Is he teasing me

Chapter 333 Understanding, Tolerance and Respect

Zhang Moyan didn't get angry, and she didn't search for the expiration date on the box. Obviously, she knew the expiration date well.Facing the package box that had been opened, she grasped it with both hands with a bit of a muscle, her eyes full of reluctance.

"You said that chocolate is the happiness that money can buy. This is the best chocolate in the world. I bought it for you in the hope that you can get the best happiness in the world." Xiao Xingyu peeled off the chocolate paper and handed it to Zhang Moyan said, "If you are sad now, it is time to taste it. Maybe this world-class happiness can make you feel better."

Zhang Moyan fixed her eyes on the chocolate, and then moved to Xiao Xingyu.

"Open your mouth, don't be reluctant!" Xiao Xingyu opened his mouth demonstratively, coaxing a child, "I'll buy it for you after I eat up."

Zhang Moyan looked blankly: "Will there be more in the future?"

Xiao Xingyu: "Of course there will be! After eating this box, I will ask this company to make it again. If you like it very much, I will directly discuss the recipe."

Zhang Mo's throat was choked with sobs, and his heart was uncomfortable as if stuffed with wet cotton.

She took a bite of the chocolate as she said, and the rich aroma melted between her lips and tongue. The soft sweet, bitter and sour flavors reached a delicate balance in her mouth, and the deep and long flavor was endless aftertaste even after swallowing.

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Xingyu asked.

The handsome face, gentle eyebrows, and soothing smile of the man in front of him are dazzling and warm like a god in the half-light.Even if the world collapses so what, approaching him still feels that reality has its beauty.

But, what will the present self bring to him?

Why should you be afraid of having nothing when you obviously have nothing in the first place?

Back to the question of whether the chocolate is good or not, Zhang Moyan nodded.

Xiao Xingyu smiled and bowed his head: "Then peel another one for you!"

"My mother doesn't like me."

Zhang Moyan said suddenly.

Xiao Xingyu maintained the posture of reaching for the chocolate, and raised his head.

Zhang Moyan is like a child who has been bullied outside and returns home to complain, but she is restrained by nature, even if she complains, she is very restrained: "The biological mother who abandoned me definitely doesn't like me, and turns out that the adoptive mother doesn't like me either."

"I have always worked hard to be a good daughter, sitting in a chair without crossing my feet, serving a bowl when eating, closing the door when the last one enters, holding hands when others pour water for me, walking without putting my pockets in, and standing properly. Sitting has a good posture...but, but they still don't like me..."

Xiao Xingyu was startled, he couldn't imagine that someone would live so cautiously since childhood.

He recalled Zhang Moyan's usual decent behavior, and the way she would take tea with both hands when others offered her tea, and he couldn't help feeling like a knife was stirring in his heart.

Xiao Xingyu didn't speak, and reached out to hold Zhang Moyan's trembling hand tightly.

The moment the back of his hand was covered, Zhang Moyan bit his lip, and the tears that did not fall in front of Chen Guanfu and Huang Qin fell suddenly.

She looked at Xiao Xingyu's hand, and was glad that he didn't choose to hug him, otherwise, she couldn't help but throw herself into his arms and let go of all her grievances.

At this moment, Zhang Moyan has another kind of luck, thankful that Xiao Xingyu said before that he wanted to be friends with her, and thankful that he kept his word.

At the same time, an inexplicable sense of guilt spread in Xiao Xingyu's heart, he raised his hand to wrap Zhang Moyan's cheeks to wipe off her tears, and after thinking about it, he decided to ask: "Does it have something to do with me?"

Zhang Moyan stopped crying: "Huh?"

Xiao Xingyu asked softly and seriously: "Is your quarrel with Auntie related to me?"

Zhang Moyan blinked her wet eyes and realized that Xiao Xingyu attributed her collapse to herself, so she immediately shook her head: "It's not because of you, it's something else."

Xiao Xingyu folded his arms and raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Moyan solemnly reiterated: "It really has nothing to do with you, I swear."

"It's fine if you don't, you don't need to swear." Xiao Xingyu's heart was slightly relaxed, "Then can you talk to me about something? I have experienced a lot, so I might be able to give you some advice."

