Chapter 287




On the sea, when Zhou Huan sang loudly, "Maybe sailing depends on the helmsman, and everything grows on the sun", the surroundings are pitch black, only the sound of sea sickness after another.

That's right, her uncle and the uncles who came to walk the darts all vomited on the side of the boat.

The uncles were extenuating, they had never been on a dart on the sea, and they had never been on a small fishing boat. This time they went directly to the big sailing boat. Their bodies couldn't bear the wind and waves at sea, and their feet were soft.

After throwing up, he turned back and leaned on the deck, looked up at the blown sails one by one, and scratched the plank of the boat with another "vomit—"

Here, only Zhu Wuliu really deserved it.

Tell him to play softly and keep him going, not to be a flower protector for his wife, the oil paper umbrella must be covered tightly by her, and he himself was drowned when he came back, with clothes all over his body. Stick it tightly to your body.

Forcibly wearing the wide cloth robe gave the feeling of tights.

It doesn't count that he himself is uncomfortable, and he has to torment Xibao.

Xibao had to be in charge of making medicine for the big guys in the small kitchen on the ship. Everyone else was taking medicine for seasickness, so Zhu Wuliu had to make it alone, with the effect of dispelling wind and cold added into it.

Several stoves were on fire at the same time, and it took an hour to sit by the side.

She was so busy that she didn't drink the seafood dregs.

Sun Peifang was even more anxious.

The baby's father is fat, or puffy. He can't stand the heat in summer, and he doesn't want to sweat all over his body. When he catches cold, the sweat that suffocates his body turns cold, and people like to catch the wind and cold.

Not to mention now, it rained for a long time, and everyone was burned into a small stove. Yuan Bao and San Liang wanted to come in to give their father Bingbing hands, but Sun Peifang didn't agree.

It's over when one falls down, and there can't be more down in the family.

What can I do if I get infected.

The small room was very stuffy, but Sun Peifang had to wait on the old man wearing a mask, her whole body was wet.

"Dong dong dong—is sister-in-law there?"


Sun Peifang was stunned after taking a few steps, she couldn't see people now, she was sweating all over, and her husband was ill, so it was a bit strange to think of meeting a foreign man through the door.

"Sister-in-law, it's me, Song Ming. I brought some ice for Big Brother Zhu from downstairs and gave it to your door. You can take it back later and put it in a cloth bag for Big Brother Zhu to reduce his fever."

"Ah, that, thank you Deputy Wei Song, look, we still let you bother."

Deputy Song Weiman doesn't care, it's nothing, they have been marching for many years, they have met everything, Brother Zhu, this is trivial.

He also told Sun Peifang, don't worry, just drink the medicine, change clothes and sleep well, it will be fine in two days.

Sure enough, on the second day, Zhu Wulu finally felt much refreshed.

You can stand on the deck and tease the seagulls.

The flock of seagulls bit his fingers every time.

He was so bitten that he retracted his hand.

Sun Peifang crossed her arms and complained to Zhou Huan: "Yesterday, people were burned and confused, and the nonsense talking at night scared me a lot. I wanted to burn my origami figurine and send it to my ancestors.

I am very worried about it.

If you look at people now, they are happy like a fool, heartless. "

Zhu Wuliu smiled back while teasing the bird, and greeted Sun Peifang: "Daughter-in-law, look, this big bird is really fat, I should have asked Dawang to shoot some slingshots to come out.

This must be delicious after eating. "

Zhou Huan shivered all over, "I'll go back first."

After speaking, he yawned and walked back, holding his arms.

The lonely back passed through a crowd of people watching the sunrise. She was not interested in the sunrise. She used to go camping, saw the sunrise and sunset on Mount Tai, and saw the morning clouds and sunsets on Hainan Island.

Honestly, pretty much the same as above.

And in a good mood.

Zhou Huan sighed, look, she is a hard worker, and she has to go back to sleep to make cheese sticks.

