Chapter 276

"Senior concubine, look quickly, Xiao Shizi's eyes are as beautiful as Shizi's, and his eyebrows are as handsome as Shizi's."

"That's right, this is the first time this old slave has seen such a pink and white doll. This little son is blessed by his ancestors and gods. His blessing is not comparable to ordinary people like me."


Jiang Yueying's window was extremely lively, and the courtyard was even more hectic. Some were preparing to send letters to the palace to announce the good news, and some were preparing to send letters to the north to congratulate King You. People from all walks of life rushed to North, south, east and west.

At this time, unlike the bustle in Jiang Yueying's courtyard, Wang Yan had already brought Zhu Wuliu to his temporary study.

Sometimes pacing, sometimes sitting down.

He was still chewing on Zhu Wuliu's proposal just now.

Zhu Wuliu knelt on the ground and just looked at him like this, wiping the sweat off his head with his sleeve from time to time.

After about half a stick of incense, Wang Yan finally sat down behind the desk and looked at Zhu Wuliu who was kneeling on the ground.

"You said you could make cheese?"

Zhu Wuliu kowtowed and said: "My lord, from time to time we are the niece of Xiaomin's family, oh, the girl who negotiates business with the imperial concubine, she can do it."

This thing is not uncommon in Yanjing, but it is also for officials and family members like them. If they are ordinary people, let alone know how to do it, I am afraid that they have never even heard of it.

Unexpectedly, someone in Youzhou knew it and could make it.

"How does she do it?"

Zhu Wuliu kowtowed again, "My lord, Xiaomin's niece liked to eat since she was a child, and she liked to eat and study food. She was cultivated by her mother in her early years, and she was able to read and judge at a young age. Words, these foods are what she saw in the book."

This reason is very good.

But in fact, he doesn't know what his niece will do, and what else he hasn't shown.

But his niece is very smart, she can understand the contents of the book at a glance, and it is good to master the theoretical steps.

"How much can you make in five days?"

Zhu Wuliu was about to kowtow when Wang Yan stopped him.

Zhu Wuliu smiled awkwardly, straightened up and sat on his instep, he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Why, can't you make a hundred catties?"

"A hundred catties?" Zhu Wuliu stared forward with wide eyes, staring blankly for quite some time.

Wang Yan said: "I just ask you whether you can or not."

"Yes!" Zhu Wuliu breathed out in his chest, then went back with a sigh, "This is, I need a cow."


Zhu Wuliu nodded: "Well, a cow, a big cow, can't be a cub, it has to be ready-made, and it can be milked right now. It's also fine if you don't have goat's milk."

This moment, his mouth was faster than his head.

The main reason is that he just babbled about cheese cheese, so any kind of milk would be fine, anyway, he just said it out of his mouth.

Seeing that the person above his head still hasn't refuted, and hasn't questioned about the goat's milk, he probably got it right.

It's really difficult, his niece was locked in the room by the imperial concubine, and he was taken out by the sheet for questioning. From beating to now, he was sweating more and more. scratch.

"Transportation is not an issue."

After a while, Wang Yan suddenly said this, and Zhu Wuliu recovered from the itching on his back.

He looked straight at Wang Yan.

Wang Yan thought for a moment.

Making cheese can only be used for a short-term emergency. If it is to ensure that the disaster victims have rations for a long time, this idea does have many loopholes.

But it's only a matter of time if they can slow down for a while. If they can slow down for a while, they can wait until the crop of grain in each province grows.

At that time, if the common people collect corn grains instead of white rice, Youzhou will not rebel against the people.

He can also have enough time to transfer grain from his hometown to Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Yes, you don’t have to ask for rice, you don’t even have a bite of rice, so you can choose what suits you or not.

Besides, anyone who understands knows that this cheese is more expensive than white rice. Not only does it take time and effort to make it, but it also tastes better than white rice and strengthens the body.

In a word, this thing is expensive.

Expensive at the source.

Cows can only be purchased for a few coins, and a cow can at most produce thirty catties of milk, so the final cheese produced is only three catties.

After Wang Yan agreed, he suddenly regretted it.

