Chapter 238: Greedy

Zhuang Jianye is a local merchant in Minzhou. His ancestors had many properties and shops. However, Mr. Zhuang died of illness a few years ago. After the banker inherited it from Zhuang Jianye, he sold off some of his property due to poor management.

Seeing Yuqing County's reputation gradually rising, Minzhou Fucheng and Minzhou Wharf, the state capital, are more lively and prosperous than before.

Zhuang Jianye's heart was burning as he looked at it, thinking about what kind of business to do every day, hoping to make back the previous losses in one fell swoop.

When he learned that Jiang Yang was seriously injured and unconscious, and that the business of the workshop was handled by his grandfather and grandson, Zhuang Jianye felt that his opportunity had come.

When Mrs. Zhou and Jiang Yun set up a stall on the pier, he sent someone to keep an eye on them.

Hearing that they were in the porter business, Zhuang Jianye smiled disdainfully, "So they are short-sighted. The porters on the pier work hard every day. They wish they could break a penny into two flowers. How many things can they buy?"

The subordinate said: "Looking at the stall, it is quite lively, but most of them are selling dry food. They don't really spend much money. Even if they do, a spoonful is only a penny. I'm afraid they won't make as much as those selling steamed buns in a day." "

Zhuang Jianye recalled the taste of the mushroom sauce that Mrs. Zhou had brought for him to try, and said with regret: "What a pity for such a good thing... Let people continue to stare at it! Send someone to find out who is there I took the order from them.”

The subordinate was puzzled: "The dry goods and sauces they sell are all small businesses. Why is the master so optimistic about them?"

Zhuang Jianye: "What do you know! Shiitake mushrooms are not rare here, but they are very rare in the capital! The nobles all like this delicacy. I have received two orders from Jiang Yang before and sent them to the shop in the capital. Do you know what price it was sold for?”

The subordinate shook his head curiously.

"One hundred and sixty cents per catty! Those of slightly different quality can be sold for one hundred and twenty cents."

The subordinate opened his mouth, "I remember their dried mushrooms cost forty cents per catty, right? This..."

Zhuang Jianye said with some pride: "It's a pity that they don't have a caravan, so of course they can only sell it to us at a low price. I heard that they also have the technology to grow shiitake mushrooms... If I have this technology in my hands, I can go directly to the capital to grow it. Even the cost and loss on the road are saved.”

The subordinates now understand why their master cares so much about the old man and the young man.

He has seen Jiang Yang before. Despite his young age, he has a lot of heart. His men are all young and strong men who can fight. He is quite easy to get along with on the dock. Most people really don't attack easily. Later, what happened to Liu About the shopkeeper... I heard that shopkeeper Liu later sent people to sabotage Jiang Yang's workshop, but only one person escaped with one eye blind and was taken away from Minzhou overnight by shopkeeper Liu.

After this incident, who would dare to think about Jiang Yun's workshop?

The main reason is that it's not worth it. They still make money by maintaining the status quo anyway.

But Jiang Yang fell down just like that. Two women and children came, one old and one young. They could figure it out at a glance.

He was kind-hearted and placed an order with them. Naturally, he was anxiously waiting for the Jiang family's workshop to run out of business and then take over easily.

Among them, the one who is bound to win is undoubtedly Zhuang Jianye.

For several days, Zhuang Jianye's men were staring at them on the dock.

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention at first. After all, people were coming and going, and she was busy doing her homework, so she didn't have time to pay attention to them.

It was only after seeing familiar faces several times, and each person avoided her gaze with a guilty conscience, that Jiang Yun began to pay attention.

"Mom, some people have been staring at us on this pier for several days." Jiang Yun held the book and whispered to Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou said calmly: "Twelve, they happen to be the merchants that have not been negotiated." She was not really in a daze.

Those people thought they were acting cautiously, but they didn't know that the people coming and going on the pier had their own purposes and had their own rules for doing things. However, the people they were following did not go to work or go out on the boat, and they had never even bought anything. Don't make it too obvious.

Coupled with the fact that Shopkeeper Liu was there, Mrs. Zhou's mind was completely settled after a few days. "Yun Niang, you said last time that you wanted to promote the flower cutting method. Think about what to do. Grandma supports you. !" Jiang Yun said in surprise: "Really?"

Mrs. Zhou: "Since they don't accept our goods, then we will sell them ourselves. Didn't the county magistrate say that we will allocate shops to the village? We have skills and others have shops, do you really think that we have to rely on them?"


Mrs. Zhou and Jiang Yun set up shop at the dock for a few days, and business was getting better and better day by day, but even so, it was unrealistic to consume all the mushroom sauce in this batch.

The merchants in the dark are waiting for them to come to beg for help when they are desperate. When they put forward conditions, are they afraid that they will not be able to win the workshop?

Just as they were counting the days and looking forward to it, Jiang Yang and Mrs. Zhou packed up the stall and left the dock with Jiang Guazi and the others.

When Zhuang Jianye received the news, he was anxious and angry. Thinking that only five people from Jiang Guazi and the others came this time, Zhuang Jianye's eyes flashed with fierceness, "Send people disguised as bandits to intercept them halfway, and be more ruthless. Be sure to let Zu The two of them were so frightened that they sent someone to guard them on the road. From now on, they would greet them every time they passed by, so that they would not have the guts to run this business again! "


This time down the mountain, in addition to selling things, there was also a purchase task, so when Jiang Yun and the others left, they were pushing two large carts of things, plus a stall, and the group did not walk very fast.

When the people sent by Zhuang Jianye jumped out, they were still some distance away from Yuqing County.

Because of Zhuang Jianye's request, these people rushed up with knives as soon as they came out without saying a word.

Jiang Guazi and the others were surprised that there were rural bandits doing evil on the official road. They were stunned for a moment, then pulled out the machetes on the car and rushed towards them.

But Jiang Yun and Mrs. Zhou saw a few familiar faces in the crowd - those who were watching.

The sight of Xiao Wu and the others lying in a pool of blood, Jiang Yang's unconscious state, the workshop burned to rubble... each scene made me feel heartbroken.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other at the same time. Jiang Yun clenched his fists and was eager to try. Mrs. Zhou raised her head with a cold face.

After getting permission, Jiang Yun turned around and picked up a wooden stick as thick as his arm from nowhere, and rushed forward.

Mrs. Zhou: "Guazi, you all come back."


Zhuang Jianye waited at home for his men to report, imagining Mrs. Zhou and the others crying and frightened, but in the end they were greeted by panicked men and a thug with a bruised nose and face.

"Master, they tied up our people and took them to Yuqing County!"

Zhuang Jianye stood up suddenly, "What! Didn't they only bring five people?" He didn't pay attention to the old and the young at all.

The thug was about to cry but had no tears: "Those five people didn't even take any action! Just that little girl, wielding a big wooden stick, beat me like this while moving back and forth."

In fact, he was the least injured. Because Jiang Yun wanted to keep him back to report the news, he restrained his strength when beating him. Everyone else had a whole row of teeth knocked out, but he was only missing one.

Seeing that Zhuang Jianye didn't believe it, the subordinate next to him said: "I just found out that that girl seems to be Jiang Yang's niece. I heard that the girl is born with supernatural powers and can knock down a tiger with one punch..."

Zhuang Jianye's expression changed, and he kicked over the stool next to him for the last time, "Why did you go to such an important matter and only say it now?"

The people under his command did not dare to say that this news was deliberately concealed. It was obvious that they wanted their master to be the leader and give Jiang Yun a try. If one of his good friends hadn't told him secretly, he might not even know it yet...

 Good night~

  (End of this chapter)

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