Chapter 23

For this family in ancient times, Zhou Huan at this time feels different from Zhou Huan when he just opened his eyes.

When she first opened her eyes, all she could think about was where this is, who this is, and how she should live.

One word, difficult.

Now, in addition to the plot missions given to her by 233, Yuan's feelings and memories have also been searched for.

And it gets deeper day by day, sometimes she can't tell whether it's her feelings that dominate her or the part of her original body that controls her.

All in all, she is no longer numb many times now.

Guilt is the number one emotion.

I feel guilty that I have taken over other people's body, enjoyed the warm family affection for no reason, and have done a lot of narrow-minded things.

What's the original body like? It's a giving type, so let them be their mothers.

The idea of ​​taking my sisters to eat together was also a whim when I was taking a bath.

Share good things with everyone, just like Yuan Bao knows that pancakes are good things, so she will eat them even if she doesn't eat them herself.

Originally, the first thing she wanted to tell was 233 after she had gained insights. After all, he is the one who knows the most.

No way.

She is naked.

Simply, don't say anything and just do it. When Xiaoman gets extra points, he will naturally know.

"Eat more, there are a lot of protein and trace elements in it, and calcium is also added, you two are too weak, you need to have a stronger mouth when you are young, and you are the same, Xiaoman. After you become a man, you have to protect our three sisters. "

What is protein?
What are trace elements?

Miss is amazing.

Yuan Bao Kaba's eyes, "Why doesn't sister eat? My sister is also weak."

Who caused my sister to kneel for so long? Seeing that the top of her head was still red, Yuan Bao tore a piece of clam meat and handed it to Zhou Huan's mouth, casting a glance at Zhou Man.

Zhou Huan couldn't feel the girl's careful thinking, she bit the meat proudly, and didn't say anything about the lack of food and she was reluctant to eat it.

He lied to the child and said: "Sister has eaten, just now I ate all the meat that was in the shell."

The four of them formed a small circle, except for Yuan Bao who had a small bench, the other three could only use a pillow as a butt cushion.

Xibao tugged on the butt pad, sniffed his nose and asked, "Is there any difference?"


Zhou Huan was so playful that his shoulders trembled, and he had to let him eat in the future, so it didn't hurt to tease them once.

She picked up the chopsticks and stirred the pot.

"This clam has a lot to say, when it was first dug out, it still had sand in its mouth, so it had to be put into the water to let it spit out for a while.

Then when you eat it, how do you judge whether it is good or bad?
Aren’t we human beings divided into good and bad bodies? The same goes for clams. Your body is not good if the shell opens as soon as you boil it, and the first batch will wilt.

If you look at the ones I ate, I was still clutching myself tightly when I was dying, and I couldn’t open the lid no matter how I cooked them. That is the battle clam among the clams, and the meat is firm. "

The same is true of Qiqihar's cattle.

This time I'm not talking nonsense, why is the animal husbandry in that place good, and the veal is tender and firm.

Because it's cold.

The calf shivered from birth, as if it had a quiver belt around its waist, and it had been exercising until the day it was slaughtered.

Can such a cow be compared with ordinary grass-grazing lazy cows?

There are also sheep in Gansu, who have also exercised since childhood, and they are very well-behaved.

Zhou Huan took a sip of his saliva, looked at the delicious food, and secretly swore: In the future, when he has money, he will let his younger brothers and sisters eat good beef and mutton.

"How does sister know so much?"

Yuanbao Kaba has small eyes, and from now on Zhou Huan is not only a heroine, but also a wife in her eyes.

Xibao was the first to react, wiped the soup from his mouth, and there was a hint of envy and joy in his voice, "Brother Man said that my aunt went to work in a private school and took my cousin, who not only knows a lot but also can read. "

"That's great, I, I want to study too."

Xibao lowered his head silently, knowing that it was a dream, but it was sweet to have a dream.

"Brother Man, just listen to my sister's advice and settle down here to study. Study well. No matter how many children in the village want to study, they don't have this opportunity."

Xibao was a little excited, leaned forward and almost knocked over the pot, "When Brother Man comes back from learning, he will teach us, I want to read, I want to speak politely like my cousin, and I want to be educated, but I have no money , and I don't have that ability to make Grandpa Sun look up to."

The little girl's voice lowered little by little. It was originally encouraging, but the more she spoke, the more sad she became.

She doesn't want to talk about it anymore, it's maddening to compare people to people.

Let Yuan Bao talk.

Yuan Bao blinked and grinned at Zhou Huan, "Sister, I still want to hear the legend."

For example, this clam was a legend before she ate it. Her sister brought her to eat it. She wants to hear more about other legends, maybe she can eat it in the future.

Okay, in order to ease the atmosphere, make Xibao happy, and let Xiaoman be less entangled.

Let's just say, it's a legend anyway.

"Look, what you are eating now is something from the river. There are many treasures in the river, such as small fish, shrimps and clams.

But there is one place more than its treasures, and that is the sea.

Does the sea know what it looks like? Have you seen it?It was blue and blue. "

At this time Yuan Bao asked.

She has heard of the sea, but it is so deep that we dare not catch small animals.

"That's nature, the sea is a place for the brave.

Not only are the fish huge and difficult to catch, but there are also wind, waves and eddies in the sea, which will drag people into the vortex at any time. "

"Then does anyone still dare to go? No wonder we don't see anyone buying sea fish here." Xi Bao murmured.

Zhou Huan waved his hand and said that this is nothing.

We can't buy it because we are far away from the sea, seafood has to be shipped cold, and there is no cold chain here, and it will stink when it is shipped.

Uncle fishermen by the sea rely on these seafood for a living. As the saying goes, they rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and the sea to eat the sea.

It's not exciting enough to say that, but there is no ppt display screen at hand, Zhou Huan's mind became hot, and the story of the fisherman's uncle going out to sea late at night to catch big fish came naturally.

Not only that, but he also showed his teeth and claws, bluffing just to make them feel a little bit substituting.

The feedback from the three friends is also very good.

Listening attentively but not talking, Xi Bao not only covered his own mouth but also Yuan Bao's when he heard the fisherman's uncle fighting with sea beasts in the waves.

Zhou Man's eyes were also fixed on Zhou Huan.

They are very anxious and don't like my sister's detours, and they keep asking "and then" and "finally".

"Finally..." Zhou Huan took a breath. A story that doesn't tell the truth is not a good story. She rolled her eyes around the three younger siblings, and raised her hands to describe the bottomless night, the endless and hopeless sea, and her mouth. There must be a boundless wind whistling past.

Said: "The fisherman's uncle is holding the big fish in one hand, and holding a sharp knife in the other. It stabbed the sea beasts that snatched food."

Several partners trembled when they heard it, as if the cold sharp knife had stabbed them.

"Uncle Fisherman won!"

"Is Uncle Fisherman still alive?"

There were expectations in the eyes of the dolls, and Zhou Huan sighed, "Hey, it's too late. Although the fisherman uncle killed the sea beast, he didn't keep the big fish. When the sun rose, the big fish was bitten." All that's left is the bones."

Cruel, so cruel.

She almost regrets telling this story.

How did it stop here.

"Uncle Fisherman is so pitiful."

"Uncle Fisherman caught nothing, this night was wasted."

"Enn, the old man managed to catch a big fish, these sea beasts! How disgusting!"

When Xibao and Yuanbao mouthed each other, tears were about to come out, and the clams in their mouths were no longer fragrant. They had bigger dreams, and they wanted to kill sea beasts for the fisherman uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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