Xiao Xingyu's words were intended to relieve Zhang Moyan, but Zhang Moyan's expression seemed to be frozen after hearing it.

Looking at each other, Xiao Xingyu has already got the answer. He sighed with a smile, skipped this part and directly explained: "How can there be elders who don't like you? In my opinion, you are smart, sensible, responsible, and knowledgeable." In general, she is the young girl most favored by the elderly! Although I don't know what happened to you and your aunt, how can there be any overnight feud between mother and daughter? As long as it takes a few days, everything will be fine!"

Zhang Moyan listened intently, his abdomen twitched in discomfort.

It will be fine in a few days... How is it possible... This is a fantasy. It is absolutely impossible for her and the Zhang family to return to the past.

Suddenly, her bare feet hanging on the sofa were scratched by something furry, and she and Xiao Xingyu lowered their heads at the same time.


I saw that the Rain God had rubbed against their feet at some point, and was staring at them curiously with wide eyes.

"It's just in time!" Xiao Xingyu picked up the soft and cute kitten, posed for it and faced Zhang Moyan, "Isn't your cat world focusing on healing? This is the right time, hurry up and take care of it." Show performance!"

Yushen's small head had a big question mark, and his eyes like glass balls looked at the woman with tears in front of him stupidly, thinking about which step to start to express.

After all, this is the cook who feeds it six meals a day, so it must be highly valued. Unfortunately, the cat didn't grow up, and left its parents and siblings when it was a little old. No cat has ever taught it this skill.

Fortunately, Zhang Moyan took it from Xiao Xingyu's hand before it wanted to break the mung bean's head, hugged it tenderly in his arms, and stroked its hair lightly.

Oh, it turns out that this is the way to go!The Rain God found that it was lying down without doing anything, and the woman's sorrow faded away a lot.So he changed his usual timid style, and showed his belly carelessly. After a while, he felt that something was not enough, and decided to temporarily add a trick.

Sure enough, a smile appeared on the cook's face, and the male master kept praising it. Yushen was triumphant, and felt that it could be called a talent for curing this trick without a teacher.

"Xing Yu," Zhang Moyan raised his head after patting the cat silently for a while, "I have a classmate from out of town who invited me to get married, and I have to go out for a few days. I can't help you take care of the Rain God during this time, please ask someone else? "

Rain God, who was gnawing on his hairy paws, stopped suddenly, what?If you can't eat delicious food, it's like a bolt from the blue!
Xiao Xingyu was also fixed, and a string in his mind was tensed: classmate getting married?immigrant?Where is the field?She was so wrong today, and now she suddenly said that she would go out of town for a few days, there must be something wrong!It's probably an excuse for a classmate to get married, what should I do if something happens to me outside? !She should be stopped, or at least asked for an escort.

Xiao Xingyu's lips twitched, and a "no" was about to come out.

However, the crow's beak just now rang in his ears again—"Brother Xingyu, if my sister-in-law gets tired of being with you one day and wants to leave you for a while, what will you do?"

"I must understand, tolerate and respect!"

His own iron-tongued voice began to roll and play again:
"It's not that there's nothing wrong with not coming back after leaving for a few days. People feel bored and are not allowed to breathe. Does it have to suffocate people to death!"

"The things in this world are either yours or yours."

"When people get along with each other, always remember to reserve space. Only by understanding the relationship of tolerance and respect can we go long-term."


Under Xiao Xingyu's calm expression, the two ideas collided wildly, and after a thousand twists and turns, they turned into an understatement question: "Will you be able to catch up with the opening day of Zhou Xia's solo exhibition?"

Then he quietly waited for Zhang Moyan's reply, and even his breathing couldn't help but relax, he just felt that he had never been so nervous before when he bravely climbed the peak and stood on the cliff.

Time moved extremely slowly at a speed of 0.00025 times per second. In the end, Zhang Moyan thought about it and said softly, "I can catch up."

Xiao Xingyu's back muscles relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief: "Don't worry, go and relax, if you want a car, I will arrange it for you."

He didn't forcefully send the car directly, because he knew that Zhang Moyan would definitely say no.

"Don't bother, it's very convenient to take the high-speed rail."

Zhang Moyan said as expected.

Xiao Xingyu readily accepted, after all, he said when he was rational, he should understand, tolerate, and respect when facing this kind of situation.

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