Chapter 252


In mathematics, this kind of square is called a complete square, which can be decomposed into 21 small squares.

Zhou Huan gave Yuan Bao 21 scattered small squares.

Zhu Wuliu's brain must not understand what's going on, and he even thinks it's just a puzzle, it's very simple.

But if you really get started, it's not like that.

Zhou Huan crossed his arms and watched Zhu Wuliu's chubby hands clumsily hold two square wooden blocks, try on the left and right.

Just refuse to put it down.

It's useless to put it down, and it doesn't match the four sides at all.

Zhu Wuliu raised his eyes, looked at Zhou Huan's smiling eyes dully, silently put the things aside, patted the children on the shoulder, let them continue playing, and allowed them to play.

"You, don't be so busy all day, let me tell you, women are too powerful and affect the family."

"What effect."

Zhu Wuliu: "What's the impact? That's a lot of influence. You are so strong, you can do everything, and you don't think others will be happy with you. That's a big blow to the people under the same roof.

That man's self-esteem will be hurt. "

Zhou Huan nodded: "Understood."

Immediately afterwards, he pulled his neck and shouted: "Auntie, Uncle said that you are incapable——"

Take a look, file a complaint again, and file a complaint if there is something wrong.

Sun Peifang also opened the curtain very cooperatively, and vented her anger on Zhou Huan's behalf: "It's just you men who listen to things every day, what? Huan girl can't find someone who is better than her, so how many people in the city are thinking about it."

Zhu Wuliu didn't like to hear these words. Those people could miss Zhou Huan's things, miss her good looks, miss her working hard in her shop like an old scalper.

Those people are not at ease.

They stayed in the county for so long before, why didn't anyone see this child.

Budou considered their status as refugees.


At the beginning, they liked to answer and ignored, but now they can't afford it.

Zhou Huan raised his head, "That's right, if I want to find someone who is better than me, I can't do anything and he won't make people laugh? If he is hit, then he will try to surpass me and have self-esteem. Injured, self-esteem is hurt just to talk about it, which shows that this person's self-esteem is not very strong."

Xibao agreed with it very much.

But Zhu Wuliu was in a hurry.

The first one or two in the family think so, who can live with them in the future.

Thinking about Sun Dazhuang, Zhu Wuliu felt so bored.

Said: "You are wrong to think so. People with weak self-esteem are a little weak, but they will take care of them. Isn't this much better than those who go out to make money and go shopping in brothels?"

"What?!" Zhou Huan pinched his waist and looked at Zhu Wuliu in disbelief: "How strong? Where is the strength? Are these two types of people comparable?
Besides, why do I have to choose a husband from these two types of people?I can't have any other choice? "

Of course, there are more than these two kinds of people. Zhu Wuliu just felt that he had heard this saying since he was a child, and many parents of children had said this.

It was the first time today that I said it smoothly, but I was ashamed of being stunned.

The theory is nothing but identity.

He is so good that he is the head of the family, and the younger generation should listen to him if he says something wrong.

Straightening up her back, just about to say a few words, Sun Peifang happened to come out after finishing her work, so she interrupted.

Put out the fire for him directly.

"Okay, enough chatting, your subordinates should be anxious later."

Sun Peifang heard the sound in the kitchen. The young men arrived early, and it was the first time that they did not dare to be late for work.

He waited politely at the door.

I don't want to get old, I got to know Zhu Wuliu well, so I walked out of the house slowly, walked to the door and still

Shout out.

You heard it, there was a shout at the door.

"Wang Fatty went to your place too?"

Zhu Wuliu turned around: "Ah, yes, he just followed suit, seeing Da Zhuang and the others coming, he also wanted to come."

Sun Peifang glanced sideways at Zhou Huan, seeing that he seemed to be okay, and then asked in a low voice: "Then, is there someone who burns boilers for Xihuashua? And someone who wipes the male guests' backs?"

Zhu Wuliu nodded.

Yes, and yes, people from different villages have gone there, and our village has become the resort that Zhou Huan talked about.

All are tool people, and there are no residents.

And Zhou Huan still has a loyal fan, Li's second youngest son, who is so cute and silly, he looks for Zhou Huan and doesn't go anywhere.

One person holds two jobs, and after finishing the work, he goes to see the boiler. Now the work points are twice as much as others.

Yes, twice as much, to give Mrs. Jin a red eye.

Before Sun Xingwang and Sun Xingde left, they gave them a death order, and if they didn't earn back, they would pay twice as much money and not enter the house.

"what is this?"

Xibao packed the medicinal materials for Zhu Wuliu, and in a blink of an eye, he saw an extra piece of dark red canvas in the package.

"Oh, why did you forget this, take it out for Dad quickly."

Xibao looked at Zhu Wuliu, then at the worn canvas.

He slipped out with only his thumb and index finger, and stood up in a daze.

Zhu Wuliu smiled, knowing that his daughter loves to be clean, took the things and put them in his hands and spread them out for the people in the room to see.

"This is Qisheng on the car, it's not dirty, it's your father and I asked your mother to make it look dirty on purpose.

Smell it, there is no strange smell at all.

But it's clean, it's like a fake antique, it's made old on purpose. "


Xibao didn't understand, and neither did Zhou Huan.

Sun Peifang was embarrassed to open her mouth, and Zhu Wuliu had to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned to say this: "Tsk, you are thinking stupidly, if this is a brand-new escort flag, people will not see it when you go out. Did you know we are newly opened?

There are mixed fish and dragons on the road. If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.

So, I made an old one, and this guy went out to see, we are veterans, no one dared to steal, no one dared to snatch it. "

Zhou Huan chuckled and gave a thumbs up.

Is this also possible?

So what's the matter with the column of small characters on it?

Zhu,,, Zhu is suitable for everything?
Zhu Wuliu laughed.

This is more to say, he is simply too smart.

Zhu is his surname, and when pronounced "Zhu is suitable for everything", it means that everything is suitable for everything, which means that their Escort Bureau went smoothly and overcame obstacles.

Zhou Huan: this... a homophonic stalk?

After a while, Sun Xingde started calling for people outside.

Zhu Wuliu tidied up and went out the door, Qi Sheng hung it up, and the carriage set off.

Some of this group of people have never built a carriage in their half life, and the other part have never experienced a carriage at all.

Just looking at the tall horse in front of me, I feel very cool.

Before Sun Peifang stepped forward to give a few instructions, Zhu Wuliu and Sun Xingwang flicked their whips at the same time, and only heard the horse neighing a few times, and the wheels of the cart began to spin rapidly.

Quite a few boys rode on the side of the car in a novelty, and when the car started, they almost threw their heads on their backs.

Sun Peifang stamped her foot angrily.

"This old man, the older he gets, the more disobedient he becomes."

Looking at the carriage driving forward, Zhou Huan suppressed a smile, but hummed in his heart: drive, drive to the edge of the city... Let the speed be a little more enjoyable...

(End of this chapter)

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