Is he teasing me

Chapter 317 This is really a big misunderstanding

Zhang Moyan looked at the man next to him speechlessly. Obviously, Xiao Xingyu had captured her indulgence today and was taking advantage of her.She wanted to scare the other party away with a sullen face, but Xiao Xingyu had a face with bright eyes and white teeth, which made people feel good when they saw it. The curvature of the dental arch was especially beautiful, and it was hard not to love it.

As for his closeness, she liked it from the bottom of her heart, but when she thought about their future, it felt like a big hole had been dug in her heart, and even the delicacies of mountains and seas were no longer fragrant.

Alas, I really don't know how many people in the world have suffered from this in ancient and modern times.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Zhang Moyan turned to the left and asked the little aunt in a low voice.

To deal with someone's offensive, it seems that there is only one way to go away for a while.

After taking a sip of juice, the little aunt blinked her eyes, and then asked Zhang Moyan in the same low voice: "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Zhang Moyan nodded.

The little aunt thought she understood, put down the juice glass very ladylikely, stood up and bent over the table, her expression and actions were like those of a French lady in the sixteenth century: "Sorry everyone, I'm sorry for a while."


Sasha rubbed the goosebumps all over her arms: "Auntie, are you okay? Did you watch any weird movies recently?"

After hearing this, Zhou Xia sent the goblet forward: "Speaking of which, I would like to thank not only Grandpa Guotao, but also Brother Huai for escorting Grandpa Guotao's azure-glazed porcelain to Shenhai for traveling thousands of miles. come!"

Zhang Moyan took the little aunt out of the private room, and walked to the bathroom at the stairs after the waiter instructed.When approaching the door, several figures turned down the wooden stairs, Zhang Moyan raised his head inadvertently, and when he saw the man in the middle, he was stunned.

Seeing Xiao Xingyu's happy smile prettier than an idol star, Zhang Moyan mourned in his heart: I understand your thoughts, and I like you very much, but we are enemies, even if we love each other day and night, I'm afraid you and I don't have a chance.

Zhang Moyan was taken aback, yes, it's strange for Jin Xueyang to appear in this place where people pay more than one's life, but isn't she herself surprised?
What to do, Jin Xueyang must have guessed that she came with Xiao Xingyu!Except for Xiao Xingyu, there is no other person she knows who can spend like this.

Zhang Moyan felt that he was already full, but when the fork was stretched out, he opened his mouth and ate the food.

Zhang Moyan had no choice but to focus on the four men on his left and right who came down together.There are many types of them, elegant or heroic, eclectic, but they are all in good condition visible to the naked eye.

Jin Xueyang has never been so delicate in front of her.

Hearing this, Zhang Moyan's eyes were as big as black grapes. Xiao Guotao's successfully refired sky blue glazed porcelain came to Shenhai? !And it will be exhibited in Zhou Xia's solo exhibition soon?

Jin Xueyang froze, and then smiled clearly: "Okay... By the way, why are you here? Whose family is this kid?"

Zhou Xia didn't dare to speak, Geng Jun held a hand on her table, faced Xiao Huai and said, "Yes, Xia Xia and I have already received a marriage certificate. I'm sorry, we'll cut it first and then play it."

There have been few updates recently.

"I'll go with you," Zhang Moyan hurriedly stood up with the little aunt, "We don't worry about you alone."

Zhou Xia's beautiful eyes really seem to be able to talk (@[email protected])
So pitiful(///▽///)

Zhang Moyan was so sad that his chest was twisted into a ball. As for the gazes cast by their "love", alas, I am too lazy to explain, let everyone use their imaginations!

"Ah...thank you," Zhou Xia followed Xiao Huai to pick up the juice, with a frightened look on his face, "With your kind words, I hope so."

Jin Xueyang's attire today is really too advanced - a white thin suit, cropped trousers with ankles exposed, and shiny pointed leather shoes, so handsome that Zhang Moyan's mind went blank for a while.

"Zhou Xia," Xiao Huai raised his glass of red wine across the luxurious long table in blue and white, "I wish your solo exhibition starting next week a success! You are the first of us Xiao Sheng to hold a solo exhibition in East China, Xiao Sheng I am proud of you and hope that your solo exhibition will gain reputation and influence."

"Jin Xueyang?"

She asked Xiao Xingyu for confirmation with her eyes, and Xiao Xingyu nodded.

Zhang Moyan looked at Xiao Huai in confusion for a while, and suddenly, she understood the meaning of Xiao Huai's eyes, and she was shocked.

Zhang Moyan reflexively looked at Zhou Xia and couldn't help but want to clarify, but suddenly, he bumped into Zhou Xia's eyes full of pleading + please.

Zhou Xia is really favored by the Xiao family!
"Thank you so much, is it time to introduce your relationship with Dean Ge?" Xiao Huai and Zhou Xia said after clinking glasses, sipping red wine.

