How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 260: Relying on the sky for food and the earth for food

Chapter 260: Relying on the sky for food and the earth for food

Yuqing County.

The anxious Zhao Feng pursed his lips tightly and looked at the crossed-out list of candidates on the table without speaking for a long time.

Tan Ze, who was specially sent to follow Zhao Feng out, felt very distressed in his eyes.

His prince was supposed to be the most noble prince in the Kang Kingdom. Now he was not only "exiled" to the wild south, but he also had to lower his status to engage in business in order to make a living...

Seeing Zhao Feng unable to do anything, he even thought - this is good, if it doesn't work, maybe he can make the prince give up. With the Duke here, can he save the prince's food and clothing expenses?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Zhao Feng suddenly say: "Tan Ze, find a few people to check where the goods from these shops are collected from, what is the unit price, and whether there is any surplus."

Tan Ze found the list handed over by Zhao Feng, and saw that it listed the same shops that he had rejected at the beginning.

"Your Highness is going to..."

Zhao Feng sighed, "If we can't reach an agreement with the shops, we can only think of ways to deal with their supply of goods."

There is no other way around this. After all, if you can cooperate with a store, all their products will have their own reputation, and it will be easier for customers to buy them.

But if they find the source of goods themselves, not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive, their competitiveness will be much weaker in front of other time-honored brands.

But now, they have no choice.

Zhao Feng sighed and began to write a letter to Jiang Yun, informing him of his considerations one by one, and asking what she meant by the way.

At this time, Jiang Yun stood under the loquat forest in Dongdu Village, watching the villagers pick bunches of golden and plump loquats, carefully put them in bamboo baskets covered with straw, and then put them on the ground one by one. Pick away...

The head of Dongdu Village accompanied him anxiously, not knowing what Jiang Yun meant.

Until Jiang Yun asked: "Did someone order the loquats you pick now?"

The village chief said quickly: "No, the merchants who come here won't place too many orders at one time. It's just that it's going to rain in the next few days. If you don't pick the ripe ones quickly, the fruits will fall when it rains."

Jiang Yun nodded and asked again: "Then what you pick and can't sell are used to make cans?"

Seeing Jiang Yun's interest, the village chief explained in detail, "Canned food is difficult to transport, and merchants don't like to buy it, so we just make some and sell them at a stall in the city, and keep the rest for ourselves. The main thing is to dry the fruit and boil it into loquat paste. The dried fruit is more durable and can be sold in the streets. But if it rains for several days, the dried fruit may not be dried, so it will have to be boiled. Loquat ointment, loquat ointment shops and pharmacies will collect some.”

Jiang Yun: "You dry the dried fruits yourself?"

The village chief sighed and said: "Yes, merchants will come to pick out the dried ones from each store. They are not willing to take anything that is not clean at all. Even if they want it, it is very cheap. But each of us puts the dried ones outside. How can there be no ashes? It’s better to use Miss Jiang’s workshop to dry the fresh mushrooms together, which saves trouble and doesn’t have to worry about the weather.”

Jiang Yun did not explain that drying mushrooms in the workshop also required many steps, but asked the village chief to take her to see how they dried the fruits.

The village chief led Jiang Yun to his house, "Our village actually has a drying ground, but there are so many people in the village, so there are always conflicts at the drying ground - which family takes up more space, and which family takes away other people's fruits?" The dried fruit was dirty, someone’s dried fruit was short... we kept arguing, and then we all went back to dry them, and that’s when it stopped.”

Jiang Yun nodded. No wonder there were so many fruits to be dried in their village but no one had a workshop. Not to mention who would bear the initial investment and risks. Even if it was really built, the owner would quarrel today and the west family would quarrel tomorrow.

Just comparing the production and sales of loquats in their village, many loquats are left over for various reasons every year, and I can't eat them all. In the end, they can only be used to feed poultry, which is really a pity...

After Jiang Yun learned about it, he had a good idea.

The village chief accompanied Jiang Yun around in this circle, and he had some ideas in his mind. Suppressing the suspicion in his heart, the village chief of Dongdu Village could not help but caress his chest with a trembling hand, and heard Jiang Yun say: "If I provide a workshop for you, your people can transport the fruit there. Do you need to peel and core them and send them to the oven?”

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, the village chief said hurriedly: "Yes, of course, how much does Miss Jiang want? I'll find someone to send it to you soon!"

"Don't get excited yet. You have to give me the price and the amount that can be picked. I have to go back and calculate it first, and then discuss it with my companions. There will be no news until tomorrow at the earliest."

Seeing the disappointed look on the village chief's face, Jiang Yun felt a little complicated, but he didn't agree to anything casually. He just took a handful of soil with him before leaving.

On the way back, I asked Jinba to help me measure the pH of the soil using instruments in the space.

As expected, the mountain soil in Dongdu Village is acidic soil - well-drained and rich in humus, which is very suitable for the growth of loquat trees.

However, this kind of land generally has low nutrient availability. If appropriate improvement is not carried out, it will have a great impact on food production, so there is very little land for growing food in Dongdu Village.

Jiang Yun briefly estimated the output of those fields and the population of Dongdu Village. I am afraid that there will not be much food left in those fields after paying the Ding tax and field tax every year.

The whole village's annual livelihood is estimated to depend on these loquat fruit trees all over the mountain.

The loquats in Dongdu Village are really good, but the roads in the mountains are not smooth and transportation is inconvenient. Those merchants are willing to come to harvest, and the villagers are grateful. Therefore, not only the price is low, but they are also very selective.

In a year of good weather, the fruit trees all over the mountain can ensure the food, clothing and stability of the whole village. If there are some natural disasters - like last year's drought and water shortage, the loquat production will be greatly reduced, and the villagers will live a very difficult life.

It’s no wonder that the head of Dongdu Village is afraid that Jiang Yun will not teach them how to grow mushrooms if Jiang Yun is unhappy. If there is such an additional livelihood, the life of the villagers will be much easier!

Thinking about what happened in Dongdu Village, Jiang Yun felt very uncomfortable during the whole journey. When he got home, he didn't have a smile on his face. He said hello to his family and then went inside to write a letter to Zhao Feng.

The Jiang family looked at Jiang Yun's back and exchanged glances with each other, and finally pushed Jiang Yueshan out to give her some snacks.

Jiang Yueshan, who had been entrusted with the important task, knocked on Jiang Yun's door with some snacks and honey. Jiang Yun, who was writing a letter at his desk, said without raising his head: "Put it on the table. I'll finish my work and eat it myself."

Jiang Yueshan put the snacks aside and asked with a smile: "Sister, why did you go to Dongdu Village today? Why did you come back so late?"

Jiang Yun continued without raising his head: "There are loquats from Dongdu Village in the basket at the door. Go get some for yourself. I'm busy."

If it were Jiang Yueshui, he would have obediently agreed and gone out now, but Jiang Yueshan was so thick-skinned!

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Yueshan stepped forward with a smile still on his face, "Sister, what are you writing? Can I read it?"

Jiang Yun finally raised his head and glanced at Jiang Yueshan, "You have nothing to do now, right? Just in time, come and help me settle this account."

Saying that, he pulled Jiang Yueshan over without refusal, pointed to the simple form drawn on the paper and said: "See, this is the unit price, this is the quantity, and this is the corresponding loss. According to the several situations I estimated, you can help me first. I’ll figure these out, and I’ll add the other expenses later.”

Jiang Yueshan:......

 Not late today~


  (End of this chapter)

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