Chapter 328 The Good Man

What if there is nothing in the letter?
Just make it up, make it up if you are moved, make it up if you are encouraging, make it up until Sun Xingde's tears are in tears, and he can no longer listen to the longing of his mother who is looking forward to her son's return at home.

He wiped away his tears and went out with his nose in his nose.

"Brother, I'll go back first."

"Well, let's go back, there is no mother who doesn't miss wanderers, it's not a big deal, after we finish our busy work, we will go home with glory and money."

"Okay, brother."

Zhu Wuliu sent off Sun Xingde on the front foot, and welcomed Sun Dazhuang on the back foot.

Sun Dazhuang is different from Sun Xingde, the letter in his hand is full of Cuiyun's longing for him.

But he can't read, so the above stories have to be told by cultural people, but if Zhu Wuliuyi tells him, then everyone will know, where will Sun Dazhuang's face be put among the brothers.

Fortunately, Cuiyun is considerate and shy, so she thought about it for Sun Dazhuang early in the morning. The name was called at the beginning of this letter, and Zhou Huan had to read it for her.

Zhou Huan and Cuiyun are similar in age, and she is the closest to her in this group.

Only when Zhou Huan read it, she could rest assured that the meaning of the letter had not been embellished, and it would not be used as a excuse for them to laugh at her relationship with Sun Dazhuang.

At this time, Zhou Huan and Sun Dazhuang went out from the house.

Reading the letter still had to avoid people, so the two chose a place on the edge of a ditch, Sun Dazhuang held up the oil lamp, and Zhou Huan recited Cuiyun's miss to Sun Dazhuang word by word.

Thank you for the dark night, thank you for the candlelight, thank you for making Zhou Huan unable to see the red heat on her face.

Don't look at what Cuiyun wrote between the lines are trivial matters at home, after all, they were entrusted to others to write, and she dared not explain too many words from her heart.

But a thousand miles of marriage is bound by a thread, how could Sun Dazhuang not understand what Cuiyun meant by saying about himself.

For example, she likes to eat the sesame paste cakes that Sun Dazhuang bought for her. For example, she often goes back to look at the land at home, tidy up the house, and the housework that Sun Dazhuang often uses. Ash.

This is what he meant.

Zhou Huan said with a smile while reading: "The concubine Shizi is so kind, the little prince needs someone to take care of her right now, and she is willing to give elder sister Cuiyun some time off to go back to the village to look after the house for you, which shows that the concubine Shizi is sincere to all of us." Sincerely."

Sun Dazhuang nodded heavily.

Yes, the concubine is a good person, and the master is also a good person. In the past, Big Brother Zhu always said to be careful of people outside, cheating each other and tripping others.

But along the way, Sun Dazhuang felt that there were still more good people than bad people.

In order to thank the concubine Shi Zi for taking care of Cuiyun, he had to help the concubine Shi Zi with work.

By doing more work, Yuhang County can get out of trouble one day earlier, they can go home one day earlier, he can go back to Rare Rare Cuiyun where he sneaked, and the son of the world can also go back to see the children.

Zhou Huan: "Hey, I was born in the emperor's family, and I can't even see my own children when I get busy. I feel really sad for them."

"However, they are well-clothed, well-fed, well-fed and well-lived, and they are served by others, so they should do more work."

After all, distribution according to work is everywhere.

For example, in this village, which is also building a new countryside, Sun Dazhuang earns more money than other people.

Just because he is a craftsman, and what the village needs most, especially after the disaster, is a craftsman.

Didn't he mix with carpenters a while ago and help build a wooden house?

This time there is no need, the imperial court has allocated funds, and Li Chengqi will take care of it, and Song county magistrate will use it. The two work together to make every penny worthwhile.

The county government sent soldiers to buy green bricks and pull them into the village by truckloads.

County magistrate Song said that the winter in the south is different from that in the north. The house is damp and cold. The wooden house looks like a shelter from the wind and rain, but in fact it can't live in people at all in the cold winter.

When it rains, the wood will be damp, and the moisture will penetrate into the bones of people, so how can it work?

So, this time, Sun Dazhuang is actually building a house, not making a fuss.

Everything about the house should be based on the drawings drawn by County Magistrate Song.

County Magistrate Song is really capable and knows everything. When compared, Zhou Huan's clumsy drawings were compared.

Hearing the praise from others, Magistrate Song just smiled.

"Each has his or her own strengths, and I'm the first to come first. I like to draw a few strokes if I have nothing to do. If you have no hobbies, you are not a gentleman."


On the other side, Sun Dazhuang was working.

The old man in the blue-and-white-and-blue jacket passed by his eyes for a while, and walked away from him for a while.

A pair of curious eyes looked at him from time to time.

Sometimes this person will look at others, but more often he will stand in front of himself.

Sun Dazhuang's whole body became tense when people looked at him, and he couldn't do the work with his hands well.

Seeing someone approaching, he shouted loudly, "What are you looking at!"

This sound frightened the old man opposite, his cheeks trembled in fright.

After a long while, he said awkwardly: "Excuse me for disturbing the strong man. I am a servant of Liu Yuanwai's family in Yuhang County. My master has a Zhuangzi in this village. It has been in disrepair for a long time and caught up with the torrential rain some time ago. The master asked the little one to come out and find a craftsman, thinking..."

"You want me to help you with the housework?"

The old man quickly shook his hands, "No, no, no, it's not for helping my family. There is a reward! We can discuss the reward."

This should be a play.

Before the old man came, he had actually recognized Sun Dazhuang's craftsmanship.

He had been wandering around the village for several days, and he had seen Sun Dazhuang leading people to build a waterwheel, and he had also seen Sun Dazhuang leading soldiers up the mountain to cut wood.

There must be nothing to say about craftsmanship, but I don't know if he is willing to do private work for them in his capacity.

Looking at him, he looks like someone from the imperial court.

Sun Dazhuang changed his hand to take the saw, and thought to himself: We are not from the imperial court, we are just the porters of the cows.

It was a coincidence that someone stayed here, and it took a long time to do it.

"Let's talk about the amount first. I have to see what your house looks like. I may not be able to fix it. If I can't, I won't ask for your money."

This is done.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally, it's not disgraceful - I thank the strong man now, if you're not busy, let's go and have a look now?"

"Not now."

Sun Dazhuang pointed to the houses behind him, "Now I still have my own work to do, and I can help you fix it when I finish. If you can't wait, go find someone else."

Before the voice finished, the old man became anxious, "Don't tell me, I'll spot you. The strong man is busy first, it's okay, I can wait, I will wait under the root of the tree, let's go after you finish, don't worry .”

Sun Dazhuang looked at the old man, thought and thought, and went to Zhu Wuliu while he was taking a rest.

What's the matter, his team concept is very strong, Zhu Wuliu dare not take private work without asking for instructions.

Originally, I wanted to send the old man away first, and then give an answer tomorrow, but who knew that this person was like looking for a wife, and he would not let go if he identified one.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Zhu Wuliu was confused, looked at this silly boy, and smiled: "What's the matter, you can do whatever you want, since you are a grandpa, the reward will never be less.

The only thing is, if someone is so good, he has status. You must be optimistic about whether you can do the job, and if you can't, don't just take it.

Go! "

Sun Dazhuang hesitated, "The money..."

"If you have money or not, you should keep it for yourself. Since there are still girls waiting for you in the village, the girl's good life is only a few years.

If you earn more money, quickly change the identity of the girl, and don't let her down when you marry her back home. "

(End of this chapter)

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