Chapter 261 Go Home

When Jiedushi's team entered the city, Jiang Yueying had already led people to wait for a long time.

Cuiyun held up an umbrella, and the county magistrate specially sent someone to bring tables, chairs and benches.

Because Zhu Wuliu and the others came back with them, the Zhu family also lined up neatly, and Zhou Huan even packed a few pieces from the ice cellar at home and sent them over.

This ensured that under the scorching sun, Jiang Yueying would always sit still like a clock.

"came back."

Cuiyun saw the shadow of the team from a distance, and a neat line of troops was walking towards them.

After helping Jiang Yueying to get up, Sun Peifang led Zhou Huan and the others to rub a few steps forward.

No way, the person who came back was also a big person, and there were many officials who came to welcome them. They were very inconspicuous here, and they were placed in the last row. It was hard to see who was coming. Whether anyone came back depended on listening.

"Auntie, look, they are really uncles."

Zhou Huan wanted to wave excitedly, it was the first time, the first time seeing her uncle surrounded by so many officials, it wasn't a mistake, but an escort.

This scene is kind of funny.

Sun Peifang heard Zhou Huan giggling, and went straight to her arm.

There are so many people here, why are you laughing, don't make a sound, didn't you see that the officials at the official university didn't speak, they just slipped away.

Zhou Huan didn't want to either, so he had to quietly share the happiness with Sun Peifang.

"Usually I don't think my uncle is short. Now I'm standing between the two officials. Auntie, take a look. Do you want a concave character?"


Sun Peifang didn't hold back either.

Don't say it, it really looks like it.

How can the two of you enjoy this kind of happiness alone? It only takes a few seconds. Xibao and Yuanbao understand everything.

Now it's all right, I originally wanted to discipline Zhou Huan alone, but after taking the sheep into the tiger's mouth, the whole family covered their mouths and laughed.

Tell me, what would the officials in the front row think when such a laugh fell into their ears.

That is, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

You common people are not afraid of the sky and the earth, but these officials are tightly covered with black hats.

One boss in a city is not enough, here comes another one.

It makes people feel free.

At this time, a group of officials in the front row had already stepped forward with smiles on their faces, and surrounded Wang Yan.

Among the crowd, Jiang Yuying saluted Wang Yan slightly, and then went looking for her mother and grandmother.


When the grandparents met, Jiang Yueying's eye circles turned red all of a sudden, the children's eyes were red, and the old man couldn't bear it even more.

Jiang Yuying stood up and pointed at Jiang Yueying's nose as a joke, "I'm going to be a mother, and you're still crying like this."

While talking, Wang Yan also turned his head and waved at his family.

This is to enter the city and settle down.

On the other side, Zhou Huan and Sun Peifang also waved at Zhu Wuliu and his group.

Zhu Wuliu walked over happily with his stomach full. As soon as he came, he saw that the whole family was overjoyed, and his heart was very beautiful.

He really is the pillar of the family.

The family thought about him very tightly.

Don't say anything, first pick up the two little ones and chatter.

"Come home, the food is ready at home."

Sun Peifang slung Zhu Wuliu's arm and led Xibao and Zhou Huan back.

Zhu Wuliu was also so beautiful that he couldn't find him, and he couldn't talk easily when he turned around.

The general meaning is that you all go home and have a good time with your wives and children. If you don’t have a wife, be filial to your parents. After three days, the family will receive the wages for this trip.

Yes, they settle the money once a trip, so as to ensure that Zhu Wuliu's brain can remember the amount of money and will not make mistakes.

In the end, he had to pull Sun Dazhuang over, "Come on, come back with me for a bite."

"No, bro, I'm dirty and smelly."

"Tsk, what are you afraid of, old man? Why are there so many things going on? You are manly."

"No no, brother, I really don't want to go, I just have to deal with it at home, I'll go first, really go."

Zhu Wuliu stretched out his hand to grab an empty space.

Looking back, Sun Peifang disliked her for being close to others.

Zhu Wuliu: "What is sticking? It's called convincing others with virtue... Hehe, this kid still knows how to be shy."

Added another sentence: "I will teach you later at night, what is convincing people with virtue."

Sun Peifang glared at him, and said that in broad daylight, the children have grown up and can understand any nonsense they say after learning the old knowledge.

Zhu Wuliu didn't care, he shook his head and tail beautifully.

The main thing is that you really don't have to worry.

If you look at the oldest one in the family, you can tell by looking at the purse on his waist and the package behind him.

This is to see if he makes money, and to see if he brings back good things.

She has put all her thoughts into this, so what can she understand.

Speaking of this matter, Zhu Wuliu was worried.

He shouldn't have talked too much with that lieutenant general on the way, and now thinking about it, he still feels angry.

At the beginning, the two could still communicate normally. The man said that he had a son in his family, and when he was 15 years old, he had found a good matchmaker.

As a result, he went out with Mr. Wang the next day, and this matter came to nothing again.

After Zhu Wuliu heard this, of course he wanted to comfort him, saying that he was not afraid, that a good man had his ambitions everywhere, and that it would be the same for another two years of training to start a family.

Then what did that person say.

That's right, it's thanks to the boy, it would be really bad if the girl was still at home after reaching her age.

Listen, what does this mean?

Who in this team doesn't know what's going on with their escort agency, and who doesn't know who King You is doing business with.

What a joke.

He also thought the same way when he saw the little girl didn't talk about marriage before. He felt that no one wanted him at such an old age, either because there was a problem in the family, or there was a personal problem.

Now, that's changed.

His niece is a special case. She is independent and capable. To put it bluntly, she may be more capable than you military members.

She didn't say kiss, it's not that there is no one, many family members in the county are scrambling to get to know each other.

His niece, that is because she is too good and independent, no one deserves her.


Zhu Wuliu decided not to play with him anymore.

Sun Peifang pushed the person, "Don't say it, you are not allowed to say this outside from now on."

"Huh? Why?" Zhu Wuliu asked: "Didn't you say that you made me want to open something, and made me look forward to the good things at home. Why did you change your mind again in just a few days? I said you women are really, "

Before she finished speaking, Sun Peifang covered her mouth.

There are people all over the place, and she is afraid of accidents if she talks too much.

Zhu Wuliu was surprised and asked, "What happened?"

"What's going on, big things, jokes, I'm going to tell you that you won't bring a letter, and I'll scare you to death."

"Hey, you still scare me to death, you old man, how many scary things have I experienced in these years, can you still scare me? Hehe, a woman's opinion."

Sun Peifang felt a headache seeing him snarling.

But she still decided to go home and talk, and wait until he sat down firmly.

Don't let her help you back if your legs are weak here.

She also stood for a long time, it was very hard, and she didn't want to contribute any more.

(End of this chapter)

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