Is he teasing me

Chapter 321 Xiao Xingyu protects his wife and kills the enemy

Chapter 321 Xiao Xingyu protects his wife and kills the enemy

Xiao Huai looked at Zhang Moyan, his face changed several times, and finally asked Xiao Xingyu with extremely confused eyes, yes, with lowered eyes, because when everyone, including the little aunt, was standing, Xiao Xingyu still Sit like the old man.

"Since you are already a husband and wife, didn't you tell her the experience of your ancestors and the taboos of your family?"

Xiao Xingyu and Zhang Moyan looked at each other, Xiao Xingyu, a master of language, had run out of words once in a century, Zhang Moyan thought to himself that Xiao Huai really misunderstood that she and Xiao Xingyu had also obtained the certificate.

"Don't blame him, Xingyu and I are not what you think, we haven't got a marriage certificate, so naturally he won't tell me about your Xiao family."

"Ah?" Sasa couldn't hold back her surprise.

Xiao Xingyu's handsome face turned cold in an instant, although he could hear that Zhang Moyan was speaking for him, but this behavior of separating the relationship was really awkward.

Being scolded by Xiao Huai and being denied an intimate relationship by Zhang Moyan, comparing the two, it is obvious that the former is insignificant, what is there to be serious about?On the contrary, it hurts people to immediately give up their identity as a couple just to avoid being scolded by Xiao Huai.

Zhang Moyan, are you stupid?

"So that's how it is," Xiao Huai said to Zhang Moyan with a better attitude when Xiao Xingyu was mentally active, "Well, since you don't understand the situation, I can understand what you said just now."

"It's hard for ordinary people to understand," Xiao Huai felt disappointed. "There are some things in the world that cannot be passed."

Hearing the words, Geng Jun seemed to understand what he meant, he sighed deeply, and said: "It's all grievances and grievances from hundreds of years ago. At that time, some members of our Geng family had limited thinking and made some irreparable mistakes... But individual mistakes should not be held collectively accountable, not to mention that they were ancients centuries ago, why should they affect us who are alive now?"

Xiao Huai expressed his inconceivable disbelief to Geng Jun with a frozen face.

Zhang Moyan had an inexplicable premonition of uneasiness, and subconsciously asked, "What kind of mistake?"

Xiao Huai shot at Geng Jun sharply, staring at it for a long time, his voice seemed to come from between his teeth: "Life is a blood debt."

Zhang Moyan mentioned it in his heart.

The words "life and blood debt" grabbed her like a cold net, making her unable to move, and the blood in her whole body froze.

"In the seventh year of Yongle, the ancestor Jingu Duke went to Beijing for the imperial examination, and obtained the qualification for the palace examination with his outstanding talent and learning. It is the scum of your family who is an official in the court. He is afraid that after he is in high school, someone from the Xiao family will frame him for cheating on the examination paper. As a result, his grades were revoked and he was imprisoned, and he could no longer take the scientific examination for the rest of his life, which made it difficult for Mr. Jingu to appeal his grievances.

Xiao Huai's jaw trembled slightly: "Mr. Jingu is extremely intelligent and extremely talented. He was the most promising hero in our clan to develop azure glazed porcelain! If your Geng family hadn't framed him, he would have to die to prove his innocence in the end. , Our Xiao family may have summed up the refiring mechanism of azure glazed porcelain as early as the Ming Dynasty! Your despicable behavior and the huge losses our family suffered, you have the nerve to say that individual mistakes should not be held collectively responsible, let alone What's more, those are ancient people from several centuries ago? Sure enough, the shamelessness of the Geng family is in the same line!"

The bloody feud was uncovered and shrouded invisibly like death.

Duke Jingu, Zhang Moyan had some vague impressions of this name, trying to recall, the seventh year of Yongle... "Xiao Yingquan, styled Jin Gu, died in the seventh year of Yongle", that was the name that had appeared on the Xiao Family Tongzhen Monument!

That is to say, the Duke of Jingu who died unjustly also fired azure-glazed porcelain when he was alive, so if he is extremely talented, it is indeed more likely to research the firing process of azure-glazed porcelain as Xiao Huai said. The seven years of Yongle is more than 600 years closer to the Northern Song Dynasty than it is now...

"What you said is indeed the truth," Geng Jun pondered for a while, and he also complained, "but didn't your Xiao family do any bad things? During the Jiajing period, they encouraged the countryside to boycott the kiln tax, and funded the murderer who killed our kiln official. Isn't the pile also a heinous crime? If I have the same thoughts as you today, shouldn't I play Zhou Xia's feelings and then give up and let your Xiao family lose face as revenge?"

Xiao Huai said coldly: "The current stage cannot prove that you are not at ease."

Geng Jun was almost choked to death by his words.

"Since you know it's an old feud that has caused human life, you should know that your family and my family are definitely not ordinary," Xiao Huai asked Geng Jun, "then what position do you have to talk about marriage here? You are really unworthy descendants ?"

Like a knife chopping an axe, the room was shaken into dead silence.Geng Jun and Zhou Xia were speechless, Sasa and the little aunt were scared to death by Xiao Huai's aura, and Zhang Moyan's eyes were even reddened.

Now that it is clear that it is a feud that has caused human life, what position does it have to talk about marriage... Zhang Moyan believes that Xiao Huai represents the views of the vast majority of the Xiao family, and they are still worried about what happened hundreds of years ago, so then Is it more difficult to let go of the ones from twenty years ago?
The oxygen in the room seems to be losing rapidly, gradually suffocating.

"Xiao Huai," Xiao Xingyu saw a tear dripping from the tip of Zhang Moyan's chin like a broken bead, and said, "Is stubbornness one of the bad habits you have developed over the years as the general manager?"

The air froze for three seconds, and Xiao Huai's expression shook.

Xiao Xingyu leaned on the back of the chair and looked at him from top to bottom: "You are good enough, do you know that the appearance of a gentleman like you is really uncomfortable."

Xiao Huai's complexion immediately turned frosty.

Xiao Xingyu remained calm, and even snorted softly: "Does Zhou Xia have a position to talk about marriage here? It seems that it's not your turn to speak, right?"

Zhou Xia was almost moved to tears when he heard the words.

As soon as Xiao Xingyu made such personal and even offensive remarks, the atmosphere immediately became tense, and Xiao Huai did not hide his hostility: "Will you be the one to speak?"

The corner of Xiao Xingyu's mouth curled into a beautiful arc, and he said modestly, "Of course it's not my turn to speak."

"Then what nonsense are you talking about!..." Xiao Huai's temples had bruised veins, and he paused for a long time before suppressing his anger.

"Why am I talking nonsense?" Xiao Xingyu looked innocent and dignified, "Are you treating our little aunt as an elder by talking like that?"

The little aunt who was suddenly cueed——Student Xiao Man'er, as if struck by a thunderbolt from the sky, petrified on the spot and split in two.

Sasa almost began to doubt life, and his mind was confused for a while, then he cleared his mind and felt that what he said was very reasonable: "Yes, the little aunt is still here, how can it be our turn to talk here! Come on, little What do you think about Taigu Grandma Zhou Xia?"

Classmate Xiao Man'er: I thank you all, now you treat me as an elder...

(End of this chapter)

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