Chapter 305 Family and country as one

Chapter [-]
He would rather listen to scolding than to cry, Li Chengqi left his smile to his family and his sadness to himself.

I went to the next county, and there were no fewer refugees than here. They built shelters for the refugees overnight, searched for relatives for the refugees day and night, drenched in the cold river, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and had to face The blaming and crying of the refugees.

It's not that he's not tired, he's just carrying it all the time.

Whenever she was about to be unable to resist, she would take out the sachet that Jiang Yueying spent a lot of time showing off before leaving home to satisfy her cravings.

The family and the country are one, he is not only fighting for himself, but also fighting for a stable country for his wife and children.

He must persevere.

Just thinking about it like this, and then embarking on a new journey again.


Jiang He's voice is not as clear as before, nor is it as teasing as before.

In the eyes of Jiang He, Li Chengqi in the past was a son who loved his wife as much as his life. He had never fought any tough battles in martial arts, and he had never written many articles that were useful in the world. After a few days of nights, rough stubble grew, and when he stood in front of Jiang He again.

A sense of awe and respect suddenly rose in Jiang He's heart.

Without saying a word, he took out a few pieces of cheese from his pocket and stuffed them into Li Chengqi's hands.

"All the food has been delivered, and we can still carry it for a few days. You should eat something first."

"No, give it to the soldiers first."

"You eat first, enough."

Jiang He's eyes were tough, but he also knew Li Chengqi's insistence. Before Li Chengqi could refuse again, he arranged for Huzi to transport a truckload of cheese for the soldiers to eat first.

"Is this all from Miss Zhou?"

"Yes." Jiang He paused, "Brother-in-law knew she was coming?"

With a weary voice, Li Chengqi patted Jiang He on the shoulder, "I also only found out a few days ago that the courier happened to be delivered to the next county town, so I stopped it along the way.

You also know that if you go this way, the mud on the mountain falls down, which is very unsafe, so I sent him back. "

Jiang He didn't answer immediately, but looked at the hemp rope in the distance after deliberation, as if it had already been threaded.

"Brother-in-law is back, and I just have something to ask brother-in-law for instructions."

"It is serious to ask for instructions. In terms of seniority, I am your brother-in-law, but in terms of merit, you are far above me.

In the past, when your cousin boasted about you, I was a little unconvinced. I have been working with you for so long these days, and I can see that you are indeed her pride, and you are a courageous and resourceful man. "

Jiang He couldn't help but smile, accepting these words without hesitation.

After he relaxed his tense mood, he also had something to say.

Jiang He: "My sister is not the only good sister of our Daye, and I am not the only one who is brave and resourceful."

Li Chengqi: "How do you say that?"


Looking along Jiang He's fingertips, what Li Chengqi saw was the boy he personally brought out from Songshu Village, Qingmen County, Youzhou.

This boy is usually the most shy. No matter how hot the soldiers around him are, his clothes will always be tightly wrapped and neatly worn.

Regarding this matter, Li Chengqi once hated it in his heart.

It seems that Zhou Man should be the noble son raised in a wealthy family.

Looking in front of him again, the youth's jacket was soaked in sweat and casually put on the tree trunk next to him. The collar of his clothes was also wide open, revealing his well-defined chest muscles and strong waist and shoulders.

This is no small physical breakthrough for him.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chengqi discovered that Zhou Man was stringing hemp rope with the soldiers, and one end of the hemp rope had been strung into a fishing net.

It's just one team.

There is another team not far from them, carrying stones into the fishing net while stringing the net.

"Is this for flood prevention?"


"Where did you get these stones?"

Jiang He pointed to the stone mountain on the opposite side. Of course, he used local materials. Could it be that he wanted to make a big change out of the stone?

Jiang He also said that he and Zhou Man had come up with this idea together, and Zhou Man was very determined to join the flood fighting team.

This kid, he doesn't want to continue working as a handyman anymore, and he also feels that it's too wasteful to use such talents to do handyman, so he has to use them.

So he asked his sister's opinion, and now that they have agreed, it was up to Li Chengqi to give the order.

Li Chengqi's eyes were bright, his relatives had already agreed, so why would he be reluctant.

Even if outsiders scold them for bullying honest people, so what if they choose and employ people only for their own interests?It's good that he has a clear conscience.

But to be honest, he really felt a little bit reluctant.

During this period of time, he saw Zhou Man's talent, and knew that he was not a talkative person, and his knowledge was sometimes far superior to those of the imperial court.

Most of those who came from the imperial examinations ruled the world by relying on half of the Analects, but when they saw the real chapter, they were all numb.

The sage books are for the sages, and sometimes they are really useless to people and things.

For example, the book tells us to be benevolent and trustworthy people. We also have such a heart, but if you say that this heart alone can recede the flood, you are lying.

So precisely because of this, Li Chengqi couldn't bear to let Zhou Man suffer a little loss.

Jiang He also saw Li Chengqi's hesitation, and said in relief, "Don't worry, I won't let him into the water, I will arrange people to follow him.

It's just that when throwing rocks down to prevent floods, I asked him to be the second-in-command. "

Naturally, the conductors had to be Li Chengqi and Jiang He.

This is a responsibility and a burden.

Only then did Li Chengqi raise his eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded heavily.

"Just do as you said, but it won't be safe on the embankment for a while, so we must send a few more people to his side."


Zhu's family said, we don't need you, we can't trust you.

We also have Sun Dazhuang, Wang Fatty, and Da Dezi. The three of them stood on three sides of Zhouman, and it was very safe.

They will go wherever Xiaoman goes.

"Uncle Dade, don't worry about me, really don't care."

Sun Xingde shook his head, but refused to leave, "That won't work! If something happens to you or your sister, it's the whole village's problem. Xiao Man, you can let Uncle stay by your side, you let me stay by your side On the side, we are all at ease."

Sun Dazhuang and Wang Fatty: "It's just..."

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, unwavering in the face of difficulties.

This is the hope of the whole village.

Have you ever heard that one person ascended to heaven with a chicken and a dog? They saw that Zhou Man and Zhou Huan were the ones who could take them to heaven together.

Zhu Wuliu was holding a piece of grass at the foot of the mountain, squinting his small eyes, feeling happy in his heart.

Look, what am I talking about, our bodyguard agency is not just for nothing, we are really good when we encounter problems.And they're very united, unlike your two lieutenants who fight each other all day long.

Look, it's comparing there again.

(End of this chapter)

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