Is he teasing me

Chapter 325 Are You Going To Be Alone?

Zhang Moyan seems to have a special ability, that is, the more absent-minded he is, the more orderly he can do the things at hand.

Just like now, her mind is full of thoughts, "I will confess my heart to Xiao Xingyu later, and I will also confess my life experience to him! This fearful day will never be over again from now on! "When she had these thoughts, her appearance was calmer than normal.

From the time she came back with Xiao Xingyu and the little auntie, she not only tidied up the refrigerator, made supper for the hungry ghost reincarnated as Yushen, took the two girls to a bath, and even scrubbed their clothes for them.

The hour hand is approaching 11 o'clock, and the little aunt has fallen asleep. In the quiet living room, Xiao Xingyu is leaning on the white sofa and writing on the tablet with a capacitive pen. The floor-to-ceiling tissue paper art lamp gently depicts his silhouette, just like a literary movie A close-up of the main character.

There was a sound of "dappa" slippers on the floor, and Yushen, who was gnawing on an apple and holding her body rigidly, came over. She looked at Zhang Moyan who was drying clothes on the balcony, and sat in Xiao Xingyu's room. Next to him, he was puzzled: "Brother Xingyu, I'm damned. For the first time, I think women are so beautiful when they do housework. They are even more attractive than girl group idols! I suspect that I am still traditional in nature."

Xiao Xingyu raised his head from the tablet, looked at the direction of Sasha's line of sight for a while, and said leisurely: "It's really beautiful."

"However," Sasa stroked her chin while observing and analyzing, "according to my keen intuition, I feel that my sister-in-law seems a little nervous...Brother, don't you usually spend the night with my sister-in-law?"

Xiao Xingyu squinted at the female detective, put the tablet on the coffee table, and rescued the trembling Rain God from her hands.

The furry little pitiful was finally able to take a breath and let out a long breath.

"Brother, are you still playing with songwriting software?" Sasa's attention shifted to Xiao Xingyu's tablet computer, "Give me some of your artistic cells, let me see, what you wrote is a love song with your sister-in-law ?"

Sa Sa craned his neck to look carefully: "Happiness and kindness last forever, great love knows no bounds, life and death race against time, and try our best to solve all difficulties for the people..."

Sasa read half of the lyrics written by someone on the tablet, her jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Xiao Xingyu: "How about it, don't you have a lofty goal?"

Sasa raised her head slowly: "Brother Xingyu, are you still worried about the country and the people?"

Xiao Xingyu rua twice on the round head of Rain God: "Well, it's a hobby."

Sasa immediately began to recognize her handsome and extraordinary cousin with a reverent gaze.

At this time, Zhang Moyan, who was busy, stepped in from the balcony, just in time to see Sasha's strange appearance, and couldn't help asking: "Shasha, what's wrong with Xingyu?"

She approached the sofa, bent down to look at Xiao Xingyu with concern.

Xiao Xingyu enjoyed Zhang Moyan's attention very much, and immediately stood still like a vase in a museum for her to admire.

"Sister-in-law," Sasa said in an unusually solemn tone, "Believe me, beauty is definitely the least worth mentioning about my brother."

When Zhang Moyan heard such a sentence suddenly, a question mark appeared on his face.

"I used to know that when looking at a handsome guy, you can't just look at his face, but also whether his three views are correct or not, and whether he has positive energy. From today on, I have to add another condition, that is, I have to see whether he has a heart for the world. Is there a star that can help those in need..."

"It's alright, alright, alright," Xiao Xingyu waved his hand to interrupt Sasa's lyrical expression, "Let's do something good! You have to eat and brush your teeth now, what time are you going to sleep?"

"Oh, oh," Sasha immediately understood, and quickly finished eating the apple in two bites, "It's all my fault for being young and ignorant, for delaying my brother and sister-in-law's rest! It's okay, it's okay, you go now, I will go to bed as soon as I brush my teeth, and I will lock the door Lights, don't worry!"

"Don't worry," Zhang Moyan's cheeks were slightly hot, trying to be as natural as possible, "We'll leave after you fall asleep, your brother may have to prepare something..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Xiao Xingyu picked up a black sports bag similar to that used by swimmers when they transitioned from Olympic games, and put it on the coffee table. It was bulging and exaggeratedly large.

"Brother Xingyu, are you going to run away from home?"

The tall man, who was as tall as a swimmer, stood up calmly, opened his sports bag and put the mobile phone on the sofa in, then covered his mouth and yawned, his eyelids drooping for a second.

"I'm really sleepy, Mo Yan, let's go, Sasa is not a child anymore, he will take care of himself." Xiao Xingyu picked up his sports bag and turned around, before leaving, he did not forget to copy the cute little rain god who was in the world at first. .

Xiao Xingyu looked really tired, Sasa hurriedly pulled Zhang Moyan to follow up: "Sister-in-law, go back and rest quickly! You haven't bathed yet, so I'm sorry to delay you until this time!"

Although Zhang Moyan repeatedly said "it doesn't matter", her strength is really no match for Shasha. It took only 1 minute before she was dragged and pushed out of Xiao Xingyu's house by Shasha.

The moment the door closed, she felt a little shock in her heart, God!She didn't seem to be ready to start talking about those things to Xiao Xingyu.

Is this going to be alone?
Zhang Moyan collected herself and turned around to face her, only to see the tall and straight man holding the cat in one hand and carrying a bag in the other, staring at the door lock of her house.

Xiao Xingyu's back looked inexplicably awkward, Zhang Moyan couldn't help but tense up, and hesitated to step forward.

After half an hour.

She heard Xiao Xingyu take a long breath, turned sideways, and asked with a very reluctant expression and tone: "What is Reporter Jin's birthday?"

Zhang Moyan only got stuck for a moment, and he probably understood someone's thinking, and hurriedly stepped forward and pressed the unlock button: "I have changed the password for this unlocking, and now I am using my own birthday, 971015."

With a melodious electronic sound, the door lock was unlocked, Zhang Moyan opened the door to the maximum with a sense of guilt, and warmly invited, "Come in!"

Xiao Xingyu was stunned for a moment, but only for a moment.

After closing the door, Xiao Xingyu's sense of presence in the square inch of the entrance suddenly increased dozens of times, and Zhang Moyan's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, but he still had to maintain a good image of hospitality.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you a pair of slippers."

"No, I brought it myself."

Zhang Moyan was a little surprised. Although Xiao Xingyu was born in an ancient porcelain family, in fact, he can go up and down in life, and he doesn't have to be particular about it. Otherwise, he would not have been involved in extreme sports these years.

Combined with the situation just now, the only explanation is: he thought the men's slippers here belonged to Jin Xueyang.

In fact, Xiao Xingyu is right to think so. Jin Xueyang, her boyfriend, does wear them once in a while, but not only Jin Xueyang, Zhang Feng also wears these pairs.

"Oh...then give me the Rain God, so you can take it out."

Zhang Moyan reached out to catch the Rain God, but unexpectedly, Xiao Xingyu bent down and put the Rain God on the ground, the little guy ran to find a place to hide as soon as his feet touched the ground, regardless of where he was.

Without this third person, the small space was instantly filled with a turbulent undercurrent of "straight to the point". The second Xiao Xingyu stood up straight, Zhang Moyan's heart beat like a drum, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Would you like to take a bath first?" Zhang Moyan didn't realize what she said until after the words were finished, she was stunned on the spot, wishing to bite her own tongue off.

Xiao Xingyu looked at her, patted her shoulder lightly, and replied, "Okay."

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