Chapter 211

The matter of digging wild vegetables is just for fun. It is impossible for you to expect it to be delicious. At most, it can be dipped in pickles to add some flavor to your mouth.

However, in this ancient times, these things have become fun things in Zhou Huan's eyes.

This is absolutely pure green organic food.

There is no chemical fertilizer, and the land is also zero-polluted. You can just wash this dish with water twice and chew it directly. The taste is very fresh.


Hearing someone shouting from the bottom of the mountain, Zhou Huan supported his waist and was about to turn around to have a look.

I only felt that "click" in the waist, something bad happened.

It's been a while, huh?

The little friends who were digging hard at the front heard that people were still calling at the bottom of the mountain, and looked back wonderingly, Zhaodi said, "Huanhuan, it seems that my grandma is calling you."

Turning around, "Ah—" cried out.

"Huanhuan, what's wrong with you?"

Throwing away the knife and hoe in their hands, Zhaodi and his group hurried to Zhou Huan, reaching out to help him.

"Don't move, don't move me, don't move me." Tears filled the corners of his eyes, but fell down in a flash.

For the first time in his life, Zhou Huan didn't even dare to cry.

How can you twist your waist when you are a teenager? This is unscientific. Could it be that the body in ancient times has become so weak?

Or because she broke the system of her end-of-life system.


"Huanhuan, please bear with it."

Zhaodi stood up and shouted down: "Grandma—Huanhuan is sprained, Grandma—"

Ever since Mrs. Jin was scrubbing people in the bathtub, her ears were not as sensitive as before.

That place is full of water vapor, and I feel like my ears have water in my ears every day.

At this moment, she clearly saw the eldest granddaughter on the top of the mountain waving at her, gesticulating and waving, but she didn't know what she was talking about.

The old lady Jin thought to herself: What?Addictive to digging vegetables?Don't even eat meat at home?
On the top of the hill, it hurts even when Zhou Huan squats down, and it hurts even when she moves to the east. If she is asked to get up and walk down this hill, she will probably die of pain.

Zhaodi doesn't care about Sanqi 21 anymore, as the big sister here except Zhou Huan, she has to take on the responsibility of a big sister.

"Come on, Huanhuan, I'll carry you on my back."


But she has eaten a lot recently, she is very heavy.

Hi!If I had known today, she would not eat so much.


Zhaodi rolled up her sleeves, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'll carry you, no matter how heavy you are, can you still be a bitch? Come on, sisters, help her up too."

Just like that, Zhou Huan was pushed from behind, pulled from the front, and was slowly helped onto Zhaodi's back.

"Ouch... ouch..."

Zhao Di was already walking very slowly and carefully, but Zhou Huan's waist was like thousands of silver needles pricking it at the same time, a little force would cause eternal pain.

Several children formed a circle around Zhaodi, as if they had become flower protectors.

This time, Mrs. Jin saw it, slapped her thigh and said badly, why is the child still injured.

Hey, I thought I was as capable as her or not, I thought that taking advantage would not bring disadvantages, right?

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet, everything in her life, Jing Osmanthus, is not going well, let alone this teenage girl.

Stepping forward to pick him up, Zhaodi shook her head in a desperate mood, meaning that she can't do it now, one is that Zhou Huan can't move, and the other is that everything needs to be done quickly, if Zhou Huan is let go now, then she will think about her back But it is difficult.

Just like that, many people surrounded him, and Zhou Huan was sent home safe and sound.

After this incident, the whole family was terrified, and Sun Peifang immediately sent Zhu Wuliu to look for Wu Youren in the county.

Here, she quickly fetched water and wrung out a veil for Zhou Huan.

All the way back, Zhou Huan's forehead was dripping with sweat.

The same is true for Zhao Di, who is so tired that she has to drink water quickly.

If the waist is broken, it is no small matter. The waist connects up and down. If it is serious, the lower body will not be able to walk, and it will be over for a lifetime.

Sun Peifang couldn't help but think of those people in wheelchairs that she saw before. They were dressed decently, but it was difficult to go to the toilet behind their backs.

Very poor.

If Zhou Huan did the same...

Sun Peifang covered her eyes and turned her back and twitched twice: How should she explain to her eldest sister, how can she be worthy of her elder sister's care for her in the past.

She regretted it so much, she shouldn't let Huan Huan busy every day, because of Zhou Huan's ability, sometimes she accidentally forgets that Zhou Huan is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boudoir girl.

She treated Xi Bao and Yuan Bao like a child, so why did she ignore Zhou Huan.


After hearing this call, Sun Peifang wiped away her tears and turned around, lying on the bedside as if nothing happened to listen to Zhou Huan.

"Auntie, I'm thirsty."

"Auntie will pour water for you now."

While pouring water, she also thought about it. From tonight, she will sleep with Zhou Huan and take care of her non-stop.

What business, what business, don't care what you are doing, the most important thing is that the family is in good health.

Business, buying and selling, those are things outside the body, don't be afraid.

If the people in the village have objections, she will carry them. If they dare to confront her, she will stop doing it.

But thinking about it this way, Sun Peifang has no chance to get tough.

Because, when the villagers heard that Zhou Huan was ill, they all stopped their work, did not make clothes, and did not clean up the bathing pool.

All of them are there, gather in the yard of Zhu Wuliu's family.

Zhou Man was sweating profusely from running. More than an hour ago, he was still helping with the inscription in the Peach Blossom Embroidery Workshop, which was to be embroidered on when making sachets for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Without his writing, those people would not know what to embroider.

"elder sister!"

As soon as he entered the room, he went straight to the head of the kang, and knelt down beside the bed with a puff.

At this time, Zhou Huan was much more comfortable, not because of the pain, but because Sun Peifang burned the kang outside, her back was roasted like this, and she was very relaxed.

If you don't move, it won't hurt.

"Xiao Man, how many times have my sister told you that the man is at your knees."

"Yes, yes, the man has gold under his knees, and my younger brother knows it.

Sister, do you feel any discomfort? Can your waist still move? Do your legs feel intuitive?Where are the feet? "

Sun Peifang pulled the person away and said, "Your uncle has already gone to see Master Wu, come over to show your sister later, don't worry, if something happens,,, aunt will take care of your sister for the rest of her life."

Choked up and said, Zhou Huan covered his head while comforting Sun Peifang, while looking at the dark figure by the window.

Along with the noisy voice, it got closer and closer.

"Where's Boss Zhou? This is my family's ginseng beard. Don't look at it as a beard. It's very strong after soaking in wine."

"Sister-in-law, how is sister Huan? I'll give her two abductees now, and she will be fine in exchange for my sister's blessing and life."

"Nephew, wait for Uncle Dawang to go up the mountain to catch pheasants for you to make up for. It's a good thing. You drink it for a few days, and you're guaranteed to jump higher than a rabbit."

(End of this chapter)

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