Of course, the problems that money can solve are small problems, but the key is whether they have the money, or if they apply to the court, can the court allocate the money.

He was not in front of the emperor, so he couldn't hold the money with his own hands, so he couldn't guarantee whether the money would be withheld.

If this is the case, he, as a Southwest Jiedu envoy, can't seriously manage the errands in Youzhou and Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

However, if the imperial court knew about this situation, they still followed the original plan and borrowed food from various places to adjust the food, and asked the government to pay, but the government couldn't pay, and finally deceived the upper and lower, which would inevitably lead to civil upheavals.

Zhu Wuliu still had something to say in his heart, and seeing Wang Yan's frowning face, he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

This is what Zhou Huan told him on the road.

And every sentence speaks to the hearts of ordinary people.

The common people here are closed to information, and their eyes can't see anything except the land under their feet. For them, no matter how severe the beating outside is, as long as they don't involve themselves, it doesn't matter.

So what they care most about is the food in their hands.

Money is not the most important thing. Money is nothing but buying a house, marrying a wife and buying land. If you really want to survive, you still have to have something to eat.

You reach out to control them to buy food, can they give it.

But this is not to blame these officials, whoever sits in that position is the same, Zhu Wuliu agrees with this very much, although he looks down on many people, but if he is really given the position of others, it may not be useful Hello everyone.

How did you say that sentence?

I can't do it, and you may not be able to do it.

That's the truth.

This is also the reason why Zhu Wuliu held a meeting to explain the pros and cons to the whole village, and it is also the reason why Zhu Wuliu's family went to the city to communicate with Wang Yan.

We don't know what you know, and you don't necessarily know what we know.

Zhou Huan said that this is called information sharing, who told us that there are people we miss in each other's hearts.

For example, don’t you guys have no money? You can’t tell but we can all see it. Yes, cows are not cheap.

Don't worry, we have thought of a good solution this time without using your money.

Of course, there is no such thing as a white wolf with empty gloves in the world.

Let's take what we have on hand as the standard, what's upside down.

Wang Yan's eyes also ignited sparks, and his eyebrows also raised: "Please tell me in detail."

Zhu Wuliu cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

On the other side of the county, Zhou Huan couldn't escape the torment of the past incident, and tried his best to explain his plan to the whole room.

At this time, Xiao Shizi had already been taken out by the nanny to wash his body.

Jiang Yueying lay on the bed, looking weakly at Zhou Huan.

A woman is very tired after giving birth, even if she can't stand it now, she has to hold on to listen to Zhou Huan's speech.

There are too many relatives involved here, and she can't sleep soundly without hearing.

All the maids in the room were sent out, so Xibao could only wipe Jiang Yueying's sweat with wet handkerchiefs one after another.

Zhou Huan said: "We have silk in our hands. I roughly calculated that there are about 200 pieces of silk. If we sell them at the market price, we can get [-] million taels if we sell them all."

"There are 200 million taels?"

Jiang Yuying looked at Zhou Huan, and when she nodded, she lowered her head and began to count carefully, "This is not a small amount, but it can buy a lot of food."

"Madam is wrong, we don't buy grain, we buy cattle."

Jiang Yuying: "That's right, look at what I said and forgot. When we buy cattle, we are buying cattle. But, how can there be so many cattle?"

"We don't have it here, but we have it in Dabei. In the past, there was a transaction with Mengwu. Now, although the civil strife in Mengwu is not settled, and the original market is gone, if you go to Fengtai County and ask, you will be able to do it." If we find out the pastoralists who used to collect cattle, we will buy them from those people.”

Jiang Yuying: "That's how it is. Okay, leave this matter to me. I'll send people to deliver letters and pull cattle today. No, I'll go now!"

Jiang Yueying's hand slightly grasped Liu's, and she had something to say.

When Liu Shi nodded and raised her head again, her heart was also moved, and before Jiang Yuying could go out, she called out and stopped her.

"Since we gave this silk to Ms. Zhou, how dare I let Ms. Zhou sell it to us to make up for it?"

(End of this chapter)

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