Chapter 223 Tired and Tired
"Get out of the house, build a house, and take a walk on the grassland of the family. Let's make a couplet, little brother."

Hu Youshan smiled softly, and after finishing speaking, everyone responded: "You are right, the upper line is here, what is the second line! We are all waiting."

Sun Xingde was sweating on the tip of his forehead, unable to speak, his eyes went straight to the top of Zhu Wuliu's head.

Hu Youshan on the opposite side saw that the person didn't answer for a long time, so he just lowered his head and gritted his teeth, and said with a smile: "Then listen to this sentence, it's very simple, the last sentence is Shilu Zhongjun's business, please tell me, little brother, what should I answer next sentence?" ah?"

In fact, there is no need to ask, he would never know this person.

After all, he is a boy with little talent and learning, and he knows nonsense when he opens his mouth.

Hu Youshan's original intention was to let them have a long memory, nothing else, if they were exposed because of their shortcomings, it was a hole they dug themselves, and they were willing to show their shortcomings.

It's okay with him.

After some bitter words, Hu Youshan snorted and said: "The people in the bodyguard bureau are all out to go to the rivers and lakes. They can't even memorize "Taiping Diao" when they go to the rivers and lakes. I'm afraid the little brother has never been on the road."

You know I know, it's the truth.

If you put everyone's nose on everyone's nose and give people a high look at you, you must have real skills.

Hu Youshan stopped talking, and waited quietly for Sun Xingde to lose control.

But Sun Xingde still insisted on it. He admitted that they had never been on the road before, but who can guarantee that the newly opened escort agency will receive big orders?

Their temple is small, so they can only walk around the county town at present, can't they?
"Yes! Very good." Hu Youshan gave a thumbs up, "The customers don't matter how big or small the transactions are. Dare I ask you brothers, what kind of business do you all do? Is it tea bricks and porcelain? Or agricultural grain? Or wine, meat and jade? No, we all admire what you say."

"Yes, let's talk about it."

"Let us learn a lot, we are all peasants, we are not as rich and powerful as your family."

"Eh? I see that your bodyguard bureau hasn't even been out of the village, maybe it's just sending baskets of eggs to neighbors and fish to the street, hahahahahaha..."


This mouth is not condescending, Sun Xingde only hated the iron gate in front of him blocking his prehistoric power, otherwise he would have to go up and tear their mouths off.

But he didn't know that the family members on his side were already furious.

Not at the prisoners, but at him, mad at him for being so ostentatious.

Sun Xingwang dragged the man back and pushed him to the base of the wall, pointing to his nose and scolding: "Where did you come from, your mouth and brain can't compete with others, you are going to do it, don't you look at what this is place!"

Sun Xingde refused to accept it, but it was just a prison cell, just a group of prisoners, what could be done.

What's more, what he said is true, why not.

"You're so flamboyant before our Escort Bureau starts, I'm afraid you won't know how to die when you walk on the road in the future!"

After Sun Xingwang reprimanded Sun Xingde, Fang wanted to turn his head to make amends with the others, but he heard the people on the ground say in a drawn-out voice, "There is no escort agency anymore."

But they got it wrong?
Sun Xingwang helped Zhu Wuliu up. After sitting on the ground for a long time, his legs and waist are not good. Zhu Wuliu has been fed well by Sun Peifang these days, and there are a few lumps of fat around his waist. When Xingwang was in a daze, he suddenly dragged people and fell to the side.

"Brother Zhu, what do you mean no more? Why is there no more?"

It's over before it even started?
This must have been angered by Sun Xingde. Sun Xingwang turned around and slapped Sun Xingde's head, "You are a fool! Apologize to Big Brother Zhu!"

"Brother Zhu, Chief, please forgive me, I'm just being outspoken, I'm just angry but they look down on us, I-"

Before anyone could finish speaking, Zhu Wuliu patted his buttocks and waved his hands.

It's none of your business, it's something he's thought up and approved of, and it's definitely not shaken by a few words from you.

In other words, he didn't hear what you two brothers said to the outsiders just now, and what was right, he was still immersed in his own confession.

He regretted it, what he regretted was that he was impulsive and did not do what he could, and was picked up by these brothers to open the escort agency.

In a daze, he was caught and taken to prison.

What time is this, is it midnight, why is his mentality so broken.

After he came in, he kept silent, and the only thing he heard was that from a stranger: You are so good at running an escort agency, why it has been so long, and the black and white brothers haven't come to redeem you.

Listen, these words are so heartbreaking, just as heartbreaking as what his niece said.

What does Zhu Wuliu have?

Apart from a capable and virtuous wife and a niece with a lot of money in his hands, he is nothing but himself.

What qualifications does he have to open an escort agency? According to his father-in-law, he is far behind.

"Brother Hu, the younger brothers offended me just now, please don't take offense."

First, either Hu Youshan was in the dark or Zhu Wuliu was behind his back. The two had a lot of conversations but they were always invisible.

Right now, when the starlight shines and the wall lights flicker, Hu Youshan can see clearly the head of Taohua Village in front of him.

He doesn't look like a person who does big things, but fortunately he still has a bit of composure, not like the Sun Xingde just now who is ostentatious and annoying.

Regardless of whether he is a village head or not, Hu Youshan can act with etiquette to such well-spoken people.

He cupped his hands and didn't speak again.

After Zhu Wuliu on the other end apologized, he turned around and gave Sun Xingde a look, which means, be more peaceful, sit, wait for the county magistrate to come back to open the court, save all your energy, if you have grievances, grievances, and abilities, you will Go there and talk.

Don't make a fool of yourself here, a mouse-carrying thing in a hole.

After Zhu Wuliu scolded him in such a low voice, Sun Xingde really calmed down a lot.

It’s okay for him not to stop or restless. He has already got back the letter of commitment from Zhou Huan, and he was very chic when he left. Eating out.

If the Escort is gone, how can he say these words.

If the Escort is gone, then can he still lick his face and rejoice.

To be honest, Xishuashua has made a lot of money, isn't he willing to come out for the martial arts dream in his heart...

Sun Xingde didn't dare to disturb Zhu Wuliu any more, he just quietly approached his brother to show his affection.

Sun Xingwang didn't want to pay attention, turned over and would rather face the wall than him.

The unflattering Sun Xingde slapped himself, or else his mother Dan Dan would always remind him that trouble comes from his mouth.

But he didn't speak, it doesn't mean others don't speak either.

Not everyone in this prison was arrested because they were wronged, and many of them were real thieves.

This kind of person has a dirty mouth.

"At first glance, I thought it was a tiger, but when I walked in, I thought it was a cat. After a closer look! It turned out to be a nest of rats hahahahahaha."

Harsh laughter came, and Zhu Wuliu settled down like an old monk sitting on a bell.

Sun Xingwang didn't like to talk to him, but Sun Xingde didn't dare to talk to him.

The three of them had their own concerns, and none of them was free.

I just heard the other side say again: "People from Taohua Village, let me ask you, have you ever seen the concubine Shizi? The daughter-in-law of King You? Is she good-looking? Is the skin tender? Is the butt big? Hahahaha, come on! Tell me, I'm happy, and when I go out, I'll say something nice to you and the county lord."


(End of this chapter)

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