Chapter 308 Flood Fighting
Jianghe will not allow ordinary people to participate until the moment of unbearable, but there are many things in the world that "know what can't be done".

Although these common people had never heard of this sentence of Confucius, they interpreted the meaning of this sentence with their actions.

Some things, don't ask whether it is possible, but ask whether it should be.

For example, the moment they sink into the water carrying a stone, the answer in their hearts is the word "should".

"Have you written down the names of the three heroes?" Li Chengqi asked.

Song Ming cupped his hands and said, "Yes! I wrote it all down!"

At the foot of the mountain, Zhu Wuliuhong stared.

As the eldest brother of the three, he should have taken the lead in getting into the water, but no one knew he was coming, so don't go out at this time and let people see him eavesdropping and peeping, that's not authentic.

At this time, silence is better than sound, there are only two lines of tears.

He was not the only one crying in this world, on the other side of the river, in the grass, Zhou Huan and Zhang Yuxiu were already crying until their noses were full of tears.

Zhang Yuxiu was moved.

Before going out, his mother always warned him that the people outside, especially the refugees, were pitiful but frightening, and this time he came out with his father not to be brave, not to join in the fun.

My mother also said that when you meet such people, don't blame them in your heart. They are also forced by life.

At that time, Zhang Yuxiu asked her mother if all refugees were like this.

The mother shook her head, saying that there are also those who are willing to help others in times of crisis, and there are also those who do not bow their heads in the face of adversity, and only act according to their hearts at the time.

Such as the Zhu family, such as the two siblings of the Zhou family.

So when Zhang Yuxiu watched three ordinary people go into the water, her whole heart tugged.

How lucky she was to meet the kind-hearted people her mother said.

Next to her, Zhou Huan cried with restraint. Compared to Zhang Yuxiu's feelings for these three people who she didn't know, she had escaped death and shared hardships with the three of them, and lived together.

Those were her Uncle Dade, Uncle Fatty Wang, and Brother Da Zhuang. She could only feel anxious when she watched them go into the water.

Why are these three people so confident that even soldiers who fought in the war would not be able to get out of the water? Why don't they know how to write dead words?

She was anxious and angry, so angry that her teeth, hands and feet were numb.

Counting silently in my heart, from the sinking of the three people's heads to the floating up, a total of one hundred and three counts, and the counting became faster and faster at the end.

Because she had read in a magazine that if the lung capacity is good, it is possible to stay in the water for three to five minutes. Zhou Huan couldn't wait for five minutes, so she could only restrain the impulse within three minutes.

Once she surpassed, she was ready to yell at the opposite side, telling them to go into the water to save people, regardless of whether he was guilty or wrong in doing so, a big mistake is not important to human life.

If they don't go down, then she...will be blackened.

Blackening was not his intention. At this time, Zhou Huan suddenly felt the feeling of being forced to a position, and wanted to drag everyone to explode on the spot.

It turned out to be so desperate.

How to say that sentence, don't persuade others to be kind without others' suffering.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the meaning of these words.

And after counting to the one hundred and third, seeing a group of people surfaced unscathed, she swore inwardly: She must do something as much as possible, cheese can save people for a while, but it can't save them forever .

What should I do next time there is a flood? Do I have to trade my life for my life?

After returning to the tent, Zhou Huan didn't say a word, and asked for a pen and paper from Doctor Zhang, and the cat started to draw pictures under the quilt.

Zhu Wuliu didn't dare to interrupt after seeing it, so he could only ask Sun Peifang from the side, asking what happened to the child?Why do you seem to be hiding something on your mind?

Sun Peifang shook her head. She didn't know exactly what the child wanted to do. She only knew that Zhou Huan, like Zhu Wuliu, was destined to go to see Zhou Man, otherwise the skirt would make a whole body of mud.

Zhu Wuliu: "Then don't talk about her like you are talking about me, the girl is too old to talk about it."

Sun Peifang murmured, "Can she not know about this? She can't tell about that, besides, the child is worried about Xiaoman's going, unlike Zhu Wuliu, who walks like he has no eyes."

Zhu Wuliu scratched his cheek with a smile, and said, "How do you know that Zhou Huan is here to see Xiao Man? Could it be..."

"I warn you, this is not in our village, don't talk nonsense, there are people's eyes and ears everywhere.

...Furthermore, even if Zhou Huan was looking at other people, he was mainly looking at Xiaoman..."

The more Sun Peifang talked, the more uncertain she became, and Zhu Wuliuyi began to think about things that she didn't want to think about.

Just let Zhu Wuliu push her away quickly, don't delay her work, her hands are soaked in water to wash clothes every day, and they are all rough.

And it's not over yet.

Zhu Wuliu could misunderstand even without knowing it, let alone the people around Jiang He.

Huzi thought about it for himself, and he didn't want to go inquiring with Song Ming and his gang. He only heard a lot about Zhou Huan through hearsay.

For example, Miss Zhou hasn't come out of the camp since Master Hou got into the water, unless she was going to milk the cows again, otherwise she just kept writing and drawing in the room.

"Painting?" Hu Zi called the soldiers who were on guard in front of the camp yesterday to ask questions, pretending to be curious and asked, "What are you painting? Are you painting people or objects?"

Huzi almost asked, "Is the painting about Lord Hou or the objects around Lord Hou?"

The other party shook his head, and he couldn't understand what the painting was about.

Hu Zi slapped the kid on the top of the head, staring and asked: "I asked you to look at a painting and you still don't understand it. Why don't you understand it? If you don't understand it, you can tell me how she draws it."

Xiaobing scratched his head, pushed his helmet and recalled seriously.

The hand hanging in the air also waved.

"...Uh...that's...a horizontal arrow, er...and a vertical arrow, so the arrows are still crossed, yes, like this."

The little soldier waved his arms and raised his hands, his eyes sparkled, he nodded and said, "Look, Mr. Hu, it's such a painting. My two arms are the arrows, and the arrows are still there." Lots of dots."

What arrows, dots, what kind of pictures are these.

Huzi rubbed his chin. Miss Zhou always thinks differently from others, and it is only natural that the things she draws are different from others.

But Huzi was curious, what exactly was she painting, and she painted every day, every day, without raising her head, seeing their Lord Hou as if she hadn't seen him.

Xiao Bing drooped his shoulders, "I don't know the little one, anyway, I asked the Zhu family yesterday, and the Zhu family didn't know what Miss Zhou was painting."

Huzi: "That's weird, even the Zhu family doesn't know what the painting is about."

Not long after, Song Ming also inquired about the news from his subordinates. After inquiring, he picked up a pen and copied on paper what Zhou Huan had drawn.

After finishing the painting, he smiled happily.

As expected of the woman that the Hou Mansion has his eyes on, she really does not give way to a man, isn't this the silver feather arrow, isn't this up and down is their shooting range, it turns out that the girl wants to learn archery.

(End of this chapter)

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