Chapter 95 The Hope of the Village

"Strive hard! Work hard, sister-in-law!"

In the cave, the women were busy making a mess. At this moment, they had no midwife, no replacement rags, and no hot water.

Everything has to be prepared by yourself.

Those who have given birth rushed forward, such as Sun Peifang and Aunt Cai, one on top of Tweety'er and the other under Tweety'er's legs.

Sun Peifang said: "Tui Er, I call one, two, three, you just work hard, sister-in-law is here, sister-in-law will encourage you.

One, two, three, push hard!
Xiao Hua was about to cry when she was next to her, her sister-in-law was the best in the whole family, she was afraid of what happened.

No, nothing happens.

"Strength, sister-in-law, I will give you strength, I have strength!"

After speaking, he tightly grasped Tweety's hand, his face flushed from holding back, and he tried hard together.

For the rest of the women, Zhou Huan hurriedly boiled water, and Zhaodi soaked the cloth given by Sun Peifang over and over again and sent it to wipe sweat.

Mrs. Li knelt on the ground full of piety: "I beg the Tathagata Buddha, the compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, please, please, don't take my daughter-in-law away, I am willing to eat fast and chant Buddha for the rest of my life, and I will never curse anyone again. Kowtow to you, kowtow!"

The old lady Jin stood aside with a look of contempt, thinking in her heart: You poor old lady, if you take good care of your daughter-in-law, how can she suffer like this today? "

The people in the cave are already in a mess.

The men who heard Tweety's screams were even more confused.

At this time outside the cave.

No one cared about what to do with those bandits.

Can a dying person be more important than a living person?

Sun Fugui was pacing back and forth at the entrance of the cave. He wanted to go in but his mother would not let him say it was unlucky. He wanted to break down and cry, but he was afraid that Tweety would panic again when he heard it.

Why don't you get angry?
He turned his head and kicked the bandit on the ground.

"It's all of you! If you didn't burn, kill and loot here, would my wife be born prematurely!"

Zhu Wuliu kept his waist from behind, and said tightly to persuade: "Don't yell here, don't scare your daughter-in-law, she is like this when she is frightened, can you stop following me?" Add to the chaos.

My daughter-in-law was in there, she also gave birth to two, and Yuan Bao almost had a dystocia at that time, she knew best that this woman gave birth to a baby, and with your sister-in-law here, Tweety will be fine. "

Thinking of the past, Zhu Wuliu couldn't hold back, and tears fell down one after another.

Just now he was so nervous that he didn't think about anything, he just wanted to rush forward, but his heart stopped, and he suddenly got scared.

Xibao is not as old as Ji, and Yuanbao is still so young. There are old people in other families to look after the children, but they only have him. If his impulsiveness is gone, what will his wife do?What about the child?
Zhu Wuliu looked at the fourth child, held back his anger and helped him up to kneel.

Looking at each other, Zhu Wuliu believed that he could tell that he had no right to let people go here, nor did he have the right to make decisions for these injured neighbors.

If you want to blame, blame yourself, fourth brother, how can you take over mountains and become a bandit? How many people have you harmed over the years?

The fourth child burst into tears and snot, shook his head and couldn't explain clearly.

"I was forced to be helpless, I was really forced, when your father-in-law and my master disappeared, our bodyguard company was disbanded, and you all went home to farm, but what do I have.

I used to be a good citizen, and I lived my life on the mountain. I was bullied by the last bandit first, and then I stood up and resisted. "

Zhu Wuliu is not happy to hear these words, you can come and join us if you haven't been recruited, and I can't help but die.

The fourth child felt like a stick in his throat, and whispered, "I can't die with you, you have no money, no fame."

"You," Zhu Wuliu kindly thought he was a donkey's liver and lungs, and kicked over, kicking the fourth child to the ground again.

He was still cursing: "I'll take care of you and me for my father-in-law right now! I'll let you bully the people in his village!"

Behind him, Sun Xingwang and Sun Xingde hugged their legs and pulled their waists.

I'm really convinced, the flesh on old brother Zhu's body is really not for nothing.

Seeing that Zhu Wuliu had made a move, Li's eldest son was even more impolite. The resentment in his heart turned into iron fists, and hit the fourth son's face heavily.

The villagers next to him had already wanted to make a move when they saw that, but now they didn't have to bear it any longer, and the two of them got together and beat each other to death.

And almost at the same time, an unusual sound came out of the cave.

It is the cry of a baby.

"Hey, shh!" Sun Dazhuang was the first to hear the sound while standing at the entrance of the cave.

All the young and old present suddenly paused.

"Sister Cui'er, did you give birth?"

gave birth?

Sun Fugui's heart was pounding and he couldn't move.

It's the child's voice, that's right, but what about his wife's voice, why is the daughter-in-law silent.

A golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and the old lady Jin crawled out of the hole with a head.

He shouted beamingly: "Fugui! Your daughter-in-law gave birth to you! Mother and child are safe!"

Mother and child,,, peace.

Everyone relaxed immediately, and Zhu Wuliu stepped forward and patted Sun Fugui on the head, "What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you go and see your son!"

"Ah? Ah, ha, ha ha ha ha!" Sun Fugui slapped his thighs with both hands and jumped three feet high, Xi Dang's father's smile could not be concealed at all.

He was going to see his son and his daughter-in-law.

In the cave, Tweety was so tired from having a baby that she couldn't speak a word.

The people next to her were also tired, screaming tired, and the women in a circle couldn't move, and they collapsed around Tweety.

Sun Peifang's throat was on fire.

It doesn't matter whether the water in the pot is for washing rags or freshly boiled, it's swallowed with a gurgle.

Zhou Huan didn't dare to look back from the beginning to the end. Giving birth was too scary, and there was blood everywhere. When the baby fell to the ground, she was paralyzed with fright.

She wanted to stop Sun Peifang, don't drink, it's easy to get diarrhea.

Think about it again, pull it down, you won't get sick if you don't do anything clean.

The whole village was very happy because of the arrival of the little life, especially Mrs. Li smiled from ear to ear.

Lichang Sun is also happy.

Who said their village is going to end, isn't everyone living well?
Who says they can't do it? If they don't kill the wolf, they will kill the bandits.

With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the snow stopped, the wind stopped, and a brand new little life came.

Sun Fugui let Mrs. Li hold the child, and accompanied Cui'er by himself. He couldn't kiss in front of outsiders, but his forehead was close to his forehead. He had to let his wife know that he cared.

"You've worked hard, Tweety."

Tweety smiled tiredly and shook her head.

"Baby's father, our child's life is given by the villagers, why don't we let the big guy name the baby."

That's right, Sun Fugui was so happy and confused, he almost forgot that if he didn't have these relatives and neighbors, he would have no wife and no children from now on.

After looking around, Sun Fugui was very embarrassed to speak, but the education level of each family is not high, and they can't come up with decent names, especially since this is the grandson of the Li family, so we can't offend her.

In the end, Li Chang Li lit the cigarette bag, took a puff, blood surged up all over his body, and the stale air descended.

There is no more comfortable feeling than today, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Why don't you call me Sun Wang, Hope's Wang, nicknamed Ping An, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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