Chapter 331 A Dream Comes True

The voice calling Zhou Huan turned into a wave of voices.

Call from the front.

It hit Zhou Huan's ears all the way.

She hurriedly carried her skirt and waded through the water to receive the order.

The eunuch standing on the slope paused when he saw the man approaching.

What's going on, why did it come from the fish pond?

Zhou Huan said that she didn't want to either, and it was said that you should arrive at noon, so we can't be idle.

We will continue to work, in order to show you the spiritual outlook of the new countryside, and to allow you to go back and have peace of mind with the emperor.

We were very busy in the morning.

Therefore, when you entered the village, no one knew about it, and the person who was supposed to receive the order was not in place, only Li Chengqi and Jiang He walked to the front at leisure.

We little shrimps knelt down before we could even move our feet when we heard the declaration.

Yes, kneel down.

The people in the fish pond couldn't kneel down, they could only squat halfway, and their skirts were soaked when they squatted down. Do you think I look like a drowned rat? meaning.

Trotting all the way with the wind, Zhou Huan stopped in time, stretched out his hands and respectfully took the seal.

"Master, thank you, Ron."

The eunuch Bingbi coughed lightly, and said with a flick of his sleeve: "That's it, the errands entrusted by the emperor to the servants are considered to be finished. Miss Zhou, I hope you will be diligent and restrain yourself, and don't let down the grace of God."

Zhou Huan raised his head and smiled, and replied "yes".

Li Chengqi stepped forward and said, "My father-in-law is exhausted, I'll take him back to the county."

"Don't dare." Eunuch Bingbi took two steps back hurriedly, "My lord is busy with the affairs of the world, how can I, a slave, delay my errand.

However, there are a few words that the emperor asked the slave to tell the son, and trouble the son to send the slave? "


Eunuch Bingbi smiled at the people behind him, and his eyes fell on Jiang He: "Master Hou, please go with the servant?"

After a while, the black team left the ditch, leaving only mud marks all over the ground.

After all the people left, the common people in the field didn't stand, they knelt and didn't want to, so they could only whisper and discuss with the people around them.

"Can you get up?"

"Okay, everyone is gone, why don't you try."

"Why don't you try?"


Huzi and Song Ming got up first, and shouted to the soldiers behind them: "Get up, everyone! Continue farming!"

Everyone stood up from the ground and continued to work, except the Zhu family.

At this moment, the small family meeting begins.

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan couldn't hear what was said in the front, but the whole family knew that they had a name in front of the emperor.

No longer just a little guy.

It's just that this small seal is somewhat incomprehensible.

In the rosewood box with ears carved, a bronze-colored red seal was neatly placed inside. Zhou Huan just wanted to touch it, but Zhu Wuliu slapped it down.

"Don't touch it, such a beautiful seal was given by the emperor, we have to ask the son of the world later, where is it going to be buckled."

Sun Peifang pouted.

The seal is good-looking, it is good-looking, and it is made as exquisite as it wants to be, but it is a little small, so how can the guests see it.

You can't just come in and give others a glance at the door, it's too high-profile.

Zhou Man looked at it and said, "Could it be a calligraphy seal?"

"Square and square is a bit like, eh, can you understand the words written on it?"

Zhou Huan wanted to reach out again, Zhu Wuliu yelled: "Don't touch it! Why are you so impatient, just wait for the son to come back and ask, and you will know."

If Shi Ziye doesn't come back, they won't touch him all the time?
The eldest son was sent all the way to the county town, and the two of them had something to say in private, and when they came back, they had to go back to the house to rest if they couldn't prepare. At that time, would her uncle say don't disturb others?

Zhou Huan pouted.

Anyway, I'm just a little girl, what's wrong with me being impatient.

If you say no to touch, just touch.

After I finished rare, Zhou Man should also rare, and Sun Peifang should also rare, and the family took turns touching.

Just ask Zhu Wuliu if he wants to take two.

It's really useless, he can't control Zhou Huan at all.

It's useless to talk about reasoning. Other people's reasoning is better than singing, and his reasoning becomes fallacy in Zhou Huan's eyes.

Holding the object in the palm of his hand, Zhu Wuliu could directly feel the weight of the object.

Zhou Man said: "There is a character 'Shang' below, and the word Shang also means to look like a gold ingot. The font is flat and round, so it's hard to recognize."


Several people looked at each other, Zhou Huan clapped his hands suddenly, "I got it! I got it!"

"What are you doing, kid! You scared me! You scared me! You are the one who is going to heaven!"

Sun Peifang's ears buzzed, and she punched Zhou Huan's shoulder with her small fist angrily.

Zhou Huan tugged at Sun Peifang's hand and said, "God, I'm really going to go to heaven! Does this seal represent the emperor's recognition of our identities?"

What identity is that?

They are ordinary people in Youzhou City. For Zhu Wuliu, the ultimate goal in this life is to have a wife and children, a house and land, and a decent dowry for the children when they get married. bullied them.

that's enough.

What else do they have.

Staring at Zhou Huan for a while, he took a breath and looked at the seal in his hand.

It's not heavy anymore, it's just heavy.

We all know that the emperor never speaks directly when he has something to say, and the same goes for the people in the court. They like to beat around the bush, calling this the art of language.

If everything is clarified, the fun of chatting will be lost.

They like to watch you guess, and see you are either ecstatic or regretful after you guess it.

Well - these things are no exception.

Everything the emperor wanted to say was hidden in this seal.

The eyes of several people fell on the seal in Zhu Wuliu's hand at the same time, and Zhu Wuliu was so frightened that he hurriedly put the seal back into the box.

How did you put it up in the past, and how do you do it now.

You can't think about it randomly. If you think too much, it's easy to have expectations.

Let's not have any expectations at all, just wait for Shizi to come back and tell us what's going on.

Shi Ziye and Hou Ye are very beneficial to us, and they will definitely not go around in circles with us again.

The whole family formed a group, looking at each other, each with their own thoughts.

No one thought that the casual words of You Wang's family would become true.

What they have never imagined until now is that Jiang He has to rely on Jiang He for this to come true, and Li Chengqi is at most the person who drafted the memorial.

In the evening, Zhu Wuliu chatted with the soldiers eating melon seeds in front of Li Chengqi's tent.

After a while, I got acquainted with people.

The main reason is that Zhu Wuliu's identity is a little different now, his heart is different, and he dares to talk to people.

The whole person exudes confidence from the moment he goes out.

"What are you doing?"

When Li Chengqi came back, the two were chatting about food, Zhu Wuliu told others what he could get in the autumn mountains of Youzhou, and Xiaobing told Zhu Wuliu what he ate when he was in the frontier fortress.

The more the two chatted, the more greedy they became. When Li Chengqi turned back, the two of them squinted their eyes and their mouths were full of swearing.Xiaobing immediately stood up straight, sucked at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I have seen the prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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