Chapter 326 Duplicity
The carbon burnt.

Holding a big lotus leaf, Zhu Wuliu dragged Zhou Huan and ran back, pointing and pointing: "Look, is this glowing red charcoal?"

You can't get started, just looking at it, it looks like it's completely burnt from the outside, as for the quality, you can only know after it's burnt.

Zhou Huan wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked his aunt to stew fish soup tonight.

Um?Fish soup?

Where did it come from.

Zhou Huan patted his chest, it was naturally given by the people here to thank us.

"You will take it if I give it to you?"

"Ah, accepted."

The corner of Zhu Wuliu's mouth "hissed", "Why do you want everything, what do they have, I can't even eat it myself, so you give it back to others."

Zhou Huan turned his head and was about to leave. If he didn't return it, he wouldn't return it. It was just a fish lying half dead in the fish pond, so he couldn't take anything.

Or her uncle is a double-faced, double-standard dog. He is happy when he is doing well, and he is thankful for giving us things, and he is pitiful when he thinks about it.

Zhou Huan didn't argue with him here. Anyway, Sun Peifang had cleaned up the fish, so he had to eat it tonight.

"You child, tell me why you are still playing silent now."

At night, the family ate soup around the stove, Zhu Wuliu took a sip, and almost burst into tears.

"Have you closed the curtain?"

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan looked at each other, and replied to Zhu Wuliu's words, "It's all ready, eat it quickly, or the halazi will fall into the soup, and we will hate it."

If this smell is smelled by outsiders, what's the deal?Not to mention that Harazi went in, even if a mouthful of old phlegm went in, everyone outside would have to snatch it.

A few people held the bowls, and immediately felt that the fish soup was not fragrant.

Zhou Huan swallowed with difficulty, thinking to himself: There is no saliva or paralysis, this fish soup is clean.

Fatty Wang took a sip of hot soup, raised his head and let out a long sigh.

Sun Xingde took the opportunity to joke: "What's the matter? You can't drink anymore?"

Fatty Wang shook his head, not because he couldn't drink it, but because he had something on his mind.

I don't know what's wrong, when I was working today, I suddenly remembered how many acres of land my family has. It's time for autumn harvest. I don't know how the family is cleaning up.

The voice fell, and there was silence in the tent.

Breaking my fingers, I have been out for a month. I stayed from summer to autumn, either working or on the way to work. The days go by so fast.

A group of people looked at the burning charcoal, each with their own concerns.

Xi Bao said, "I don't know how Master Wu is doing, whether he can take care of the medicine fields at home by himself."

"Are you still thinking about returning the medicine field?" Sun Peifang put down the bowl, and said, "When the autumn harvest comes, we will trouble you, Grandpa Sun and Wu Youren, to reclaim the land for us. I am worried about whether they can take it back."

"Can you accept it?" Zhu Wuliu answered, "The sorghum was only knee-high when we left. I was afraid that he would leave the land and ruin our land."

Sun Peifang hurriedly stopped, confidently expressing that she can't, even if Wu Youren can't do the field work, Uncle Sun will find someone to take care of us.

She was afraid that every household was collecting grain now, and she couldn't take care of their family's affairs. That was ten acres of land.

This is the first time she has planted such a large field, and what she looks forward to most is the autumn harvest.

Zhu Wuliu didn't answer, and silently calculated in his heart.

There are soybeans, sorghum, and some millet in the field. If the drought is severe this time, the millet may not be harvested, but there are soybeans and sorghum. As long as Wu Youren tidies up the farmland, it will be a good year after this year That's fine for next year.


The silence in the room was broken by Zhou Huan, Zhu Wuliu shuddered, looked at Zhou Huan tremblingly, and scolded, "What are you doing, you're so surprised!"

It's not bad, there is no fish in the bowl for one person, it's all bones, and Sun Dazhuang's bowl is not easy to have some minced meat, just about to taste it, Zhou Huan yelled, scared to the ground.

"What's the matter, sister Huan?"

Sun Dazhuang was very bitter. He wanted a reason, a reason that could comfort him.

Zhou Huan looked at him and said distressedly: "Bee! Our bees! I don't know if my aunt and Uncle Dawang can take care of them. It's time to raise the queen bee. After a while, I have to move them indoors. There must be a fire wall, otherwise I am afraid that the bees will freeze to death, but we took it down at the risk of our lives."

A few people look at me and I look at you.

Sun Xingde pursed his lips, and said in a low voice: "It's not your life, it's my brother's.

Oh, don't worry, Huan'er, my brother is amazing, if he can make bees, he will definitely know how to keep bees.

You put your heart in your stomach, he is better than you and Da Zhuang. "

Sun Dazhuang nodded in agreement.

He said that, in terms of carpentry skills, no one in the village can compare with him, and in terms of hunting and breeding, no one can compare with Brother Dawang.

That's what I said, but how could Zhou Huan not be worried.

She had read in the book that keeping bees is very particular. If the queen bee flies away in the box, all the bees in the box will fly away.

Another is to worry about whether the bees will get sick this time.

That's right, bees, like people, can get sick and be contagious. She has seen bees get potbellied before.

This disease is common in winter. In winter, there is nothing in Youzhou, and there is little feed and the quality is not good. Bees have to prepare winter feed before winter, and they have to feed it in October.

Otherwise, if you get a big belly disease, it will be an infection.

Ai - Zhou Huan rubbed his head.

It wasn't just the bees that bothered her, but the cows too.

Before she left, she left two cows for Zhaodi. Zhaodi must have no problem raising cows, but I don't know if the two cows still have milk now.

Zhou Huan found out that many of the cows they brought over had been weaned, and it was a waste of resources to eat feed and not produce milk.

But there is no way, this cannot be solved.

Zhou Man drank the last drop of fish soup in his bowl, pushed Zhou Huan and said, "Sister, if not, I will ask Shi Ziye for instructions, how about letting you go back to Youzhou first?
Anyway, there is nothing serious going on here, and there will be no more disasters. You go back and focus on some business, and I will just stay here by myself. "

"How about that?"

That's so embarrassing.

Zhou Huan looked at Zhou Man with innocent eyes.

This is called reciprocity, Xiaoman, if you persuade me a little more, my sister will immediately agree to you.

"That's absolutely not possible!" Zhu Wuliu scrambled to say: "We are here to wait for you to leave together. The whole family must be together. Xiaoman, you don't have to worry about us. Business matters are trivial matters. We haven't been through any big storms.

When I saw you going into the water under the heavy rain that day, Uncle, I decided that if we wanted to leave, we would all go, and if we wanted to stay, we would all stay.

Can't leave you here.

Besides, your sister can't bear to part with you, right, Huan'er? "

Zhou Huan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Yes, yes, who can rest assured that I leave you here alone."

(End of this chapter)

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