Chapter 303

"Yesterday, I saw the criticism report about Lu Jie in the personnel department that is going through the process."

In the bright office, Zhang Moyan's new boss, Editor-in-Chief Huang, crossed his hands on the table, with a facial expression of "you must be very interested".However, Zhang Moyan, who was sitting across from his desk, didn't even move his eyebrows, as calm as if he hadn't said this sentence at all.

Editor-in-Chief Huang was very bored, but Zhang Moyan's curiosity was not a necessary condition for him to finish his sentence: "The superiors decided that her performance appraisal grade for the second quarter will be D, and will cancel her year-end promotion qualification, so as to imitate others."

Editor-in-Chief Huang pointed his finger at the table for the last four words, and strengthened his tone: "Lv Jie was the backbone of the company's training before, and she has become famous in the media circle these years. Giving her a D is almost equivalent to directly issuing an order to expel customers."

Zhang Moyan noticed that Editor-in-Chief Huang mentioned that Editor-in-Chief Lu Da, who is at the same level as him, called him by his first name. It can be seen that although Lu Jie is a newcomer and has a more stable foundation, he didn't take him seriously at all, or maybe he just took him directly. Lu Jie saw it as a stumbling block.

"But Editor-in-Chief Lu probably won't resign." Zhang Moyan didn't show the surprise her boss expected when she punished Lu Jie. On the contrary, everything did not exceed her and Jin Xueyang's expectations.

Lu Jie is in the industry like a duck to water, all because of the big tree that leads the media.But she doesn't know the seriousness. In the past year, she has often regarded herself as a hero. Not only does she act high-profile, but she also demands special things. The high-level beat her at this time, in fact, let her know that she is inseparable from leading the media, and she is not strong enough to start a new one. She is nothing without this backer.

So if you want to know it with your toes, the editor-in-chief Lu Da can only eat this sap and start a man with his tail between his legs.

"I also don't think she will leave." Editor-in-Chief Huang agreed with Zhang Moyan's prediction, contrived to ponder for a moment, and then showed a worried expression, "Then Xiao Zhang, I'm really worried about your situation from now on gone."

Zhang Moyan still didn't have any expression on her face, as if she just said something just to cheer her up: "Why are you worried about me?"

"Look, when Lu Jie's punishment is over, she herself, including her soldiers, will be furious. They dare not directly shoot at me and do anything to me, but they will definitely retaliate against us, so I did it for them at the beginning. If you go to work, you will definitely become the target of their attack!" Editor-in-chief Huang paused, and his tone became even lower, "And I heard recently that our former director Eric has been actively asking the chairman to transfer Shen Hai back... "

He intentionally left nothing to say, and was silent for a while to let Zhang Moyan think for himself, and finally said in a tone of thinking about her: "Look, you are now regarded as a scourge by the upper levels, and you will have to face the criticism of the lower level colleagues in the future." Crowding, this environment can be said to be very severe, you must be fully prepared! Although I intend to protect you, I am still a newcomer after all, I am afraid..."

"Editor Huang," Zhang Moyan interrupted his hypocritical heartfelt words, "I will submit my resignation letter, and I will prepare it when I get back. I will hand over the resignation report to your desk tomorrow."

Editor-in-Chief Huang froze in the middle of the performance, and after a few seconds he made a slow motion similar to clasping his hands: "I can understand your decision very well. In fact, our cooperation is very pleasant. I still remember that Editor-in-Chief Li put What about the earnest entrustment you gave me when you handed it over to me, but in the end you resigned because of my lack of consideration in arranging the work."

Zhang Moyan couldn't bear it and moved, and said in a nonchalant way: "You don't need to be like this, I don't like this job very much."

"Oh?" Editor-in-Chief Huang was a little suspicious, "You don't like it? I see that you have a strong sense of responsibility in your work and are very serious in your work!"

The corner of Zhang Mo's mouth curled into a smile: "Maybe I will do the same in other jobs."

"Well, this is your excellent quality, I have seen it for a long time!" Editor-in-Chief Huang pointed at her sophisticatedly, "Employees who are serious and responsible like you will be welcomed wherever they go! Don't worry, I will definitely do my best. It can help you keep your bonus for the first half of the year, by the way, if you are looking for a job, you can directly leave my number for background checks, and I will definitely recommend you with good words!"

The scenes of impromptu scenes are really uncomfortable, but Editor-in-Chief Huang is still unsatisfied, and begins to perform and sigh: "It's really a pity. I personally admire you very much. After you left, I lost a right-hand man and a right-hand man!"

"In that case, then I won't leave." Zhang Moyan said suddenly.

Editor Huang's expression froze like a brake.

Zhang Moyan smiled slightly: "My voluntary resignation can not only help the upper management solve a serious problem, but also make an explanation to the editor-in-chief Lu. You really don't want such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

Editor-in-chief Huang's old fox-like face froze in Zhang Moyan's rhetorical question, and the sharpness of Zhang Moyan's indifferent and beautiful eyebrows and eyes made him shiver.

"You said that..." After a while, Editor-in-Chief Huang twitched his brows and laughed.

Zhang Moyan resisted the urge to gag, stood up politely and nodded slightly to Guo Guo: "Editor-in-Chief, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go out first."

Editor-in-chief Huang had no time to tidy up, so he showed a look of consolation, as if he was afraid that Zhang Moyan would not write a resignation report if he was upset: "Oh, okay, you have nothing to do, go get busy!"

In the main room where the employees work, a female colleague in the group celebrates her birthday today, and seven or eight people are taking advantage of the afternoon tea time to sing birthday songs and cut cakes around her.

Zhang Moyan walked in amidst laughter, and several colleagues who were standing and celebrating saw her, but no one called her to taste the cake together.

In fact, Editor-in-Chief Huang is not wrong. The environment she is in is already very bad. To put it bluntly, after Editor-in-Chief Huang used her to complete the glorious mission of suppressing Lu Jie and currying favor with high-level officials, she is now an abandoned child. up.

Except for Jin Xueyang, there will not be another colleague who will take the initiative to approach her, and Jin Xueyang is on the field at this moment.

Of course, Zhang Moyan didn't care about these things, and she hadn't had any hot fights with any colleagues before. Due to her personality, few people could win her heart in the past 25 years.

Therefore, it is especially rare to find talents who have entered the heart.

It's even rarer to have someone like Xiao Xingyu.

She doesn't want to give up.

Zhang Moyan moved the mouse amidst the positive comments on the cake on Twitter, and clicked twice to wake up his sleeping computer.Instead of opening Word to start drafting the resignation report as promised by Chief Editor Huang, she opened several folders in a row, and finally double-clicked a Word document named "Temporary".

The dim light of the screen lightly reflected Zhang Moyan's solemn and beautiful cheeks, and there were only two phone numbers lying quietly in the snow-white window, which she had copied from a work contact list by accident.

One is an overseas landline, and the other is a domestic 11-digit mobile phone number.

Zhang Moyan pressed the mouse and stared at the screen for a while. Suddenly, she seemed to have made a decision, quickly copied the two numbers with a sticky note, then got up, walked out of the office and went downstairs, walking all the way to the west of the company parking lot. in the garden.

In the afternoon of three or four o'clock in July, the scorching sun scorched the ground and the air was stuffy. Cicadas chirped long and short on the trees.In the empty garden, Zhang Moyan didn't hesitate much. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the overseas landline according to the note. She waited until she hung up and no one answered, and then she dialed the remaining mobile phone number.

beep - beep -

Two electronic tones came from the receiver.


Then Chen Guanfu's voice rang through the phone.

 It's sunny...

(End of this chapter)

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