dr. Xu bowed his hands and apologized to Jiang Yun.

It actually made Jiang Yun feel guilty and guilty.

After all... half of what she just mentioned was checked by Ba Ba for her, and the other half was corrected by Ba Ba for her.


Maybe Jiang Yun's medicine was delivered in time, or maybe the medicine Jiang Yun brought had miraculous effects.

After Zhao Feng's fever subsided, his overall pulse condition quickly stabilized.

Doctor Xu, shopkeeper Cao and Han Zheng, who were always tense, looked at each other with lingering fear.

It’s great…they’re all still alive.

After they left, Zhao Huan and Jiang Yun were the only two people in Zhao Feng's bedroom, looking at each other.

The two were silent for a while. Zhao Huan pulled his sleeves uncomfortably and whispered: "Thank you."

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Why are you thanking me? Your brother was originally injured because of me... If I hadn't come late, I wouldn't have caused him to have a high fever."

"That's right! My brother said that what happened last time was an accident. You saved him once and it was canceled out. Don't let me trouble you because of what happened last time." Zhao Huan snorted, "I'm not that unreasonable. people!"

Jiang Yun was stunned, then burst into laughter.

Zhao Huan was slightly annoyed, "Why are you laughing?!"

Jiang Yun quickly covered his mouth and said in a vague voice: "I just think you look like our Yueniang, oh, you are my fourth sister. You are both arrogant and cute."

Zhao Huan became even more annoyed, "You are the arrogant little brat! This princess is so heroic and heroic. In the future, she will be a female general and go into battle to kill enemies. You are not allowed to call me cute!"

Jiang Yun pursed his lips and nodded repeatedly, but the smile in his eyes did not fade away at all...

"Why do you want to be a female general? Aren't you a princess? Does a princess still want to go into battle to kill the enemy?" Jiang Yun asked curiously.

Zhao Huan was silent and said in a low voice: "The princess does not have to go into battle to kill the enemy, but she will be sent for marriage at any time."

Jiang Yun blinked, "What is marriage?"

Zhao Huan gave her a disgusted look, "Why don't you understand anything?!"

Has Jiang Yun ever been looked at with such eyes? He suddenly became confused, "It's not that I don't understand anything, I know a lot! It's just that I don't understand what you understand, and you may not understand what I understand! This is called..."

Zhao Huan continued: "There are specializations in medicine! I know, so what you specialize in is medicine? I just heard you say that "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" clearly shows that you are familiar with medical books. How come you don't even know the prescription of Bazhen Decoction? ? Your master only teaches you first aid?"

Jiang Yun felt guilty when it came to "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", but when it came to her specialization, Jiang Yun was very proud, "That's just a hobby of mine. I specialize in agriculture!"

"Ah?" Zhao Huan glanced at Jiang Yun up and down. She thought of many answers, but she didn't expect this one at all.

 good night, see you tomorrow!

  (End of this chapter)

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