Um?Zhang Moyan looked confused, why was he suddenly cueed?Then she was sad: Zhou Xia, you may not know my relationship with Xiao Xingyu.

The little grandma, who only had a low-grade education in elementary school, looked at a loss, not understanding what went wrong with her.

Be good, Zhang Moyan said in his heart: No wonder Xiao Huai, who is Xiao Sheng's actual leader, will come to Shenhai. It turns out that he is escorting the azure glazed porcelain!

"This is peacock meat. It's hard to get it elsewhere. Try it quickly."

So the voice stuck in his throat.

"These are all my new friends." Jin Xueyang explained to her unnaturally, "I haven't had time to introduce them to you yet."

Before she finished being confused, Geng Jun's voice came in and added: "We are husband and wife."


Jin Xueyang smiled awkwardly, pinched the innocent face of the little aunt, and then tilted his head to signal the four men to leave together.Before leaving, he told Zhang Moyan, "Be careful and go home early."

With the reputation and appeal of Tianqing glazed porcelain, people in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai porcelain circles and collectors can't break the threshold of Zhou Xia's solo exhibition?

"No, no, no need," Zhang Moyan subconsciously declined, "That..." She looked at the four young men in their prime, carefully choosing her words, struggled for a long time, and finally said four words to Jin Xueyang, "Take it easy."


Because I was inexplicably obsessed with self-taught bamboo flute, and I couldn't extricate myself. It cost more than 1000 yuan to buy the flute, and I practiced it for several hours a day.

What a big misunderstanding!
It was up to Zhou Xia and Geng Jun to get the certificates, but she and Xiao Xingyu did not!

The air was frozen for 30 seconds, and Jin Xueyang introduced to the people beside him a little embarrassedly: "What a coincidence! Let me introduce to you gus my best friend moyan zhang."

The little grandma agreed in a very princess-like manner, and when she turned around holding Zhang Moyan's hand, she saw Xiao Xingyu sitting back in disappointment, and glanced at her complainingly.

"This is a crocodile tail, can't you tell? Come on, see if it's delicious?"

Zhang Moyan was caught off guard and quickly covered the mouth of the little aunt's grandmother. I really don't know why this kid suddenly spoke! (Author: Maybe she is afraid that Jin Xueyang will introduce you a boyfriend^_^)

Zhang Moyan looked at the back of Jin Xueyang and his party going downstairs, OS in her heart: what, that's what I want to tell you, right?
After returning to the private room from the bathroom with the little aunt, Xiao Xingyu had indeed returned to his normal sitting posture.Zhang Moyan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down. Just as he sat down, two forks of meat came to his mouth.

Zhang Moyan was dumbfounded, these men are all ABC?
Is Jin Xueyang playing so big now!
Before she could finish her surprise, Jin Xueyang's boyfriends walked towards her enthusiastically one by one: "Nice to meet you!" "You're so beautiful!"...

At this moment, Zhang Moyan felt that Dean Geng, who was protecting his wife, was honest and responsible.

Hearing this, Xiao Huai didn't move for at least ten seconds. Then, he slowly turned his head and glanced at Zhang Moyan and Xiao Xingyu.

Xiao Huai, he, he, he, he wouldn't think that she and Xiao Xingyu had also received the certificate, right? !
Zhang Moyan was glad that he wasn't drinking anything, otherwise he would have spit out a mouthful of water on the spot.


Zhou Xia was stunned for a moment, and didn't answer immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhang Moyan and Xiao Xingyu, and then his tongue got a little knotted: "We are just like brother Xingyu and Moyan."

It's really hard to refuse the food that a handsome man puts to his mouth again and again, and he doesn't want to refute his face in full view. She still knows the common sense that "a man's face is very important".

"Huh? No confidence?" Xiao Huai smiled and comforted Zhou Xia, "Grandpa Guotao's azure-glazed porcelain is on special display. Your exhibition will definitely attract many visitors. You don't need popularity and reputation." worried."

"Have you received the certificate?" Xiao Huai asked Zhou Xia in surprise.

Zhang Moyan numbly shook hands with them one by one, feeling confused.

Zhang Moyan was surprised, not only because Jin Xueyang suddenly appeared in this place where the per capita consumption was more than [-] excluding service fees, but also because of his outfit today...

"Uncle, do you know Xiao Xingyu?" A clear childish voice sounded, "He brought us here, this beauty is his girlfriend now..."

I found that I am very talented in playing the flute. After studying for twenty days, I am now able to play "Daughter's Love", "Knowing Whether You Know", "Uninhibited", "Big Fish", "The Tomb of Infatuation" and so on. Waiting (^_^)v
As for novels,

Who knows that the plot is all in the head, but it feels too lazy to write...

After all, the code word is so slow, and I only need to think about it to get to the end.

Hey, everyone, don’t be afraid, I still advocate a good beginning and a good end,

Don't worry, I will definitely write.

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