Is he teasing me

Chapter 342 She Doesn't Know Which Is Worse, Zhou Xia or She

Chapter 342 She Doesn't Know Which Is Worse, Zhou Xia or She

In the bright exhibition hall, each piece of blue and green porcelain is unique and beautiful, condensing the inspiration and wisdom of the creator, but no one appreciates them at this moment.

Tragedy is like a vulture that suddenly falls from the sky, grabbing the prey that has nowhere to hide on the plain without warning.Zhang Moyan was caught in the face of fate, his body was as if a piece of ice had sunk, stiff and cold.

She saw Xiao Xingyu's throat twitch, vaguely the word "Moyan", and instantly she was overwhelmed by the sense of self-loathing that rose to the top.

"Really?" Xiao Weizhou immediately came up and asked Zhang Moyan seriously, "Is he talking about you? Are you Chen Guanfu's granddaughter, Chen Yun's child?"

Xiao Weijiang also wanted to speak, but was restrained by Xiao Huai's eyes. He seemed to understand from Xiao Huai's expression, and immediately changed the direction of the wind and changed his words: "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass, it's normal and normal!"

Zhang Moyan didn't seem to hear Xiao Weizhou's questioning and Xiao Weijiang's rounding the field, but still stared straight at Xiao Xingyu. The eyes of the two met as if they were separated by an abyss. .

Xiaowa whispered next to Xiao Xingyu, his voice was weaker than a mosquito: "I, I just wanted to tell you this."

"Yes, she is our child. What's the matter?"

Zhang Moyan shuddered, turned her head suddenly, and found that it was Chen Guanfu who was replying.

Xiao Weizhou was stunned for a moment, and immediately pointed to Chen Guanfu and asked Zhang Moyan: "Then you are close to Xingyu, and you came to our house to do the show because of his instigation and purpose?"

Chen Guanfu frowned: "Please pay attention to your wording."

Although Xiao Weizhou was asking a question, his meaning was already very certain.Zhang Moyan was confused by his association, and a voice in her heart urged her to deny it, but how could she deny it?
The blood relationship between her and Chen Guanfu was sealed by the medical institution. Everyone has experienced the actions Chen Guanfu and Chen Yun took against the celadon glazed porcelain. No wonder people's first reaction was to think badly. How could she get rid of the suspicion?

Xiao Weizhou gasped, turned his head and asked Xiao Xingyu: "Do you know her identity?"

Xiao Xingyu and Zhang Moyan looked at each other, and walked over, always calm, confident and beautiful, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water: "I know."

Zhang Moyan stared at Xiao Xingyu in shock, her heart beating wildly.

"You!" Xiao Weizhou raised his hand and almost punched him down, he just clenched his fist in mid-air, "Then you still announce to us that you are dating her? You still want such a dangerous person... Do you know what her plan is?"

"Dad, Moyan is not a dangerous person." Xiao Xingyu calmly and soberly analyzed patiently for Xiao Weizhou, "Professor Chen was still looking for relatives through the media two months ago. Moyan and I met long ago. She The unit has also completed the special program "Fire". From the chronological order, it can be inferred that the fact that Mo Yan knew that she was Professor Chen's granddaughter must be after she met us."

It was as if when he stepped on the air and fell off the cliff, he was suddenly caught by someone.

No one can know what kind of experience Zhang Moyan felt when he heard such a clear speech at this critical moment!
"That's right," Xiaowa said again and again, "How can a small employee like Sister Moyan influence the company's projects?"

"I don't believe it either," Zhou Xia also walked up, using her slender body to stand in front of Zhang Moyan, "Based on my contact with Moyan since we met, I can be sure that she is definitely a layman when it comes to porcelain, and she didn't come out of professional training." The spy used to spy on us!"

"Zhou Xia, stay away from her!" Zhou Xia's mother ordered Zhou Xia, and began to bombard Xiao Xingyu: "Xingyu, you are the most outstanding junior in the Xiao family, everyone pins the family's hopes on you, so you We usually indulge in some outrageous things. But this time, you are too careless when it comes to big things! Zhou Xia has worshiped you since she was a child. As long as she does everything you do, I have to wonder why she committed the crime. The mistakes I made today are all because you set an example for her and were influenced by you!"

