Is he teasing me

Chapter 323 Very Satisfied

The food that was not served at the end of the dinner was packed in the end. When Xiao Xingyu, who was dressed in a black Elie Saab style, turned down the stairs with a packing bag in both hands, he saw the same fair and beautiful man with a packing bag in both hands. General manager Xiao Da stood by the door with a sullen face and stared at him coldly.

Xiao Sheng had an iceberg expression that would make any supervisor feel terrified, and Xiao Xingyu didn't know why he thought it was funny, so he walked straight over with his mouth curled up like a spring breeze.

"Shouldn't I just let you take something, this staring stare, is it possible that you want to let me take it all? Everyone is a man, why don't you work?"

Xiao Huai's pupils trembled, and Mo Ran turned his head away.

Xiao Xingyu felt that this was much more fun than the Spring Festival Gala, and his smile was even brighter.

When the little aunt and grandma jumped down, Xiao Huai stepped out of the glass wooden door without delay.However, after walking for a while, he found that the two little ghosts didn't keep up with him at all, and kept chattering around Xiao Xingyu's side, intending to follow him to pick up the car.

"Where are you going, Sasa?" Xiao Huai said angrily.

Sasa turned around and reacted for two seconds: "Oh."

But the steps didn't come.

Xiao Huai had no choice but to urge: "The special car has arrived at the door, come and follow me back to the hotel."

Sasa suddenly faltered, and the little aunt said bluntly: "We are not going back to the hotel, we are going to live at Xingyu's place today! Tell Weilu and the others that Sasha will also accompany me. Xingyu's bed is so beautiful , we don’t have that kind of bed in Ruzhou, he said it’s very comfortable, so we must sleep tonight!”

Hearing this, Xiao Huai cast strange eyes on Xiao Xingyu again, and said in bold capital letters, "What tricks do you have?"

Xiao Xingyu's expression was very innocent, and he cast his eyes at the little aunt and Sasha: "I didn't say I invited you to come, my palm-sized place is just a bed, where do you live where I live?"

Sportsman proves that he is absolutely not abducting children and girls.

Xiao Huai's mandibles tightened. He was probably the only person at the scene who felt that this routine was very familiar. It has been like this for the past 20 years. Someone clearly wants to do bad things, but always instigates others to commit crimes on his behalf, and he will always have nothing to do.

"You sleep on the sofa, anyway, your sofa is so big!" The little aunt made an exaggerated gesture to Xiao Xingyu, and then looked at him, "You won't refuse the request of our two guests, will you?"

Xiao Xingyu snorted and quickly corrected the little aunt's grandmother: "Brother Xingyu, you can live at my sister-in-law's house, isn't it just across the door, my sister-in-law will definitely welcome you warmly!"

"That's right!" The little aunt was reminded, and she seemed to understand and join hands to celebrate, "Moyan's mother will take you in, so you don't have to worry about being homeless."

Xiao Xingyu turned around and glanced at Zhang Moyan who was behind Zhou Xia who was shaking hands and talking, and slowly said: "I can do it, but Moyan has only lived with me for a few days, so I'm afraid she will think I'm rushing you." What about her..."

The little aunt and Sasa fell into deep thought.

"Don't you still have the Yuelan Mansion?" Xiao Huai, who had always been taken for granted, said rationally, "I also heard that your villa has also been installed, so why don't you have a place to live?"

"Oh, the pair of parents left to me by Yuelan Mansion are reunited," Xiao Xingyu glanced at Xiao Huai, "Do you think I am filial or not?"

Xiao Huai gave Xiao Huai a supercilious look for him who said so much.

"You still pay attention to me. You know that my villa has been renovated." Xiao Xingyu reached out and took a bag of Xiao Huai, "After the decoration is completed, it will take two months to dissipate. Mr. Huai, your common sense None?"

Xiao Huai gritted his back molars, shoved the other handbag to Xiao Xingyu, and said seriously: "Xiao Xingyu, you don't have to get close to me, I'm not a three-year-old child, I have my own thinking ability, Your set is useless to me! Keep it and catch your neighbors!"

After speaking, he strode towards the gate without looking back.

Xiao Xingyu laughed angrily, and said to his back: "You are too unmannered, you even said behind your back that Ms. Ren is a three-year-old child, just say it, and run away!"

Xiao Huai tripped and almost fell.

"Brother Xingyu, why did Xiao Huai leave? What are you talking to him about?" Zhou Xia pulled Zhang Moyan forward.

"Oh, Xiao Huai said he was going to experience Shen Hai's nightlife, so he left the two children alone!"

The little aunt's grandmother and Sasa were stunned, and Zhou Xia also confirmed again: "Xiao Huai, are you going to live at night?"

