Chapter 339

"When you return to Youzhou, remember to write to me."


"You are the first one to come to see me when you arrive in Yanjing."


"you want,"

You have to remember to think of me, how could such words come out of a woman's mouth, Zhang Yuxiu warned herself, be reserved, be reserved.

I have told him to write a letter to myself, and to write a letter is to miss him.

Although the carriage of Doctor Zhang's family hadn't gone far, Zhou Man already knew what it meant to be hopeless.

No wonder the saying goes that to start a family and start a business, first start a family and then start a business.

When a man becomes a family, the burden on his body is heavy. Even if it is not for himself but for his wife and children, he will fight for a career.

These words are just right for Zhou Man, although he has not married Zhang Yuxiu now, but he has already started to imagine his future with her.

On the other side, Zhou Huan returned to the carriage and was unhappy.

Sun Peifang looked at her niece who was usually the most heartless, and wondered in her heart, is it so sad to go out and part with the little sister?
The hairstyle has also changed, when did I braid a small braid on the top of my head?

Xi Bao wiped the dust from his forehead, leaned against Zhou Huan and asked, "What's wrong, sister? What did the young master tell you?"

Zhou Huan was shocked.

She saw it.

Xi Bao nodded, yes, she saw it, she originally wanted to call Zhou Huan back to the car, but when she walked over, she saw the young master holding her sister's arm, so how dare she go there.

Zhu Wuliu came to his senses first.

"You and the young master went into the woods?!"

A whole car of people looked at Zhu Wuliu with all their eyes, Zhu Wuliu realized that his mouth was going to be bald and he shouldn't be bald.

Sun Peifang squeezed the handkerchief fiercely, her eyes could kill Zhu Wuliu.

What are you talking about?There are a few Sun Dazhuangs in this car, whether outsiders know about it, even if you don't think they are outsiders, what about Yuanbao and Sanliang.

The two children are still young and very pure. They don't understand what you are saying. How do you answer when you are asked?

"Cough cough cough-"

Sun Peifang coughed at the wrong time, which made the atmosphere in the car awkward.

Zhou Huan simply showed his cards, "Master Hou is going to fight, he wants to ask me to go back and take good care of the princess."

"Master Hou wants to fight?" Several men asked in unison.

The brothers all know that Lord Hou is a famous Japanese general. Since there is going to be a war, it must be at sea. Will it delay their return home?

Is the sea unsafe?

Zhou Huan shook his head: "Not at sea, but in the north, fighting against Mengwu."

"Oh my god." Sun Peifang understood, "Isn't that our hometown? Is it the other side of Songshu Village?"

"Then I don't know. If Mengwu has a good chance of winning, then it is almost as far as the foot of Songshu Village. If Hou Ye and the others have a good chance of winning, it is also possible to keep people outside the frontier."

It may not be possible, Sun Peifang does not allow any accidents to occur.

She is a woman, and she can't think of any country's love and hatred. What she pretends in her heart is the matter of her family's one-acre three-point land.

It used to be, it still is.It's just that now that the family has grown, she has to think more comprehensively.

"No, we have to go back to Fengtai County."

"What are you doing? What else is there in the old house at home?"

Sun Peifang said to Zhu Wuliu: "There is a war, and the dead bury the dead. If Mengwu invades, what will happen to the cemeteries in our hometown?"

"Fatty Wang, where are your parents' graves?
Da Dezi, is your ancestral grave also there? "

The two nodded.

So what are you thinking about? Sun Peifang said: "Many ancestral graves in our village are in their hometowns. We didn't move the graves before because we were afraid that the plague might recur. Later, we were busy with business and didn't have the time to move the graves." .

But now, if you don't move the grave, it will be too late. "

Hey, maybe it's too late.

It's been too long, and there may be new people living in that area. Even if there is no one, the grass has grown tall, and I really can't find it for a while.

"Then we have to go back." Zhou Man was the first to agree, "Sister, our parents' graves are closer to Mengwu, so we have to go back and fetch the bones of our parents."


Zhou Huan agreed.

After all, it's the parents' graveyard, so no one can dig it up, right?

It's just that many things need to be considered in the long run at the moment.

For example, it is so hard for us to be in a hurry, but the road under our feet has to be walked step by step, right?

It will take half a month to go back to Qingmen County from now on. Let's sort out this matter bit by bit. For example, is there a good way not to move the grave?

"Don't move the grave? Then, find a great dancer and recruit it for our ancestors."

As soon as Wang Pang finished speaking, he was beaten by Zhu Wuliu.

Zhu Wuliu couldn't speak, so he explained: "You can't think better? If Lord Hou wins the battle, then it's all right? What's the matter? If we fight the Mughals, we will definitely lose every step of the way. What is it?"

The big guy has lived in the foothills of the Great North for decades.

Like Zhou Huan, they knew very well how powerful the Mughals were.

I heard that those people can stay on the horse for three days and three nights without eating, drinking or sleeping, they are very resistant.

I also heard that the war horses of those people are sweat-blooded horses, and they run ten times faster than our horses.

Such an undefeated myth, can we beat it?

The more they thought about it, the more discouraged they became.

What if the Mughals fight over?The days when they just settled down are about to disappear again.

Then why go home, write a letter directly to the family to let the family come over.

They continued to flee south.

Zhou Huan: "Nonsense, if you really call, nowhere is a pure land, and you want to escape to the foot of the imperial city? The imperial city is the most unsafe. Think about it, what is their ultimate goal? It is not to replace Daye Is it? It must be dry, cough cough."

So far, the rest will be understood by yourself.

Zhou Huan thought for a while and said, "The bloody horses are fine. They have them, and we also have them. I heard from Lord Hou that Tianbao and several small countries in Khotan have already rushed there. They have war horses."

As for not eating or drinking... I don't believe that some people can not eat or drink. "

Xibao's eyes suddenly brightened, "What are you talking about? Tianbao went to fight the Mughals?!"

Zhu Wuliu and Sun Peifang's little hearts flickered, "What?! Tianbao is going to fight?!"

Sanliang glanced at the drowsy Yuan Bao, looked up at Zhu Wuliu, and suddenly became energetic, "Father, brother is going to fight? Then I'm going to fight! I want to help brother fight the bad guys!"

Zhu Wuliu hurriedly covered Sanliang's mouth.

After calming down, he looked at Zhou Huan: "Why didn't you say this earlier, just talk about those who have nothing to do with our family."

Zhou Huan felt aggrieved.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it, she's thinking, can she think of a good way by talking?

That's no big deal.

Zhu Wuliu became impatient: "You told me that Tianbao is going too, let's prepare rations and cotton clothes for Lord Hou and the others first!"

(End of this chapter)

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