Try not to lose the chain anywhere, prepare in advance, and feel at ease in the next few days.

Therefore, in the first two days, she was not as fresh as anyone else, and what really motivated her on this ship was the explanations given by the crew during the subsequent voyage.

Sun Dazhuang was very curious when he saw the wooden things, and he liked to ask questions.

He touched the mast of the big sailboat, his eyes sparkled, and he asked the helmsman, "How much does it cost to build this boat, and what kind of wood does it use.

This boat is absolutely perfect, I don't know which adult designed it. "

It was the old helmsman who was talking to him, and he claimed that there was nothing he could do in Bohai Bay.

Listening to Sun Dazhuang asking this question, he giggled and laughed.

Who drew it?This is not drawn.

Sun Dazhuang stared: "Didn't it be drawn? That master is too good, he actually created such a big sailboat out of thin air."

The old helmsman smiled, "I didn't draw it, but first made a simple and light ship model with wood, and then the craftsmen disassembled it according to the ship model, digging it out bit by bit.

These ships were all made by Qingjiangfang, and the ship models were all made by officials from the Ministry of Industry, and it was not the work of one person.

One cannot do it alone. "

Zhou Huan squatted beside him listening with great interest, and asked the old helmsman where the ship usually stops, and what are the things on the ship used for.

And what routes does the ship usually take and what it transports.

He didn't even notice that Sun Dazhuang's eyes dimmed a little bit.

It seems that the dream of making money by making a sailing boat is destined to be impossible to realize.

He glanced up at the sail, and left with a snort.

Things that can't make money to marry a wife are not good things.

His time cannot be wasted.

Angrily, she went downstairs, brushed past Zhu Wuliu and left an aggrieved expression on her face.

"what is wrong?"

The boy didn't answer, and went straight down the stairs.

Zhu Wuliu is like a [-]-foot-long monk who can't figure it out, but he can't control so much. Right now he is here to find Zhou Huan.

Quietly, she hooked her hands at the eldest niece.

His eyes are full of words.

I saw Zhou Huan said a few more words to the helmsman, and bouncing back to the house with Zhu Wuliu.

Zhu Wuliu was grinning, knocking on the door of his own house with a code, and only those inside would open the door after the code passed.

what does this mean?What have you done so shamelessly?

The little nose sniffed, almond eyes flashed, "Eggs?"

Zhu Wuliu laughed, and gestured a "shh" at her, "It's not an egg, it's a tea egg."

As soon as the lid of the pot was lifted, the whole room smelled.

There were five tea eggs floating in the pot, and the red ones were cracked open.

"Where did you get the eggs?"

Zhu Wuliu: "Keep your voice down, you, Hu Youshan, Uncle Hu, saved this and brought it over in horse grass. There aren't many of them, and only a few of us can eat them."

"The tea is also given by him?"

Well, it's all given by him. I'm afraid that those people in the capital who follow us on the road won't be used to eating it, so we cook some tea eggs to taste delicious.

"Eat quickly, it's delicious when it's hot. Go back and change your clothes after eating, so don't let anyone find out."

Zhu Wuliu eats first as a respect.

Touching the rare white egg white, the cherry is about to bite down.

"Brother Zhu!"

There was a knock on the door, which startled Zhu Wuliu, and he swallowed an egg without taste.

Stuck in the throat.


"Oh my god, my son's father, drink your saliva quickly."

Sister Zhou Huan subconsciously protected the eggs and hid them in their sleeves.

He rushed to the door and asked, "What's the matter, Uncle Dade."

Standing at the door, Sun Xingde thought he had caused trouble at first, and replied timidly: "It's nothing, it's just that Da Zhuang is not strong enough, he listened to his elder brother when he was thinking about it, and wanted his elder brother to persuade him."

Zhu Wuliu's face was flushed, and he drank several sips of water before going down.

And I didn't feel any aftertaste.

Angrily, he opened his mouth and cursed: "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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