Chapter 207
Today there are no more refugees squatting on the ground to eat.

Everyone in Peach Blossom Village can find their own place under the Peach Blossom Tree.

When the east wind blows, the peach blossom petals fall fragrantly, Sun Dazhuang suddenly raised his head, pursed his lips, "There is no wine today, let's bury some peach blossom wine under the tree in a while, and when the young master comes back, we will return the gift." gone."

Everyone at the table followed suit.

"It's time to thank you, he saved our lives."

"That jug of wine is not enough. We have so many peach blossoms, and it is fifty or sixty jars. Don't let the young master come back to see what we have lived. It's not good-looking!"


Jiang Yueying ate and listened, the corners of her mouth were full of joy, she couldn't hide her pride.

She decided to write two letters when she returned home today, one to Yanjing's grandfather.

Jiang He seldom talked about his accomplishments outside, he only asked how his grandmother was doing, and his younger sisters at home were still sensible.

So this time, she taught these common people verbatim, let her old man know what Jiang He has done here, and let her take the letter to talk to those marquises and countesses. show off go.

Also let them see that her family is not only powerful, but also has such an excellent grandson.

Another letter was written to Jiang He.

After hearing so many voices from the young master, she really missed her little brother.

It would be great if he was here today, then he could see with his own eyes how comfortable these refugees who he was able to withstand the infamy and save are now living.

He could also hear with his own ears how these people thanked him as a great hero.

"Oh? Why is the princess crying? Is there a dish that is too unpalatable?"

Sitting at the table with Shi Zifei was Zhu Wuliu's family members, each of whom was eating with trepidation, but when they heard what Sun Peifang said, they were so frightened that they dropped their chopsticks.

Jiang Yueying hastily wiped away her tears, and said, "It's okay, I just miss my family a little bit. I don't know if my grandmother's house is good, and I don't know if my brother is doing well at the border."

The border, that is such a strange place, people who have never been to them don't even know how long it takes to ride a horse.

Every time I hear this name, I feel that the place is far away, but now, my mood has changed.

Tianbao left, and the place he went was farther than the border, so far away, but their hearts seemed to be connected all the time.

But in fact, it was indeed the case, let's say that the letters and gifts he sent back were all turned into hillocks on the kang.

Sun Peifang is the only one in the family who doesn't know many words, but when she heard the children read the letter to her word by word, she felt warm and happy.

"Young Master is blessed with the same blessings as the heavens, so he must be safe and sound."

Sun Peifang had to admit that she had selfish intentions in saying this, the young master must be safe even if he is not safe, and only when he is safe can Tianbao be safe.


Zhou Man was very familiar with this sound, and instinctively looked at his sister.

Then, following her sister's eyes, she looked towards the entrance of the village.

"Bada", the braised pork in his mouth fell off.


Zhu Wuliu took a sip of water, and just wanted to persuade Jiang Yueying not to eat this bacon, it was so salty that it would kill her, but before she could speak, she was stunned.

Is it the son of the world?

Take a closer look, oh my god, it's really the son of the world.

The arena once again cheered up.

They swear, they really don't know what day it is, isn't it a rare day in Taohua Village?How come two nobles have been ushered in one after another, and they belong to the same family.

"Xiaomin has met the son of the world." Zhu Wuliu wiped his mouth hurriedly, as the head of the village, he had to get up first to show everyone.

"I don't know that the son of the world will come, and some will welcome him far away, and some will welcome him far away."

Li Chengqi didn't look at anyone, looked down at Jiang Yueying who was pouting all day from a distance, waved his hands and said: "It's okay, I just came to pick up the princess back to the mansion, tell everyone to continue eating, there is no need to salute."

How about that.

Let's talk about it, if we really did that, wouldn't your eyes hurt after looking at it?

Zhu Wuliu turned sideways to pass, only to see Li Chengqi swallowed slightly while looking at the food on the table, and said with embarrassment: "The carriage is at the entrance of the village, eat slowly, I'll wait for you outside."

Turn around, take a cool step, and walk to three steps, no one persuades to stop.


"Since we're here, why don't we eat together? Does Taohua Village still need a pair of bowls and chopsticks for you?"

Jiang Yueying had already seen that this person was waiting to be hungry, and she still wanted to pretend to be here. If she didn't say anything, it would be possible that he would go home hungry.

What is there to eat at that place.

"No need."

The master didn't even open his mouth, how embarrassed Li Chengqi was.

Zhu Wuliu hurriedly stepped forward and said: "What the princess said is that there are newly bought bowls and chopsticks in the small private house. If your son doesn't mind the simple food, let's eat together."

Jiang Yueying also cast her gaze: Don't show off here, if you are told to sit down, sit down quickly.

At this moment, Cuiyun's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly stood up beside Jiang Yueying.

God, open your eyes, it's definitely not that she doesn't know the rules and insists on sitting down, it's the Shizi Concubine who said that she has fun with the people, and today is a lot of honor.

"Master, you sit next to the concubine, and the servants go and squat under the tree roots."

Li Chengqi put it away when he was ready, helped Zhu Wuliu up, and walked quickly to Jiang Yueying's side. It was Sun Peifang who refilled the meal, and Zhou Man brought the chopsticks.

Embarrassed, he began to chew and swallow slowly.

This encounter ended, and the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding continued to resound in the yard.


As the days went by and the moon came, Li Chengqi's carriage drove away on the village road under the welcome of the Taohua Village group.

In the carriage, Jiang Yueying patted her chubby belly quite contentedly, and said happily: "This kid really likes you, and he likes to eat Youzhou cuisine, which made me almost lose my face again today, and actually ate it." Two big plates of dumplings."

Li Chengqi was very proud of the fact that the child could be like himself, and pampered Jiang Yueying's nose, "How do you say 'almost'?"

"Naturally, it means not to be ashamed." Jiang Yueying said confidently, "The villagers are simple and friendly, and I feel very comfortable staying there, and that lady Sun Xiu also said that a woman is pregnant and can eat It's a blessing, after the child is born, he will also be a little strong man, but... well, it's good to have a fixed amount of time."

"Unexpectedly, you think highly of them every time."

Of course, even if she didn't believe her own vision, she would still believe in Jiang He.

It's just a pity.

"Which point?"

Jiang Yueying sighed: "That Zhou Huanquilt, I like her very much, I really hope she can enter my cousin's yard.

It's a pity that she wasn't born in the royal family, nor was she from a wealthy family with great fortune, so Jiang He's tone didn't mean anything to Jiang He. What's more, she even said that she was too young and never thought of getting married.Hey - she must not be my younger sibling. "

(End of this chapter)

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