Mr. Gao Leng Fu is addicted to doting his wife

Chapter 349 Part 14 Discharge Routine

Jiang Cheng stayed in the hospital for four days. After confirming that his temperature was normal, he went home.

During the period of hospitalization, apart from Fu Yushi who almost stayed with her every step of the way, Su Yuyang would go to see her in the ward every day, and Su Chongyi would also go there every day, even if he only sat in the ward for a while before leaving.

Jiang Cheng was infected by a virus this time. Fu Yushi would drink some preventive Chinese patent medicine while staying in the ward for the past two days. In addition, his physical fitness was indeed good, so he was not infected by Jiang Cheng.

It was almost noon when Jiang Cheng returned home after completing the discharge procedures, and when Jiang Cheng entered the villa's entrance door, he heard Xi Bao's shout of "da da da da".

After four days of not seeing each other, Jiang Cheng thought about this little guy so much that his eyes burned when he heard his voice.

"Baby, I miss Mommy so much!" Jiang Cheng was wearing a thick down jacket before he could take off, trotted over, and hugged the fat baby who was sitting on the thick carpet.

Jiang Cheng wore a mask when he entered the door, fearing that the virus might be contagious in the later stage, so he refrained from kissing Xi Bao's chubby, tender face.

Xi Bao was sitting on the thick carpet playing with the car model that Cheng Zixiang bought for him from abroad last month, when he was suddenly picked up by his own mother, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw who was coming, he uttered With a sound of "ah", he hugged Jiang Cheng's neck, pulled the mask off Jiang Cheng's face with a small hand, and squeezed his chubby little face over.

Jiang Cheng: ···································································································································· Best of all, this is his own son.

At noon, the food on the table was very rich. Apart from avoiding some dishes that were too greasy and seafood, Jiang Cheng usually had everything he liked.

In the past few days, eating lightly in the hospital, coupled with lack of appetite, Jiang Cheng's food was very monotonous. When he came back and looked at the table of his favorite meals, Jiang Cheng wanted to drool for nothing.

After lunch, Fu Yushi went to the company. Several meetings, large and small, have been postponed for the past few days. In addition, it is the end of the year, so he will be very busy in the next month.

Before Fu Yushi left, he habitually touched Jiang Cheng's head, which amused Jiang Cheng.

That day in the small garden of the hospital, what Fu Yushi said to her solemnly while holding her shoulders made her almost cry.

Jiang Cheng thought, everyone has weaknesses, even Mr. Fu, a business giant who exists like a god's mansion, is no exception.

But she didn't expect that this person's weakness would be herself!

Fu Yushi was really scared of Jiang Cheng's illness this time, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed by her side like a child.

For Jiang Cheng's narrow-minded ridicule, Fu Yushi's response to her was to give her a hard pinch on the face.

He said he pinched it hard, but he didn't use much force, it was just that he touched it long enough to make Jiang Cheng feel embarrassed.

"Relax well at home, don't play with your mobile phone or watch the computer, and ask for two more days off from school." Fu Yushi urged.

"Understood! You come back late at night and ask Assistant Han to prepare dinner for you. You are not allowed to have a meeting on an empty stomach." Jiang Cheng also made a request.

When sending Fu Yu away, Jiang Cheng went to the bedroom on the first floor to check on Xibao's sleeping condition, and then went up to the second floor.

During Jiang Cheng's illness for the past few days, Xi Bao was taken to his own baby room by Aunt Gong.

Before Xi Bao was born, Jiang Cheng chose a room with the best light on the first floor to make him a baby room, but in order to facilitate breastfeeding at night, Jiang Cheng kept Xi Bao in the bedroom on the second floor, and now Xi Bao is also weaned Well, Jiang Cheng was ill for a few more days, so he just took this opportunity to let the little guy go back to his room.

Although he was reluctant, Jiang Cheng thought it would be better for boys not to be too clingy.

Back in the bedroom on the second floor, Jiang Cheng took out his pajamas and took a hot bath in the bathroom, then lay comfortably on the big bed and got ready to sleep.

Maybe these days, Fu Yushi is always by my side, eating and living together, but I can't sleep when I get home.

She was the only one in the huge bedroom, and Jiang Cheng always felt that the voice that breathed with her was missing.

Waking up like this, after thinking about things for a while, Jiang Cheng fell asleep in a daze.

After finishing his sick leave, Jiang Cheng returned to school and began nervously preparing for the final assessment.

The biggest difference between postgraduate study and reading at the Linda School of Finance is reflected in the final exam.

In addition to the written exams for majors and elective courses, the first end-of-semester evaluation for Research One is an on-the-spot evaluation.

This was a piece of cake for Jiang Cheng, but it stumped most of the first-year research students.

Therefore, after Jiang Cheng completed all his subject assessments, he was recruited as a "tutor" for a few days. After all, no matter how strict the school assessment is, there is no need for students to fail their subjects on purpose.

After the busy exams, the half-year course is over.

Linda's winter vacation has officially begun.

At this time, Jiang Cheng finally took the time to visit Jiang Song who was pregnant.

Su Chongyi never told Jiang Song about Jiang Cheng's illness and hospitalization some time ago, but he only found out about it when Jiang Song returned to Jiang's house a few days ago when Jiang Yuxin asked him.

For this matter, Su Chongyi was ignored by Jiang Song for several days.

When Jiang Cheng brought Xibao to Su Chongyi's new villa, Jiang Song just woke up from a nap, and was very happy to see his mother coming with a suitcase, although he complained in his heart.

"Mom, don't be angry, I didn't let Dad tell you. In fact, telling you is just worrying in vain. We dare not let you go. You are the key protection target now, and you are precious!" Jiang Cheng hugged Jiang Song's arm behave in a spoiled manner.

"Okay, okay, you've grown up now, and you know that your father lied to me, next time you will do it again... bah bah bah, there will be no next time!"

It's been so many days, and the anger that should be angry is also angry. Jiang Cheng stood in front of her properly, and Jiang Song had nothing to say.

Jiang Song is now four months pregnant and has passed the initial discomfort period. She is well maintained and has some flesh on her face, and her condition is even better than before.

Jiang Cheng brought Xi Bao over with a suitcase, obviously intending to live here for a while, so Jiang Song naturally wanted it.

At night, when Su Chongyi came home, Xi Bao, who was learning to walk crookedly, hugged his legs.

"Ouch! The baby is here, you miss grandpa, don't you?" Su Chongyi picked up Xi Bao, and before he had time to change his clothes, he hugged him twice.

What Xibao likes most is being picked up and thrown up and down for fun. Jiang Cheng can't do this, and only Fu Yushi, the others and Su Chongyi are often used to him.

Xi Bao was so happy that she didn't want her grandfather to hug her, she twisted her body and wanted to get off the ground by herself.

After his first birthday, the little guy's motor skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and now he can walk slowly on his own.

The lobby on the first floor is covered with thick woolen carpets, so I'm not afraid that Xi Bao will be knocked down when he falls, so Jiang Cheng will not deliberately protect him by his side.

Children's courage is actually exercised by their parents subtly.

On this point, Jiang Cheng did a good job.

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