Chapter 311 Do We Owe
Sun Peifang's affection for Jiang He also collapsed the next day when she was taken to the county town to weave silk.

Whether you are tired from work is another matter.

Let's just say it's bad or not.

As soon as you enter the door and pass through the courtyard, you will find a courtyard with three entrances and three exits. Don't think there are only three entrances and three exits, but the facades everywhere are big.

One household is one household, all are looms.

There are big ones, small ones, and all kinds of patterns.

Let’s just say that the flower rack in their hometown is already the freshest in the local area, and you can’t buy it anywhere else.

But here, it's just someone else's casual machine.

There are also those that are not seen on weekdays, that they want to find someone to make in the embroidery workshop, they are all here, everything that one expects to find!
All in all, Sun Peifang was tired of working, and the more she worked, the more unhappy she felt. The blue silk, a special product in the south of the Yangtze River, was woven by others and just put it there. She didn't take it seriously at all, which made her very angry. .

Mainly angry at myself.

Angry that I don't have much money in my pocket but worried about the idea that rich people can't afford food.

It was only the first day, and Sun Peifang came here happily and went back dejectedly.

When you go home to eat, you pick up the rice bowl and put it down, put it down and pick it up again, you can't waste food, right?
"What's the matter, daughter-in-law?"

Zhu Wuliu was very concerned about Sun Peifang's mood. After all, his daughter-in-law was in a good mood, so he had good fruit to eat.

The daughter-in-law is in a bad mood, and she doesn't even have to eat the fruit.

Sun Peifang scratched her head with the other end of the chopsticks, "It's nothing."

"Don't say it's nothing, there's nothing to sigh about. After eating cheese for many days, it's easy to drink gruel. Why don't you want to eat it?"

"Oh, it's okay if I say it's okay."

Sun Peifang rolled her eyes, and sat down with the children with the bowl in hand.

In their camp, where is the table? It is said to be a small square table, which is to use the objects at home to padded it to a height of eating, which is enough for two people to put bowls and chopsticks.

Once Sun Peifang left, Zhu Wuliu was left alone.

Simply, he should stop eating and help his wife wash the dishes outside.

By the well, many locals wiped their mouths and begged for water. Zhu Wuliu also leaned over and imitated Jiang He's tone of condolences.

"Brother, don't be discouraged, you will get better this time, and the wait is not too rough, we had a plague before that, and many people died, piece by piece.

We also have corrupt officials who bully our people all day long, prevent patients from entering the city, and drive people out. We are delayed by them.

So, we have survived, you always persevere, life will be better in the future. "

The old man nodded, what did he say?
Said: "Your parents and officials don't give you food or medical treatment? What's the matter? And you married several concubines?
That's really not a person.

Look at our parent officer here, he was transferred from Liangzhou by the imperial court, a very caring county magistrate.

This time the flood happened because he led the government servants from house to house overnight to scoop up people, because he fought against the imperial court for us, and because he worked hard for us day and night, and within three days, his hair turned gray.

Since he came, many ancestral halls and temples have been built here, and many orphans and widows have been taken in in those places.

The county magistrate also asked them to learn crafts and grow mulberry seedlings.

We are really the master of the blue sky.

Hey, it's a pity that the mulberry seedlings have become fish ponds now, and this year is destined to be a famine year.

Fortunately, Shi Ziye and Xiao Houye came again, and won food for the common people, and gave us a breather.

Otherwise, it will be miserable.

Hehe, but, as you said, when this wave passes, we will definitely be stronger than you. We have a lot of business dealings with foreigners, such as silk, tea, and porcelain. They come everywhere Qian Daoer.

By the time of August [-]th, if there are no natural disasters, maybe it should be stable.

You go to the street, there is no curfew here, and there is an all-night carnival. The street is full of all kinds of bright lanterns, and there are jugglers, singers, and people who listen to operas in the hook bar. It’s a lot of fun. It's lively.

When the time comes, go shopping before you leave and buy some local emerald mooncakes for your children. After passing this village, it will be difficult to eat them! "

The old man brushed the stubble around his mouth, stood up and leisurely went back to the shed to lie down.

Zhu Wuliu was stunned for a while, and said "Hey -" at the corner of his mouth.

what happened?There seemed to be a gap in my heart, it was inexplicably empty.

Fang stood up and bumped into the hardness behind him.

Zhu Wuliu raised his head, "Ah—" He covered his face in fright and took three steps back.

"What is this hairy thing!"

Hu Zi laughed, "This is an eagle from the frontier, your Tianbao ordered it to fly over."


Zhu Wuliu chubby moved his hands away from his face, and looked at the eagle in front of him in shock, it was really big, even bigger than the one they shot down.

"Is this from Tianbao?"

"Yes, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Tianbao is no longer called Tianbao, and we will call him Adili Xiaowang when we meet in the future."

"Brother,,,,, what? Xiao Wang?"

Blaming himself for breaking his tongue, and explaining something to the common people, Huzi waved his hand: "You don't have to remember, maybe you won't see it again in the future.

I won’t tell you anymore, I still have to send this eagle to Lord Hou, the eagle is still waiting to be boiled over there, let’s go—”

Passing by, Zhu Wuliu was inexplicably stared at by the eagle.

He was very unbalanced in his heart. Today he behaved well and spoke well, why did these people know how to pierce his heart one by one.

Why can't I see Tianbao.

When they have money in the future, the whole family will go to the Western Regions to relax!
"Daddy, Master Hou has gone to cook the eagle. What is boiled eagle?"

Zhu Wuliu bowed his head, and stood in front of his legs at some point, looking up with doubts in his eyes: "Why did Brother Huzi say that we won't see Tianbao in the future? Did something happen to Brother Tianbao?"

The small mouth cracked, and she was about to cry.

Zhu Wuliu didn't like it when he saw it, so he hugged the child quickly, and even coaxed and lied that he couldn't, Tianbao is blessed, he won't take anyone who has lost it.

You want to watch boiled eagles, dad will secretly take you there, so don't say anything.

Sanliang nodded timidly.

The two of them hit it off immediately, and went to Jiang He's tent, who knew they missed it.

People can't cook eagles here, they have to go to the back mountain to find a quiet place, and no one can disturb them during the period.

What is boiling an eagle? It is to remove the wildness of the eagle. Simply put, it is not allowed to sleep or eat.

This is hard work. Some eagles have to stay up for seven or eight days. If they are interrupted in the middle, it is tantamount to a failure and they have to start from the beginning.

During this period, Huzi didn't dare to disturb him, and Song Ming didn't dare to disturb him even more. Only Lord Hou set up a tent on the side of the mountain and blocked the side so that no one could get through.

Song Ming was afraid that Zhou Huan would be distressed, so he said with relief: "Your Majesty has worked so hard, for the convenience of passing on the news later, he couldn't close his eyes for several days.

However, Lord Hou has great responsibilities and abilities, so boiling the eagle shouldn’t be a problem.”

Zhou Huan smiled: "Of course, your master Hou is so good at archery, boiling an eagle is a piece of cake, so you don't have to worry."

Song Ming: "...?"

(End of this chapter)

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