Chapter 334
This is the difference in being human.

Zhu Wuliu looked at his niece and Sun Dazhuang, pushing and shoving back and forth for ten taels and 20 taels for me. Is this a penny?This is who is more noble.

Zhou Huan said: "Oh, I don't want you to give it to you, but you still have to give it to me. Why do you give me money? Do we still need money for our relationship?"

Don't just force it, Sun Dazhuang said that he can only feel at ease when he gives Zhou Huan money. He doesn't know how to draw, but he knows that his sister's painting is very hard.

"It's not hard work, it's just painting casually, and it's not building a new house, I just painted a few flower windows."

Sun Dazhuang still refused. In his eyes, this was Zhou Huan’s excuse for not charging money. How could it not be hard work? If it wasn’t hard work, why would Zhou Huan’s face droop every time Brother Zhu asked Zhou Huan to paint? .

Zhou Huan saw that he couldn't screw this person up, so he had to back down a step and said, "Then give me five taels."

"Five taels?" Sun Dazhuang asked back: "I am a coolie. Without you, I would not be able to earn this money. No, no, you have to accept 30 taels."

30 Both Sun Dazhuang and Sun Dazhuang felt that the gift was missing.

If you want him to say that he was able to do coolies for other people, it was because of Zhou Huan's credit. If he didn't follow Zhou Huan, didn't learn those skills from Zhou Huan, and he was still doing odd jobs in the city, who would? Fancy his craftsmanship?
The craftsmanship is not good, let alone the house of Yuanwai's family, even the common people's house does not dare to let him try it.

Therefore, 30 taels for Zhou Huan is really not too much.

He knew that the money was not much, compared to the current identities of the Zhu family and Zhou Huan, this amount of money was nothing.

People talk about business with the big bosses, and a deal is a small deal of a few thousand taels.

But girl, don't be disgusted, brother's current ability is here.

But brother promises that he will hang out with you in the future and will be a coolie for you for the rest of his life.

Zhou Huan let out an "Ouch", what did he say?

Zhou Huan said: "Brother Zhuang, don't underestimate yourself. I tell you that excessive modesty is pride. Look at when my brother Xiaoman was humble?

You are already very good, let alone your craftsmanship, let alone in the village, even if it is placed in Youzhou, it is one of the best
As my aunt said, if an excellent embroiderer mends clothes, others will not be able to see that they have mended.

Your craftsmanship is just like theirs, and the house you have repaired has no trace of repair.

I will keep five taels of this money, so I can't take more, and you will have to propose to sister Cuiyun when you go back.

As your big boss, I have to give you red envelopes. "

Sun Dazhuang laughed.

It's a little early to think about this now, Cuiyu is with the concubine Shizi, and her vision is very high. He has to go back and build a new house first, then buy a cow, and make good purchases for the family.

The Zhu family can no longer control them.

Zhu Wuliu thinks, go back and think about these words yourself, we still have our own family meeting to hold.

The meeting was carried out on the final finishing work of Yuhang County.

At the meeting, Zhu Wuliu pointed out that, as the flood relief personnel this time, they are trembling at the last moment, so they must stand on their last post.

The identities of the big guys are different. I believe that there is no need to ask for some words, and I have points in my heart.

Don't embarrass yourself, let alone the organization.

Another one, besides doing their job well, they also pack their luggage. There are few ingots and three liang of things, so they can finish the work by themselves.

Daughter-in-law has to take care of the overall situation, and it is also very hard. You are responsible for all the pots and pans in the house. If you can pack them, pack them as soon as possible. If you feel wronged in the next few days, go to the soldiers to make friends.

Xibao doesn't have many things, the main thing is the herbs you picked here, let Dr. Zhang show you before you leave, don't pick a bunch of rotten grass leaves and bring them back to Youzhou.

Finally, the most important thing is Zhou Huan and Zhou Man.

Especially Zhou Huan, as many cows as we brought over, we have to bring back as many cows as possible. That's all money. Don't you have it in your little book? Count it carefully.

I have seen that no one raises cows in this village. If our cows run short, we will report to the customs. Remember, what we do is all good things, and we can’t suffer in the end.

As for Zhou Man, take all your books with you, time is running out this time, and you can't work at work when you go home, you know?

After Zhu Wuliu finished speaking, the family looked at each other.

What do you mean, then you said 63 tricks, why didn't you talk about yourself, you and Yuanbao are in the same echelon of love, right?Just pack your luggage and you're done, right?
Facing Sun Peifang's questioning, Zhu Wuliu said: "Look at this point, there is no more agreement, did I say I quit, I have to clean up with you.

I didn't want to say these words at first, because I thought you understood. "

Sun Peifang took a look at him, she couldn't understand, why should she understand.

If a woman doesn't speak out, it's making her petty, and if a man doesn't speak out, he wants to have a tacit understanding. What's the point?

As soon as the two of them choked, the children ran away in a flash.

Xi Bao sighed. After picking so many herbs by herself, her father said in a daze that they were weeds, so she had to go to Doctor Zhang to testify.

Zhou Huan patted Xibao, so she was better than her, she was going to count cows.

There are more than a hundred dairy cows, all of which are raised in the back mountain.

Do you know what that place is like?

Let's just say that the cows eat, drink, and scatter all on the back mountain. They haven't changed places for a month, and the ground is full of "landmines".

Xibao said: "Sister, then don't waste that cow dung, ask the people here if they collect dung for fertilizer, we don't want their money, just let them clean it up, wait until they finish collecting it for you How about going again?"

Zhou Huan thought about it, this is a good idea.

The manure collectors live in the east, separated from their group by a small river.

It would be boring for Zhou Huan to go alone, so the two sisters would go together to Doctor Zhang, and then go east together after finishing their work.

After arriving at Doctor Zhang's office, after Xi Bao and Zhou Huan bowed to each other, Xi Bao opened the sack on his body with a face full of shame.

Let's take a look, I have to trouble the imperial doctor for such a trivial matter.

Doctor Zhang said with a smile: "It's okay, the left and right are too idle now, when my little girl comes back, it's time for us to pack our luggage."

Xibao: "Yes, I almost forgot, why is sister Zhang not at home today?"

Imperial Physician Zhang said: "Don't worry about her. She has always been restless. This time, when I get back to Yanjing, I have to talk to his mother and hire a nun from the palace to teach her the rules. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for women to marry in the future."

Xibao and Zhou Huan looked at each other.

I saw that Dr. Zhang was examining the herbal medicine carefully, while talking to himself about the origin, habit and efficacy of the herbal medicine.

Xibao listened carefully, but he didn't want Imperial Doctor Zhang to stop suddenly, and immediately broke into a smile: "Little girl, your father really hit the mark! See? This is not herbal medicine?"

Xibao's eyes widened, but the weeds in Doctor Zhang's hands, he smiled embarrassingly, "This must be the grass roots that came out when I collected the herbs, I picked them according to the medical books, there is no way I could pick them wrong. "

After all, Xibao panicked with embarrassment, and was about to throw it out when Zhou Huan stopped him and said, "Wait a minute!"

(End of this chapter)

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