Chapter 294 Miserable

As romantic as Song Ming's diary is, the real situation is as realistic as it is.

The two walked side by side facing the rising sun, and then stretched their figures infinitely in the setting sun. Looking from afar, they are a pair of bi-sexual couples, giving people the illusion that this love is only due to heaven.

Just an illusion.

If you don’t believe me, look back, the vast army, and groups of bullock carts are following behind, and the cattle in the bullock carts haven’t stopped since they hit the door.

I traveled and came to a big city, and I was very curious about the flowers and plants around me, and the birds in the woods were scared away by mooing along the way.

There is also the smell of cow dung along the way. Some cows may not be acclimatized to the environment, so they pull a road. The people in front are far away, so they can't smell it too much, but the ones behind them still have the smell in their mouths when their nostrils are blocked.

Now Zhu Wuliu just felt lucky that if they came alone to walk the darts, they wouldn't need to rob them by thieves across the mountains, and they could be caught right by the cow dung along the way.

Xibao hung medicine bags on the four corners. They used this to hang in the hut when they were at home. It was very useful, and now it is also very useful for repelling the smell of cow dung.

Take a break and hit the road, rest and hit the road.

Zhu Wuliu watched as the scenery outside changed again and again.

They were already far away from the coast, and looking at the soil on the ground and the surrounding mountains, Zhu Wuliu felt that they should be arriving soon.

Rubbing my hands, I don't know what happened to Xiaoman, the child must have suffered a lot here.

That child is different from Zhou Huan, he is a glutton, he will not eat if others don't eat, and if he has a bite in his pocket, he will leave it for others.

All in all, this child is so sensible that people feel distressed. He doesn't care about others later, he has to feed the child with cheese first.

Homemade cheese, why give it to others first.

"It seems to have changed a bit."

When the wind blew, Sun Peifang's shoulders felt cold.

"It's okay outside, I feel so uneasy in my heart."

Sun Peifang regretted that she didn't burn more paper for her ancestors before leaving home, and felt that the guardians on her body didn't keep up with her in a different place.

This place is really in trouble, the wind is not right, it is obviously a severe summer, but when it is overcast, it is gloomy, if there is no oil lamp in the carriage, no one can be seen in broad daylight.

"I'll go out and have a look."

Zhu Wuliu pressed Fatty Wang, shook his head, "No need, I haven't arrived yet, what are you doing down here, if anything happens, Song Fuwei will tell us first.

Besides, if something happened, our team would have stopped long ago.


The carriage swayed and stopped.

Sun Dazhuang took a deep breath, "Brother is so predictable, there is really something wrong, this car has stopped."

"Where is this, why stop?"

"Mother, I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid too."

Sanliang and Yuanbao slipped into Sun Peifang's arms.

Zhu Wuliu: "Don't make a fuss, we're just taking a short break, and if there's anything to do, someone will be calling outside."


Everyone: "..."

Sun Dazhuang: "Brother has a clever calculation! Children, don't be afraid, wait until I take the guy out to find out the truth."

Zhu Wuliu grabbed the man's hand, he was not afraid, but why he couldn't help but want to lower his voice.

"Why are you going out? There are plenty of soldiers outside. What are we afraid of? We are well protected. It doesn't matter what happens to us, and bad guys can't get in."

"Oh my goodness!"

Suddenly a person rushed in through the window, with disheveled hair and blood on his face, he stretched out his muddy hands towards several people.

Crying and shouting: "I beg you all benevolent people, great lords, show kindness, stop stuttering, save us, save us..."

Before she finished speaking, a soldier stepped forward and grabbed her hair and dragged it out. In less than three seconds, the "female ghost" came in and went out.

Everyone in the carriage was caught off guard, and they all squeezed into the corner.

"Mother, I'm afraid..." Yuan Bao tried not to cry, but his eyes turned red, and he looked up at Sun Peifang tremblingly.

Sun Peifang was still in shock, and when she heard three or two choked up crying, she started to move before the group of men. The first thing she did was to fasten the curtains on three sides, regardless of whether it was hot or cold, she quickly tied the windows. It became a knot.

Zhu Wuliu lay on Sun Dazhuang's shoulders, calmed down for a long time and recovered.

Everything happened too fast, the head who came in was a human or a ghost.

"Daddy, my sister is still outside."

Zhu Wuliu suddenly turned his head to look at Xibao.

A pat on the thigh.

That's right, what are you doing fastening the windows so fast, girl Huan is still outside.

Now, if you want to go out to see the child, you can only go through the main entrance, then you will be exposed to danger.

"…….I gonna go see."

"I'll go with you, Da Zhuang and Da Dezi will stay and watch over their sister-in-law and children."

The two of them said they were about to get out of the car, but before they got off their feet, the crying outside came one after another.

Crying, shouting, and the screaming of the dolls.

How sad, how familiar.

Zhu Wuliu got goosebumps all over his body.

This is not a ghost, it is a person, a living person, if I guess correctly, it is a refugee.

The two couldn't help standing still, and the dog hugged their bodies in the carriage, quietly listening to the sound of fighting outside.

Xibao trembled and looked out through the gap in the curtain, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

I saw that they were surrounded by refugees outside. These refugees were disheveled and had huge stomachs. She had seen it in medical books. It was caused by starving and blind eating Guanyin soil. What is Guanyin soil? It is to send you to bliss early.

At this moment, almost all the troops are concentrated on their side.

Only they have a carriage, and only they have cows.

The refugees were already starving and red-eyed, and they desperately wanted to fight for food. These people were still conscious and knew that there must be food where there were carriages.

So they waited and waited, watching helplessly as the leading general passed by them, walking far away.

When the carriage was close at hand, he rushed up without hesitation.

But where are they the opponents of these soldiers?

But within half a stick of incense, all the refugees were escorted from the woods to Jiang He by the officers and soldiers.

He fell to his knees messily.

There is also one next to Zhou Huan's little pony, the pony is too small to avoid it.She couldn't bear it, but she still grabbed her cloth bag tightly.

There is dry food, dry food that can save a person.

But she can't give it.

Once it is taken out, everyone will rush forward desperately again.

And these soldiers will definitely not harm them, then, when the time comes, this cart of food may be destroyed by man-made accidents.

That would starve more people to death.

Zhou Huan's eyes were red, and she looked at the man who was pressed down by Song Ming, struggling on the ground as if crying.

Zhou Huan: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

It's so pitiful, these people are so pitiful, even worse than those on the way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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