The two little ones changed their ways in a second and nodded as if they were making trouble, and Sasa was planning to add fuel to the conversation. Xiao Xingyu quickly interrupted to change the subject and asked Zhou Xia: "What are you talking about while dragging Moyan? The two are inseparable."

"Ha, I just told Mo Yan to let her be my baby's godmother!" Zhou Xia happily told Xiao Xingyu.

Zhang Moyan swallowed her throat, looked up to Xiao Xingyu's direction, and met his questioning gaze: "Then did you agree?"

Zhang Moyan suddenly felt a little hot for no reason, obviously not just now: "Uh..."

"With your temperament of being a mother, you must agree." Although Xiao Xingyu used interrogative sentences, his tone was affirmative.

This is indeed the case.

"Xiao Xingyu, why do you have a girlfriend when you talk like that?" Geng Jun shook his head in confusion.

Xiao Xingyu sneered, and transferred half of the things in his hand to Geng Jun: "I haven't talked about you yet! Don't I know what you think of Moyan as a godmother?"

Zhou Xia also knows that people don't do secret things: "Brother Xingyu, Moyan is our baby's godmother, you are the godfather, and the godfather will definitely take the godson's mother to work in the research institute to protect his safe birth." right?"

Zhang Moyan was dumbfounded: "Zhou Xia, you..." You actually made such a plan.No, she didn't expect this level at all, women with high IQs are really scary.

I just learned that I don't have to wait until I have human cubs to have fun, and then it disappears.Zhang Moyan looked up at Xiao Xingyu belatedly, worried that she had caused him trouble.

"Like children so much?" Xiao Xingyu looked at Zhang Moyan who had suffered from a dumb face, stretched out his arms and hugged her, and said kindly, "I don't think you should be a godmother, why not just Get rid of the previous word, just be a mother."

Zhang Moyan: "..." (ω)

Suddenly, I felt that the wind of this summer night was very hot.

"Yeah, brother Xingyu is so sassy!" Sasa's eyes shine brightly, "You work hard tonight, maybe sister-in-law will be pregnant tomorrow!"

"That's great, then Mo Yan and I can talk about pregnancy motherhood, brother Xingyu, come on!" Zhou Xia also booed.

"Sasa... what are you talking about?" Zhang Moyan choked up before digesting Xiao Xingyu's words.

Today's high school students dare to say too much.

"But, not today," Sasha lowered her head again, looking distressed, "Brother Xingyu can only sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Huh?" Zhang Moyan was confused by her nonsensical words, "Why can Xingyu only sleep on the sofa?"

Before Sasa could speak, Zhang Moyan's dress was grabbed by the little aunt's grandmother: "Because Xiao Huai said that we helped Zhou Xia not want us anymore, and let our two children live in the hotel by themselves. We dare not stay in the hotel, we are so scared... ..."

The little grandma cried a little: "Fortunately, Xingyu took us in, otherwise Sasa and I would go homeless, and we would go home with him to sleep on a big bed, so he had to sleep on the sofa!"

Zhang Moyan's hand was grabbed by the little aunt's grandma: "Xing Yu is so pitiful, it's all our fault, please take him home to live in, please? Don't let him sleep on the sofa."

Zhang Moyan was taken aback, he didn't know where the plot started and ended up here.

Sa Sa begged: "Sister-in-law, Xiao Huai is very angry. It won't get better in a while, so can I wrong you for a night first?"

Zhou Xia said angrily: "It's too much for this Xiao Huai to leave the child behind! The elders asked him to take care of the two children! I'll call and tell..."

"Forget it!" Geng Jun pretended to stop her, "Let's not sue President Xiao today."

Zhou Xia settled down, nodded, and "helplessly" put away the phone: "Yes, we still count on him to help."

She leaned over and touched the little grandma who was about to cry, and threaded a thread: "Don't worry if it's fine, there is Mo Yan in the rain, and Mo Yan will take him home, and he won't be so miserable that he will sleep on the sofa."

Zhou Xia deliberately emphasized the word "miserable".

"What, what?" Zhang Moyan woke up like a dream.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Xingyu's bed is very comfortable, isn't it? We actually want to sleep on Brother Xingyu's bed, do you mind? My little grandma and I won't dirty it, we promise to wash it clean Go to bed deliciously." Sincerity is the eternal nirvana, so she honestly stated her purpose.

"...I didn't mean that." Zhang Moyan felt like falling into a mist for a moment, his head grew big.

"Then you agree!" Sasha's joy was beyond words, and she pulled the little aunt to get excited together, "Sister-in-law will take care of Brother Xingyu, we don't have to worry about it!"

Zhang Moyan choked speechlessly, Xiao Xingyu shrugged "helplessly" at her, and was very satisfied with the performance of all the ensemble performers.

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