How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 256 Keep it secret for now

Chapter 256 Keep it secret for now

Seeing that the scene was quiet, Jiang Yun propped the wooden board he had prepared earlier on the stone and said to the candidates in the field: "There are ten big characters here. Those who I know stand on my left, and those who don't know stand on my right. "

Soon the candidates were divided.

There are only a few people on the left, and most of them are on the right.

Jiang Yun nodded and began to give everyone a headscarf. Each headband had a corresponding number to facilitate identification during the assessment.

Afraid of being dismissed for being illiterate, a middle-aged man with tanned and dry skin asked uneasily: "Isn't it true that you can be good at farming even if you are illiterate? Why do you need to be literate again?"

Jiang Yun looked at his hairband - No. 26.

However, he was not the only one who had this worry, and the scene soon became noisy again.

Jiang Yun did not explain, and directly introduced the selection rules, "This selection assessment is divided into three levels. The first level tests memory, the second level tests patience, and the third level is temporarily kept secret."

Jiang Yun paused and then began to announce the rules of the first level, "In one stick of incense, the candidates standing on the right need to learn to read and write these ten words. From the moment the incense is lit, I will explain to you Three times, if you can correctly identify and write it down after the incense burns out, you will pass."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Why do you do this when you grow shiitake mushrooms? None of them have read books, so asking them to recognize all ten words in such a short period of time does not count, and they have to learn it silently...

Is this intentional to embarrass them? !

It was noisy again below. Jiang Yun glanced at it and put up another board. He said to the candidates on the left: "You need to understand the meaning of this poem within one stick of incense time and recite it. My assistant will also do it." I will teach you three times, and when the incense burns out, you will be able to correctly understand and recite the complete ancient poem."

The candidates on the right were silent for a moment.

Candidates on the left are also confused.

He then heard Jiang Yun say: "This is not to embarrass you, but you will be responsible for the cultivation of mushrooms in the entire village. If you cannot write down what you want to learn quickly and accurately, it will affect the livelihood of your entire village." It was her time that was wasted.

As soon as these words came out, the candidates immediately stopped. As the hope of the whole village, they really could not bear such consequences...

At this time, people on both sides were already silently remembering.

Jiang Yun nodded secretly and signaled to her assistants, brothers Yue Shui and Yue Shan, that it was time to start.

With most of the village watching, Jiang Yun and his two brothers taught carefully while the candidates stumbled along.

After three times, some people have remembered it, while others are still confused.

They didn't dare to ask Jiang Yun anymore, so they turned to the people around them for help.

But among these candidates, people from the same village are the most familiar, but also the most direct competitive relationship, because according to the agreement, only two people from each village can be selected in the end.

Therefore, the more people from the same village they are, the less willing they are to teach others. For example, No. 13 refused the people around him and secretly traced words to review.

of course there are exceptions.

I saw No. 26 squatting on the ground, surrounded by a group of people, watching him trace and read on the ground: "Reading thousands of volumes and writing is like a god."

When he did this, he naturally made those who were unwilling to teach unhappy. No. 13, who was already confident that he could pass the test, stood aside and spoke in a sinister manner, "I thought I was kind. You can help for a while, can you continue to help?" ? Be careful and harm everyone..."

However, contestant No. 26 was lying on the ground and scribbling in such a pious manner that he was not disturbed at all.

The person studying next to him couldn't stand the man who was talking, but he didn't want to argue with him. He simply built a wall to block him with his back.

On the other side - those candidates who are literate but not very literate. When faced with a whole poem, no one is confident that they can remember it all. Fortunately, at the beginning, some of them suggested that everyone divide the work - each person learns a sentence, Finally get it together.

At this moment, they are getting together and teaching each other, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Jiang Yun silently wrote down their numbers and performance on the paper until the incense burned out, and then asked these people to move behind the boulder and write silently next to the wooden pillars that had been prepared.

Everyone rushed to find Mu Dunzi to write silently, fearing that they would forget it a moment later.

Those who finished writing took their paper to the examiner aside to hand in the paper and read it out one by one. These examiners were all students from the school and were temporarily invited by Jiang Yun to help.

Most of them have experienced the resettlement of disaster victims twice, so when facing these elders who are about the same age as their father, brother, and even grandpa, they are neither humble nor overbearing, and show no signs of timidity.

The candidates, on the other hand, stumbled through the reading, and some were so nervous that they were sweating.

Some of the misspellings made the examiner almost laugh.

Jiang Yun silently took notes: Shen Shiyue deducted an article


In the first level, the "illiterate group" on the right was wiped out by more than ten people, and all members of the "literate group" on the left passed the level.

Finding that the examiners did not organize this kind of mutual help, the "illiterate group" began to quietly form an alliance. The most popular was contestant No. 26. Contestant No. 13 was very disdainful of this and once again rejected the invitation to form an alliance.

The second level tested patience. Jiang Yun brought two large baskets of knotted and twisted threads.

"Each person has a piece of twisted thread, comb it neatly, and re-wrap it like this." Jiang Yun raised the neat thread in his hand, "It counts as passing. There is no time limit."

This level takes a long time.

Everyone's knots are random, but they are all difficult to solve.

They need to find the thread in the mess, and then follow its direction and pull it out bit by bit. The longer the thread is, the more difficult it will be to follow up.

Some people become irritated after taking it apart, but they can still tolerate it.

Half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half...

Candidates who had not made any progress began to feel a little unable to hold on. When someone was the first to give up, it became difficult to persist.

Near noon, the last knot was finished.

Eleven were abandoned, and the literacy group was not spared this time either.

There are twelve people left in the illiterate group and six people in the literate group, for a total of eighteen people.

Those who had not passed the test had already left, and there were only a few villagers watching.

Jiang Yun put away the homework in front of him and called to the remaining eighteen people: "Let's go, let's go have a meal first."

When the group arrived at Jiang's house, they saw that tables and chairs had been set up in the yard. On the table were a large bowl of white flour steamed buns, two cans of mushroom sauce, and a large bowl of cabbage. A few slices of meat were faintly visible in the cabbage.

I didn't expect the food to be so good. As soon as I sat down, someone reached for the steamed buns. No. 13 rolled his eyes and followed Jiang Yun and the others. He watched them wash their hands by the ditch and looked down at his dusty hands. , also walked up.

Following his actions, everyone came to their senses and stood up to wash their hands.

Before they could finish washing, No. 13, who finished first, returned to the dining table, picked up a piece of fatty pork and stuffed it into his mouth, then ate half of a white-flour steamed bun in one bite.

When the people behind saw this, they didn't dare to delay. They all washed their hands and went back to grab food.

But there were only two ladles for scooping water, one for each table, so those who were a step behind had to wait in line for the ones in front to finish washing.

By the time the last person finished washing and returned to the table, not only was the meat on the table gone, but the bun basin was also bottomed out.

 Sorry, I'm late because I'm not feeling well today.

  good night, see you tomorrow!

  (End of this chapter)

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