Chapter 238

Within a few days, the news that Zhou Man was leaving the village spread all over the sky.

First, Zhou Huan held a meeting for the happy employees, emphasizing that they will work for the government in the future.

This alone is enough for the big guys to have fun for a while.

Listening to the noisy and heated discussions below, Zhou Huan rubbed his forehead.

These ancient aborigines were really simple.

Why don't they think about why the government wants to invest in them, why don't they think about how they will live in the future if they mess up the government's errands.

These people are more greedy than her in how to do business.

When Zhou Huan said this, Mrs. Jin had something to say.

"What are you afraid of? We have been through ups and downs all our lives, and we are still afraid of officials?

Without an official family, our life will be ups and downs, but with an official family, the rest of our lives may be ups and downs.

But it's just ups and downs with higher ups and downs.

There is nothing to be afraid of. "

"Then, then don't think about your son, your grandson, how old is Xiaobao?"

"The more they are like this, the more they should be exposed to the world. It is faster to get up when you fall down early than when you are old.

Take a look at that old Mrs. Zhao, who came here in a good manner all her life, but she didn't go smoothly when she came here. If she can think about it and marry other people's saliva, she won't end up in that kind of end. . "


Zhou Huan hurriedly stepped on his feet and covered the old lady's mouth, looked around, and put down his little hand when no one heard the words.

Let's close the door and talk about outsiders and officials. These are all our own people, and it's okay.

It can be said that people in my own village, especially those who are deceased, might be spread by those with sharp ears.

Their family is also counting on Grandma Zhao's son-in-law to give them cheap blue bricks.

Don't offend people by talking too much at this time.

Zhou Huan rolled his eyes twice, and sat down Mrs. Jin.

When I turned around, I rushed back to draw pictures.

Xishuashua needs to be expanded, Taohua Embroidery Workshop also needs to be expanded, and the village still needs horse sheds and mule sheds. Taking advantage of the government's money, they bought the cow shed and the central school together.

She can't count on Xiao Man now, he still has his own affairs to digest these days.

Zhou Huan had to do all these drawing things by himself.

The happy people can't leave after the meeting. Next, Zhu Wuliu will hold a village meeting.

In ancient times, there were no microphones. Facing a crowd of noisy people, the people standing at the front all relied on shouting.

What Zhou Huan said was nothing more than the same thing, after explaining, he patted his ass and left.

The rest are closely related to the interests of the village, and Zhu Wuliu has to be responsible for them.

Fortunately, before Zhou Huan left, he did not know where to find a stack of waste paper, and rolled it into the shape of a trumpet for him.

Zhu Wuliu didn't know this thing, so he just held it according to Zhou Huan's method, and then spoke to Xiaokou.

The voice came out from the mouth again.

It saved him a lot of effort.

"Now, I announce that the third meeting of Peach Blossom Village has officially started—"

There was thunderous applause below.

Everyone seemed to feel the happy air surrounding their village, as if they could see the only auspicious clouds in their village when they looked up.

Zhu Wuliu raised his hand slightly, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then entered the group.

Our village is no longer an ordinary villager, but an imperial merchant hand-picked by the government.

I don't need to say more about what the Imperial Merchant is, Zhou Huan has already made it very clear just now.

However, he still wants to tell him that from now on, he can no longer ignore 21 and want to swear at others, beat others, and just pull his neck and yell when he goes out.

This not only loses the face of the royal family, but also loses our own face.

We have to keep our hearts, work hard, and work hard. The more we get, the more we have to give.

Since there is no way to retreat, we must rush forward with all our might.

The prosperity of future generations will be created in the hands of our generation!
After the speech, there was another round of applause.

Many people burst into tears with excitement, and stood up directly from their seats, their hands flushed red.

It took a long time for the thunderous applause to gradually dissipate.

The next step is the selection and appointment of people. Every household will voluntarily sign up without delaying the farming work. The medical center, the embroidery workshop, the bathing pool, and the escort agency will fill in the volunteers.

Each person chooses three.

Then there are four counter-elections.

Don't worry, everyone, the first one, the second one won't be able to choose you, and the third one will definitely support you.

This is called common prosperity, where the whole village works together to fight the first battle against poverty.

Immediately afterwards, the room became lively, a group of several people, a group of more than a dozen people, bustlingly began to study where to make money.

At this moment, Zhu Wuliu finally sat down sweating profusely.

Just now, the grand plans and ambitions he talked about are actually [-]% true and [-]% false.

Companion to the king is like companion to the tiger. He has studied this point, and he understands what is going on in his heart.

Especially when he heard that Zhou Man was going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang with his son, he didn't dare to neglect the things that the officials told him.

Who really has no way out?

It's their home.

Don't you understand, Xiaoman is in their hands, and Zhou Man's face will be embarrassing in the future, which will have a great impact on his official career.

And he couldn't allow himself to become a stain on Xiaoman's body because of his negligence.

What a smart, talented kid he was.

Looking at the face is a good official who works for the welfare of the people of the world.

If in the future someone hears that Mr. Zhou's family is doing dirty business and bullying the local people.

That's real family misfortune.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wuliu let out a breath.

Suddenly feel tired all over.

There is a feeling of being too old to be able to focus on two things.

It seems that after a few days to rectify the affairs of the village, it is very necessary for him to go to the county town.


At this time, when Zhou Huan was working hard on painting, there were several knocks on the door.

"Come in."

Don't think, don't ask, Zhou Man is the only one who understands the rules.

Sure enough, after the door opened with a "squeak", Zhou Man stood at the door with his face drooping, as if he had been acupunctured.

When the breeze blew, Zhou Huan suddenly felt his mind cleared up a lot. He wanted to talk to Zhou Man, but when he looked up, he saw his younger brother looking at him bitterly and bitterly.

Zhou Huan subconsciously hammered his back, twisted his neck, and asked in surprise, "Is there anything strange about me?"

Before waiting for an answer, Zhou Man quickly walked around behind Zhou Huan, and pressed his knuckle fingers on Zhou Huan's shoulder.

One by one, loosen Zhou Huan's bones.

The hand holding the pen holder is so comfortable to hold someone's shoulders and beat their backs, but Zhou Huan would definitely be reluctant to do so in the past.

But at this moment, when he thought of this chance, Zhou Huan didn't stop him from serving him.

Instead, he thoroughly enjoyed it.

In front of the window is a wind chime made by Zhou Huan himself.

At this time, there was a constant tinkling sound.

For a long time, Zhou Man's eyes scanned Zhou Huan's pen, knowing that this was the end, so he dared to interrupt: "If not, sister, come with me."

Zhou Huan turned around in a daze: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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