Chapter 273 Tired and Tired
This time, the men slept very soundly.

The main reason is that there is no one at home, especially no women, no women and children chattering around.

The men had just left on their front feet, but the women on their back feet didn't immediately stand up from the woods.

How to say that sentence: I'm probably tired, and I don't want to move anyway.

Yes, this is how women feel at the moment.

The men are not at home, whoever goes to the well to help them fetch water, no one will help, so they have to do it themselves.

But how can I have the extra strength to fetch water, boil water, and pour water.

I don't have that spirit anymore.

If the body stinks, it stinks, they can hold it back, hold it until their old man wakes up, and then say something nice and let them serve them.

"Auntie, go, tell everyone to follow me."

Sun Peifang had just rested for a while, and when she saw Zhou Huan staring at the entrance of the village dully with blue eyes, she hurriedly called out, "Where are you going? Don't bother, just sit down for a while. Today's embroidery workshop and Xishuashua are both No business, as for the group of people in the palace, we will not serve whoever wants to come."

That's right, it was because there was no business today that everyone had to go with her.

Do you want to take a shower?

Want to be able to take a shower without exhausting yourself?

Do you want to take a bath and sleep comfortably all over your body?

Yuan Bao was the first to raise her hand. She is not a woman, she is just a girl, but she is also unbearably sticky.

"Think, cousin, I'll go with you."

Zhou Huan saw one get up, followed by Xi Bao, and finally everyone stood up one after another.

There is only one goal, in order to be able to take a bath without fetching water by myself.

Quan Quan and Zhou Huan headed towards Xishuashua.

After Xishuashua was expanded, the door curtain has not changed much, but after entering it, there is something different.

As soon as you enter from the front, there are female guests on the left and male guests on the right. There are five pools on each side, and the structure is very single.

A while ago, Zhou Huan invested money to open up a few rooms on the side, and repaired it a little bit, so that it can accommodate a lot of guests.

Another one, after the repairs are finished, Zhou Huan also wants to test whether the bath here is leaking or not, and whether the drainage works well.

This time, when Zhou Huan brought people there, every pool was filled with mountain spring water.

It just so happened that those men all went to the river to take a bath again.

So now all the male and female guests are female guests, and don't care who is in the same family as who, they are all covered with the same black soil under their feet.

"The water is still warm, it's really refreshing."

"Yeah, what do you mean by being blessed and not worrying? We are right to follow Huan girl."

At this time, Zhou Huan, Sun Peifang, Xibao, and Yuanbao were in the same pond.

Although there is no distinction between men and women, but after the men patted their buttocks and left, the children stayed behind.Fortunately, the house is bigger now, and there is still a wall separating the two houses.

The big brothers like Sanliang and Goudanzi are responsible for taking care of the younger ones, just don't let the little ones choke on the water.

"I don't know what's going on in the city now, has the Lord Fu Ya received the letter, and when will the grain be collected?"

It’s hard to accept it, and it’s still worrying about not accepting it. Sun Peifang said that it’s better to cut the mess quickly and take the food away, and she is upset by being watched.

"Hurry up, but we can't give this grain to the official who collects it. It's better to send it to the prince."

What Zhou Huan said was right, they couldn't rest assured that they would hand this thing over to anyone, for fear that the black-hearted case of selling grain by the prison boss in Rongyuan County would happen to them.

Since they decided to send out more food, they had to send it to reliable people.

As for rhetoric, there is nothing to avoid when facing people who have a better life than them and whose status is much higher than them.

Just say it.

Now that we have money, we want to feed our children something good in addition to relief food, so we bought a lot at once.

Left and right they are donating food, who cares where the food comes from.

Those people will not delve into these things.

What they have to think about is how to have more food without making the people on this side hungry.

"Otherwise, pass another note to the superior, and let the people open up wasteland after Ming Sheng is invited. As for the tax on the land after the land is opened up, according to my opinion, it may be reduced or exempted for one year. Let everyone get through the difficulties first."

At this moment, Lord Fuya was sitting opposite to Wang Yan.

He raised the teacup in his hand and held it to his mouth, smacking his mouth twice was unpleasant, and he put it down again before he drank it.

He wanted to ask the imperial court, since they had also received the letter, could they not distribute the food there, or simply start from the towns around Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

As the saying goes, far water cannot dissolve near fire.

When they raise the food and send it over, will it be the Year of the Monkey?

After all, Master Fuya didn't dare to say a word, just tactfully popped out a few words, which already ruined Wang Yan's disgust.

A small magistrate has thought of it. Could it be that Li Chengqi couldn't think of it, couldn't Jiang He think of it, they couldn't think of it, and neither could the Holy Majesty?

Don't pretend to be smart here, it's serious to do urgent things quickly.

Wang Yan said: "You come to prepare the memorial, and you can order it when you have the memorial, so that the people of Youzhou can feel at ease."


"By the way, many refugees were distributed in various villages in Qingmen County, weren't they?"

"Returning to my lord, it is precisely that there were a lot of people in Qingmen County back then, and so far those people are still eating relief food..."

This is exactly what Wang Yan wanted to ask. Wang Yan squinted at the prefect of Youzhou who was sitting on the chair on the left.

He was able to get to the point, and he was not ashamed of the black hat, so he asked: "They just planted the land this year, they have no food in their hands, and the government has to collect food again. How can we let them settle down this year?"

Lord Fu Ya looked at Wang Yan, "My lord, these people all escaped from the plague in the north, and the incident in Fengtai County was full of turmoil. The suffering of the people came from natural disasters, but also from man-made disasters.

These people have just stabilized now, and they all escaped from death. If they are really tough to collect their food, they will not be afraid, but in the end it will be nothing but death. "

Wang Yan thought so, gave him another wink, and ordered him to continue talking.

"The humble official believes that the matter of land reclamation that the adults said is imperative. As for the moment, it is best not to collect food from the refugees. We can start with the big families first.

There is a lot of official food in the rice warehouse, and the imperial court may not come to distribute food again. When necessary, it can only reduce the amount of food for refugees, and plan early for the worst in the future. "

"Those big households are willing to give?"

Master Fuya smiled, "Donation is not allowed, but buying is okay."


Hearing what the magistrate meant, he wanted the imperial court to pay for it. The imperial court’s money has been used to repair warships for the Ministry of War these years, and the rest of the money has to be repaired and managed on both sides of the Yellow River. How can there be extra money to spend on it? .

The master of Fuya also understood in his heart, "The lowly position will first order to collect grain, except those who are refugees, and each family will receive thirty shi first."

(End of this chapter)

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