317 - Dating

People say go, can you not let it?

Don't care about your status, Zhou Huan can't control other people's legs.

Song Ming looked at the height difference between one tall and one short, and ripples appeared in his heart.

It's not like when I married my daughter-in-law, it's hard to describe.

Miss Zhou, I wonder if you have seen the dark circles under the eyes of Master Hou. It is because he is tired from the hawking, but even if he is so tired, he wants to go shopping with you.

I am afraid that you are not familiar with the place of life, afraid that you will be lonely, and afraid that those rough guys around you will not make you happy.

Song Ming didn't expect that Master Hou would be decisive on the battlefield and cynical in life, but he would be so affectionate when facing his feelings.

"Miss Zhou is really blessed." Song Ming looked at the extended carriage and muttered to himself: "Looking at the posture, it doesn't look like she is going to be a concubine, she doesn't look like a housekeeper, but she looks like she wants to marry Mingmei. wife."


Song Ming was lost in thought, when someone patted his shoulder suddenly, and his whole body was frightened.

"What little brat."

Huzi bared a row of small yellow teeth behind him, pinched his waist and smiled happily, "What are you thinking, so scared? Let me ask you, have you seen Lord Hou?"

When Song Ming saw Huzi, he was so angry that he threw his arms away and said without turning his head, "I didn't see it!"

Huzi watched the man leave in a huff, like a monk who was two feet long, he couldn't figure it out, and relaxed in place for a long time.

He muttered and said, "If you didn't see it, you didn't see it. Why are you making such a big fuss?"

The horse-drawn carriage passed the city gate of Yuhang County, and then passed the wooden arch at the head of the bridge to the most prosperous night market street in the area.
Sure enough, it was the busiest time in Jiangsu and Zhejiang at night.

There are so many high-quality goods on both sides, and the hawkers are no longer waiting for customers in the shop, and they have set up their stalls to solicit, one after another.

There are sugar sellers, fruit puree sellers, and mung bean ice sellers.

Zhou Huan's eyes were almost too busy.

"Uncle, let's go back and buy some mung beans later, and let my aunt boil water for drinking."

Zhu Wuliu opened the curtain on the other side and approached Zhou Huan's face, nodding with a smile.

Jiang He sat in the middle and turned to look at the two of them.

Is this too close? Zhou Huan is too old to be so close to any man, even uncle.

"Cough cough."

Sun Dazhuang turned his head to look at Jiang He, and asked kindly, "Master Hou, do you have a bad throat? Let's get out of the car later, and Xiaomin will buy you a cup of mung bean ice."

Jiang He: "No need, just get out of the car and visit your place."

Sun Dazhuang pursed his lips and nodded heavily.

Master Hou is really kind, he never troubles anyone.

After getting out of the car, Zhou Huan wanted to drag Zhu Wuliu away, but was stopped by Jiang He, "What are you doing with your uncle? Your uncle is going to pick up your aunt."

"But it's still early?"

Jiang He laughed, took out the jade token from his waist, and handed it to Zhu Wuliu.

Zhu Wuliu hurriedly took it with both hands, and looked at Jiang He not quite understanding.

Jiang He said: "It's been a long day of hard work, let Mrs. Sun have a good rest today."

This is what it means to ask Zhu Wuliu to take the jade card and go to the embroidery workshop to pretend to be a tiger.

Zhu Wuliu looked at Zhou Huan, then at Jiang He, and finally his eyes fell on the jade tablet, and his heart suddenly became knotted.

what to do?A niece and a daughter-in-law cannot have both.

"Xiaomin... Thank you Lord Hou for your compassion."

"Then... Xiaomin has gone?"

"Go, go, Auntie might be very happy to see Uncle."

Zhou Huan even gave someone a wink. When he returned to the village, his face was washed, his hair was recombed, and his clothes were changed. You are no longer the ghost you were worried about in the afternoon.

While there are no children to disturb, take a small amount of money, lead your lovely wife, and go shopping!

At this time, Zhou Huan was happier than Zhu Wuliu himself.

Zhu Wuliu looked at the big niece who had no nerves in his head, his heart sank, he turned his head and left.

Seeing that his uncle had left, Zhou Huan left too.

There are many interesting things on the street, and she has five taels of silver, so she can buy many interesting gadgets.

After a while, I asked what it was, and after a while, I asked what it was over there.

When I walked to the booth where someone bought sugar, I watched the old man wave his hand, and a set of movements smoothly drew a little white rabbit vividly.

There are also pastries sold on the side, which are colorful and crystal clear, which are very different from the refreshments at home.

"Excuse me, old man, what is this called?"

"This is called Liuli Jadeite Cake. It melts in your mouth. It tastes fresh and soft. Would you like to have a taste?"

Zhou Huan looked delighted.

Girls always like to look taller.

"Okay, old man, please give me two."

The stall owner collected eight Wen, put two crystal-clear glass cakes into lotus leaves, and handed them to Zhou Huan happily.

Holding it in his hand, Zhou Huan took a bite and wandered to the next booth.

This night market is like a long dragon, the head and the tail are very far away, and the closer you get to the dragon's head, the more lively the street is, and the more people there are.

Zhou Huan huddled on the edge of the railing, watching Hua Dan above performing the water-sleeved lantern, he couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Martial arts novels do not deceive her, as expected, she can roll up the candlestick with her sleeves.

The atmosphere on the stage reached its highest point, and the audience below also boiled up.

The waves of people below are crowded with people, and Zhou Huan is small in size, but he doesn't feel stuffy in the crowd.

It is very convenient to move up and down with two feet.

She looked down and saw that others didn't even have a place to step down, but her circle had nothing but two pairs of shoes, one big and one small, and she had a lot to spare.

One pair is her embroidered shoes, and the other pair is... wide-mouth soap boots.

Zhou Huan raised his head and looked behind him.

He was stunned for a moment, and he stumbled as he spoke: "Hou, Lord Hou... why are you here? You also come to the theater?"

The blue veins on Jiang He's forehead suddenly bulged, and he rolled his eyes helplessly.

Zhou Huan, Zhou Huan, do you really not know or are you just pretending to be stupid? I followed you all the way, but you really didn't notice it at all.

While scolding others in his heart, Jiang He thought to himself: Fortunately, he came with me, otherwise he wouldn't know why this girl was sold by human traffickers tonight.

"There are too many people here, and there is nothing to see. If you want to see it, I will take you upstairs."


Zhou Huan looked up and was startled.

How could there be such a big restaurant in this small town of Yuhang County.

Red lanterns are hung high, and the whole building is brightly lit like daytime.

Holding the pastry in his hands, Zhou Huan smiled happily, "Then I will trouble Lord Hou."


"The two guest officers, please."

The waiter swept the whisk on his body, and led Jiang He and Zhou Huan to the second floor.

Zhou Huan looked at it as he walked. The craftsmanship of this restaurant is really extraordinary. If you look at the tableware on the table, they are all complete sets; if you look at the tables and chairs, they are all made of mahogany.

Tsk tsk, if you don't talk about economic development, it has to be Jiangnan.

"How is it here?"

Before they knew it, the two walked to the fence, with the bright moon above their heads and the stage in their lowered eyes. Zhou Huan's eyes were shining, but he couldn't show his lack of restraint.

"As long as Master Hou likes it."

Jiang He turned his back and smirked at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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