How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 258 Business is hard to do

Chapter 258 Business is hard to do

"Jiang Yun, Zhan Xin'an. The shop's display racks have been drawn according to the measured dimensions and attached to the letter along with the price. If there are no objections, I will find a craftsman to start making them. I have already listed the merchants mentioned in the letter. After a visit, it is clear that there are two companies that are willing to cooperate... there are five companies that need to be considered... six companies that have directly refused... I plan to follow the example of three visits to the thatched cottage and visit again. If there is any progress, I will write to you... Tan "Zi Gu."

Opening Zhao Feng's letter, Jiang Yun nodded with satisfaction. He finally gave up on those lengthy formats. God knows it was the first time she received a letter from Zhao Feng. Most of Zhao Feng's letter was full of useless nonsense.

After unfolding Zhao Feng's letter and placing it on the table, Jiang Yun took out the drawings of the display stand and looked at them for a while, then picked up his pen and started calculating.

This is the division of labor between her and Zhao Feng. Now that it is inconvenient for her to go out often, Zhao Feng is responsible for dealing with the outside world. She is responsible for settling accounts and doing behind-the-scenes support work.

After finishing the calculation and sorting out the data, Jiang Yun picked up his pen and started to reply.

"Tan Zigu, Zhan Xin'an. The display racks in the shop are very beautiful, but the price of the mahogany is a bit too expensive. Our family used to use elm wood to make furniture, and the price is much cheaper than mahogany. I have attached the budget for both types of wood. In the letter, for comparison. I can’t help you with the store at the moment, so I’ll send my regards to Qing Huan.”

After replying to the letter, Jiang Yun rested on the couch for a while and then went to school again.

Now that there are more students in the school, the teacher separates the students of different levels and teaches them in batches. Students with good foundations like Jiang Yun and others have more time for self-study. It's just that my husband has always been strict, but no one dares not to be lazy.

Even Jiang Yun completed his homework obediently before taking out the law and starting to copy it.


After dinner, Jiang Yun locked himself in his room, plunged into the space, and found Teacher Xiyou for class.


In such a quiet and busy day, Jiang Yun ushered in the school's holiday. After spending a morning giving lessons to the selected mushroom cultivation representatives from each village, Jiang Yun finally had half a day of free time and came to the county seat.

Everything went smoothly at the store, except for the negotiation of cooperation with other stores, which has been progressing slowly.

Zhao Feng visited many times, but encountered obstacles one after another. Some even refused to give him a chance to speak.

There was only so much he could say in the letter. Today, Zhao Feng made an appointment with one of the merchants, so Jiang Yun decided to go with him.

Outside the teahouse, Zhao Feng and Jiang Yun looked at each other.

Zhao Feng warned with some uneasiness: "If the situation goes bad later, you can hide behind me."

Jiang Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, no one can bully you as long as I am here."

Zhao Feng twitched his lips in embarrassment, "Let's go, let's wait in the box first."

Jiang Yun shrugged and followed, but he didn't want to wait for an hour.

Jiang Yun's fists clenched loudly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If I can't help but take action later, you should stay back to prevent me from accidentally hurting you."

"After all, it was us who begged them. It's not easy for them to go back to the appointment. It's just a little late. It's better than eating and drinking after coming, not listening to what you said at all, and pretending to be pretentious in the end. He said he wanted to go back and think about it." Zhao Feng calmly took a sip of tea, picked up a lotus-shaped pastry in front of him and started eating, "Well, this lotus pastry is pretty good, better than the one from Chunlai Teahouse on East Street. It’s much more delicious, you should try it too.” He pushed the pastry in front of him toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun:......

Seeing Jiang Yun turning his head angrily and refusing to eat, Zhao Feng reminded: "This is our money..." Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yun had already grabbed a piece and took a bite, as if he would bite the latecomer. Like broken pieces.


Jiang Yun's eyes lit up and he ate two pieces with tea.

Zhao Feng looked at Jiang Yun's bulging cheeks with a smile and silently helped her add tea.

The guard standing by looked at him with his eyes, nose and nose.

After eating two snacks, Jiang Yun's anger was half gone.

The belated merchant pushed open the door. As soon as he entered, he said in an exaggerated tone: "Oh, Mr. Tan Xiaolang, I'm really sorry. The business in my shop is very busy. I'm late. Do you mind? Eh? Today? Why is there an extra little lady?" He glanced meaningfully between Jiang Yun and Zhao Feng and said with an ambiguous smile: "Tan Xiaolangjun is tired of waiting..."

Zhao Feng stood up to greet him and interrupted him with a faint smile: "Boss Zhang is willing to show his appreciation. Zi Gu is already grateful, so why would he mind? It's just that it's getting late now, which will delay Boss Zhang's return home for dinner. "Why don't we get straight to the point and talk about cooperation? This is Jiang Yun, the other manager of our store. I heard that Boss Zhang is very interested in our cooperation and came here to see you."

"Who? Jiang Yun? The one who beats the tiger?" Boss Zhang suddenly retracted his hands.

Jiang Yun raised his eyelids and said with a smile, "Why does Boss Zhang also want to buy a tiger?"

Boss Zhang felt chills running down his back when Jiang Yun saw him, but seeing that Jiang Yun was young, he calmly said: "Haha, no, no, no, I've heard about the famous name for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet the rumored Lady Jiang today. ”

"What a coincidence, isn't it? I have been known to Boss Zhang for a long time. I heard from Brother Zigu that Boss Zhang is very interested in our cooperation, but he has been hesitant. I wonder what is causing Boss Zhang's hesitation? Let's talk about it today, We solved it once."

I don't know why Boss Zhang always felt that when Jiang Yun said the three words "solved", his eyes seemed to have murderous intent.

But the impeccable smile on Jiang Yun's face seemed to tell him that it was an illusion.

Zhao Feng did not expect that this meeting would have such a turn.

This is okay, lest Boss Zhang anger Jiang Yun by being careless about life and death.

So Zhao Feng tried to smooth things over, asked Boss Zhang to sit down with a smile, and refilled the tea with his own hands.

The guard on the side continued to watch his eyes, nose and heart.

Boss Zhang took a sip of tea and calmed down. He remembered that these two young men wanted to discuss business with him, and straightened up again, "Since Miss Jiang is so sincere, I will just say it." , The price that Mr. Tan Xiaolang said before is really too low. I have never sold to others at such a low price. If this spreads out, it will be difficult for me to do business in the future! "

Jiang Yun and Zhao Feng looked at each other. He had said these words before when they met, but no matter how Zhao Feng analyzed them, he couldn't listen.

The two exchanged glances, and Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Boss Zhang, you are older and your memory should be better than ours. Brother Gu has discussed this matter with you twice, and the price has been raised by half. Since you don't If you are satisfied, why don’t you just give us a satisfactory price? If it works, then forget about it. You can’t let us pay you to sell the goods for you, right?”

 Kavin came late, I will try to come early tomorrow.

  See you tomorrow good night.

  (End of this chapter)

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