Chapter 269 Flying Old Leng in the Blue Sky
If Zhu Wuliu doesn't make a song, it will be a blockbuster.

With a whining sound, all the birds in the forest were scared away. When they ran, they flapped their wings, and the one who took off was anxious.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Did the bird hit you?"

Sun Peifang came over to ask in a hurry, and the old lady Jin was confused, so she patted her son on the head first, "Why don't you understand the slingshot in the past two years, where are you aiming?"

"Papa" a few more times, Sun Xiaobao was hugging his father's thigh, his small body protecting his father.

"Grandma don't hit my father, grandma don't hit my father."

Sun Xingwang put his arms around the child and explained, saying no, he was always accurate, and he was accurate every time.

Everyone is puzzled, what's wrong with that.

Sun Dexing said: "You really misunderstood my brother. My brother is really accurate. If you don't believe me, look at the flapping wing that is still alive on the ground."

An eagle on the ground tenaciously stood up and then fell down, fell down and stood up again, repeated several times, and everyone who watched felt distressed.

"Father, what are you screaming for?"

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Zhu Wuliu who was sitting on the stone pier.

I don't know when there was an extra piece of gauze in my hand, and the gauze was densely packed with words, these gangsters couldn't understand it.

Only Zhu Wuliu could understand.

But the person who understands is the worst. He would rather be a blind man at this time, so that he doesn't know anything and doesn't have to worry about anything. If the eagle is shot down, let's taste it.

By the way, send some game to the imperial concubine.

But that's not the case.

"What are you holding in your hand?"

Sun Xingwang pushed Sun Peifang away, and he could tell that Zhu Wuliu's brain was still in the gauze at this time.

It's easy to scare people with a little trouble, but it's hard to scare people.

Sun Xingwang explained with gestures, "Just now, I saw this eagle, and I shot it down with a slingshot aimed at the sky.

No, before the big guy was happy, I found something tied to the eagle's leg. When I peeled off the leg hair, I found it was gauze.

I can't read, but I knew what was written on it, so I asked Brother Zhu to read it, and after reading it, Brother Zhu read it.

You all know it later. "

I've heard of flying pigeons passing on letters before, but I haven't heard of flying eagles passing on letters.

Zhou Huan jumped on his shoes and ran over, bowing behind Zhu Wuliu.

After a while, there was also an "ah--".

Sun Peifang: "You child, what are you, you startled me."

Zhou Huan straightened up, took Zhu Wuliu's arm and was about to go into the city.

"Hurry up, send this letter to the prince, hurry up."

"What do you mean? Why is there still something about the prince?" Sun Peifang pulled Zhou Huan, "What is written in it, is the court going to collect food? Or is it going to conscript?"

If it's grain collection, they've already made preparations, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

If it is conscription, the situation of Zhu Wuliu's family has nothing to do with him, and he has nothing to fear.

It's Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There is trouble in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but Xiaoman and Xiaoman are still there.

The old lady Jin stunned Zhu Wuliu, "You made it clear, what's wrong with Xiaoman? ... Oh, don't worry about it, you go to the prince in the city, and explain this clearly, where did this thing come from? , it's all clear.

Hurry up, my family's ox cart is tied under the tree roots, don't think mules are still cows at this time, go quickly. "

Yes, I have to go.

Zhu Wuliu was framed by Zhou Huan and Sun Peifang, and was pushed into the car in a daze.

You can't push it, he's still in shock and can't get out.

Sun Peifang turned her head and arranged the family's Yuanbao and Sanliang to Xibao to take home, and she followed Zhou Huan on the road.

What happened to this matter, they have to talk about it on the road.

The letter is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I don't know whose handwriting is on it, but it is signed by Xiaohou Ye.As for the authenticity, only the Hou family members know.

As for what the letter said.

To sum up two sentences, it is nothing more than disaster victims making troubles, which is expected, but man-made is not enough, and there are natural disasters.

Droughts died of drought, floods died of waterlogging, our side is dry, and the south side has been raining for several days.

Several dams broke down again, and the villages and towns were submerged. The officers and soldiers jumped in one by one, using human walls as dams, and they disappeared.

So the other side and both sides asked for food relief.

There are two letters in total, one has been sent to Yanjing, and the other to Youzhou.

Because I was afraid of encountering Japanese pirates on the road, I used the method of flying eagle to pass the letter.

That's right, the one lying on the ground is Jianghe's eagle. The eagle we sent the message to others was almost shot to death. If we delayed the delivery of the letter, we would have committed a heinous crime.

Sun Peifang didn't want to hear about this, it had nothing to do with her, those soldiers who went into the water were miserable, but they were all strangers to her, she didn't know them, and she didn't want to hear about them.

She just wanted to know how Xiaoman was doing, whether Xiaoman was still alive, and whether Xiaoman was caught by these people to fill the river.

Zhu Wuliu paused and shook his head.

Sun Peifang was in a hurry: "Are you saying you don't have it or you don't know? Hey, I know the importance of reading and writing. If you tell me, I have to recite it all at once."

Looking to the other side, Zhou Huan was also stunned.

Aunt, this is just a misunderstanding.

But in just a second, she understood.

How come I forgot, Zhou Huan and her brother have a good understanding, if Xiao Man is still alive, Zhou Huan must be clear in his heart.

Pulling at Zhu Wuliu's clothes, watching Zhou Huan's expression turn from pale to pink, his expression eased a lot.

That should mean it's okay.

But Zhu Wuliu didn't stop thinking about this at all.

His heart is colorful.

There are many things to think about.

An hour later, their ox cart arrived outside the gate of the manor.

Zhu Wuliu went forward to greet people, "Excuse me, is Mr. Wang there?"

The servants at the door were quite puzzled when they heard that, since they came here, they always went straight to the side courtyard of the Shizi Concubine.

This time, not only did he not go in to find the imperial concubine, but he also specifically asked him not to tell the imperial concubine that they were here.

"Why are you looking for Mr. Wang?"

Zhu Wuliu smiled apologetically, "It's nothing, it's just that the adults said that their waist was uncomfortable last time, and this time the family prescribed medicine, and I'm here to show you how to use it.

It doesn't matter if the lord is not there, and it's the same if the madam is there. The madam must know the condition of the lord. "

It was so.

The gatekeeper smiled and invited a few people in, and then called people to lead the cows and feed them in the backyard.

I thought in my heart: if the family is superior to others, look at this spirit, the prince's waist has been taken into consideration by them.

Outside the courtyard of the small building in the middle of the lake, there were guards one after another, and the gatekeeper asked Zhu Wuliu and others to wait here.

I went in layer by layer to report.

It's not easy to do anything these days.

After about half a stick of incense, several people saw the figure from the innermost part.

This is where the gatekeeper comes out.

When Zhu Wuliu bowed to thank him, he stuffed a piece of silver into the other party's hand, and squinted his eyes.

We can't let people make a trip for nothing, can we?

The gatekeeper understood it, and said in his heart: This is really a sensible person who can handle things, no wonder he has become famous.

(End of this chapter)

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