Zhou Xia immediately rushed up after hearing this: "Mom is not like this! I am not influenced by Brother Xingyu, and Mo Yan and Geng Jun are not bad people, please don't say such things to deepen everyone's prejudice!"

"Prejudice?" Chen Guanfu was contemptuous.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Moyan's heart was pierced like a knife, and his internal organs were all in pieces!Good luck tricks people, once Zhou Xia slandered her for conspiring to get acquainted with Xiao Xingyu for an ulterior purpose, unexpectedly, the person who tried to excuse her in front of people today was also Zhou Xia, and at the moment Zhou Xia was too busy to take care of herself, but still stood up for her Come out for maintenance.

So what kind of apologetic existence is she, Zhang Moyan...

The situation became like this, which was a bit beyond her imagination. She didn't know which one was worse than herself or Zhou Xia, and she even felt very regretful.

Zhang Moyan suppressed the sharp pain in his heart with all his self-control, and straightened his back: "Everyone, there is a fact that I must clarify here. Xiaowa hasn't seen us for a long time, so I don't know the situation so I just say This is a misunderstanding. In fact, Xiao Xingyu and I have already broken up, and he and I are reluctant to say that we are ordinary friends. Please rest assured that we will not be together."

She turned her face to Xiao Xingyu and lifted her chin: "Xiao Xingyu, you told me that we are friends, right? You shouldn't deny what you said, right?"

Xiao Xingyu pursed his lips into a straight line, staring at Zhang Moyan,
Zhang Moyan raised her head, with a resentful expression on her burnt face: "You expected today, right? Oh, it's really you!"

Everyone silently read the meaning of Zhang Moyan's words and reasoned about their relationship.

"No," Zhou Xia shook his head unacceptably, "It's not like this..."

She stumbled over and grabbed Zhang Moyan's arm: "Moyan, why are you and Brother Xingyu friends?"

Zhang Moyan adjusted her breathing secretly, and tried her best to calmly face Zhou Xia whose face had faded, "It's true, otherwise you should ask Xiao Xingyu! If we are like this today, we may not even be friends in the future."

"Okay, Zhou Xia!" Zhou Xia's mother dragged Zhou Xia in smoke, "Did you see that? Even Xiao Xingyu dare not violate this taboo, you are so daring! Today you have to fight this Geng in front of everyone. Make a break! You must break up and swear that you will never see each other again! Otherwise..."

Zhou Xia's mother picked up a chair at hand: "Otherwise, don't blame me for smashing everything here, what kind of exhibition is there! My daughter is fine if she doesn't grow up, but she can't be grown up!"

Zhou Xia's father stepped forward to stop him: "Don't don't don't Ailan, you must not be so impulsive!"

Geng Jun rushed over to protect the stunned Zhou Xia: "Auntie, Zhou Xia and I are in a different situation from Xiao Xingyu and the others!"

"Go away!"

Geng Baishan: "Who are you telling to get out?!"

"Old man..." Zhou Xia's father looked at the chaotic posture in front of him, hated and anxious, and then begged Xiao Guotao, "Say something! Zhou Xia and Ailan will definitely listen to what you say!"

Xiao Guotao was silent, and thought deeply: "This is a family matter of your Zhou family, you don't need to ask others."

Xiao Guotao's words were very clever, he seemed to express his opinion, but in fact he didn't say anything, and in the eyes of Zhou Xia's mother, this was undoubtedly support.

She tried her best to grab Zhou Xia from Geng Jun's hand: "Let her go!"

boom! ! !
"Ah..." Zhou Xia fell heavily on the floor with one knee.

"Get up for me!"

"Zhou Xia!"

Zhou Xia lay on his side clutching his stomach, curled up tightly, his delicate and beautiful features twisted into a ball in pain.

"Sister Zhou Xia!"

"Are you all right, kid?!"


"Blood...blood..." Zhang Moyan saw a few streams of deep red blood dripping from between Zhou Xia's fair legs.

(End of this chapter)

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