Chapter 227 Put it back
"The child's father."

Sure enough, the three tired figures in the corridor were really Zhu Wuliu and the others.

"Sister-in-law not asleep?" Sun Xingwang asked, turned to look at Zhu Wuliu, "Sister-in-law must be thinking about elder brother, we don't lock the door, leave the light for elder brother, elder brother go to accompany sister-in-law."

Zhu Wuliu waved his hand, "No need, you sleep in your bed, it's only a few hours, we'll go back to the village at dawn.

I'll make a bed in their house tonight, so don't worry about me. "

A few people were frightened and angry for a whole day. At this time, they looked like they were falling apart, and they didn't want to talk too much, so they followed Zhu Wuliu's arrangement.

Back in his house, Zhu Wuliu went straight to the closet to pick up the mattress and quilt and came out. He had lived in the inn like this before, and he was already familiar with this job.

Sun Peifang knew that he was tired, so she tidied up the cheats for him, and without interjecting, she saw that his eyelids were as thick as lard.

Very consciously helped him settle down.

Zhu Wuliu was not sleepy, he was just tired. He was very tired from being chased by bulls all day, sitting in prison was very tired, and talking to other dignitaries was even more tiring.

But Zhu Wuliu had to say some things, even if he wanted to offend others.

In the darkness, the fat man on the ground turned over, and tears from his left eye flowed into his right eye.

The nose is murmuring, and it sounds like a big wronged.

The two of them on the bed looked at each other, Sun Peifang shook her head, the man did not flick his tears easily, we should not know when we flicked.

Looking back on this little half of his life, Zhu Wuliu felt that he was unfortunate, but also lucky.

It depends on who you compare it to.

Compared with the above, it is insufficient, but compared with the bottom, it is more than enough.

Li Chengqi took the three of them into the left side hall of the yamen, which was on the left side, and he said that ordinary people could not enter.

They were able to go in mostly because of Li Chengqi's status.

Before going in, Zhu Huaiyu reminded him to answer everything truthfully, and not to hide what he had to say. At that time, Zhu Wuliu was surprised, what could the Shizi ask them, and what did the ordinary people have to hide.

After entering, it suddenly became clear that the matter had nothing to do with them, but as witnesses, they had to tell the whole story of what the yamen servant said to them today and what happened in the county yamen.

This matter is actually very simple.

What made him uncomfortable was the second half of the interrogation, when it was coming to an end, Li Chengqi dismissed Sun Xingwang and Sun Xingde first, leaving him alone, and inquired about the business of Xishuashua and Taohua Embroidery.

The question was very detailed.

As usual, Zhu Wuliu would definitely not tell the truth, just listen, no one would ask Xishuashua and Taohua Embroidery about the inside news as soon as they come up, how many orders can be received every day, and the craftsmanship of the embroiderer How, whoever hears these words will feel better.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like the opponent has come to inquire about the enemy's situation.

But there is no way, as Zhu Huaiyu reminded, you have to speak carefully and report truthfully.

Zhu Wuliu was very distressed, he had already made Zhou Huan unhappy, and this time he might become the public enemy of the whole village.

After six o'clock in the morning, Zhou Huan and Sun Peifang were more energetic than each other. Only Zhu Wuliu, who had dark circles under his eyes before going to bed last night, was still the same this morning.

On the way back, Sun Dazhuang took the initiative to lead the team, driving a mule and taking a few people on the road.

Finally out of the sea of ​​suffering, Sun Xingde heaved a sigh of relief, and grinned, which was very different from Zhu Wuliu's state.

Sun Peifang said: "What did my son tell you yesterday?"

It was just chatting and nothing else, Sun Peifang suddenly felt that Zhu Wuliu's eyes flashed suddenly.

Sun Xingde said with a smile: "If you say that the son of the world is worthy of being a member of the official family, his aura and posture are different from the dog officials below, and also different from us ordinary people. By the way, it is the same as wearing casual clothes that day. It's not the same when we eat.

There is such a little concern in the majesty, which makes you awe and heart-warming.

Yesterday, the eldest son showed us a seat, and he took good care of our villagers. "

Most importantly, Sun Xingde felt that Li Chengqi didn't forget about having dinner with them, everyone remembered it clearly, and it was this incident that made them look up and behave in prison, and he immediately liked it.

"If you tell me what you ask, just say it quickly, and what are you doing with those useless things?"

Sun Xingde was in a good mood, no matter how frightened Sun Peifang was, he grinned all the time, "What else can we say, just ask why we were arrested, what did the county government say after we were arrested, and what did we say in prison? that's it.

Hey, it’s better than not knowing, our Qingmen County is not a big place, and the location is just so-so, but there is a good county magistrate to cover the difference. "

Sun Xingde couldn't even imagine that the wealthy people in Rongyuan County actually suffered more than ordinary people.

The county magistrate in Rongyuan is even worse than the one in Fengtai County before.

I have never seen such a black-hearted person like him, who would not only talk about fish and meat, but also take it by force.

Relying on his official position to collude with the local gentry, and then using dragon veins as an excuse, he arrested many local people doing business.

If ordinary people's families want to redeem someone, they have to take money, and the amount they take out must not be less.

Just tell me, what's the difference between this and a bandit.

Sun Xingde clasped his hands together in front of his chest, and said: "Amitabha, I used to think that our county magistrate was timid, but now I think of him, he is quite pleasing to the eye, not very capable, but at least he is a clean and honest official, and won't worry about our family's things.

You said, if we hadn't been rescued by the young master and went to Qingmen County, but had gone straight to Rongyuan County, wouldn't our life be in dire straits.

At that time, the bigger the business of the great niece, the worse it was for us. "

"Okay, you dare to say anything, don't you, shut up quickly."

Sun Xingwang rolled his eyes at Sun Xingde, looked sideways at Zhu Wuliu who was silent, thought for a while and then smiled: "If you want me to say that brother Zhu is very courageous, sister-in-law, you didn't see it. Last night, brother Zhu None of us dare to say what we told Shi Ziye."

Sun Peifang: "What did you say?"

"Brother Zhu said that the son is dedicated to the people and has insight into Qiuhao. Many of these prisoners are wronged people. It is brother Zhu who asked the son to take the trouble to try the case of Longmai and release all the wronged people."

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan glanced at each other and gasped.

I can't believe it, this is what her old man said.

Was it her husband who was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and would hide away when something happened?
Is it because he was afraid of offending the Shizi, so he didn't sleep all night?

Sun Peifang felt a little distressed, and more because she thought Zhu Wuliu was cute.

The stubble on the chin is cute, the fat body is also cute, the dark circles on the face are also cute, and the soft heart is the cutest.

If it weren't for someone nearby, Sun Peifang really wanted to hold his face and take a bite of Rare Rare.

Her man is just so righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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