Is he teasing me

Chapter 344 The most difficult thing to do now

Chapter 344 The most difficult thing to do now
In the hot summer season, banks always turn on the air conditioner as if they don't need money. This trick has successfully led many old men and women to transfer all the business that can be handled on the self-service deposit machine to the manual counter.After more than an hour of long waiting, Jin Xueyang finally got the money for the appointment. Under the glare of an anxious old man behind him, he stood up and apologized slightly, and walked to the row of chairs in the waiting area.

The electronic sound of calling the number in the hall stopped and rang again, and Jin Xueyang saw Zhang Moyan's thin figure sitting on a chair near a Dripping Guanyin plant, with his eyes downcast, staring blankly at the marble pattern on the floor tiles, like a lost bird. The lamb is helpless and dazed as if its soul has been sucked out.

"Moyan, I'm ready!" Jin Xueyang walked over in three steps and two steps, and put a paper bag filled with bricks in front of Zhang Moyan, "It's been a long time since I came to the bank to do business, I thought it was all mobile payment banks now No business, who would have thought it would be so busy!"

"Take a break," Zhang Moyan quickly stood up, "Thank you, I will find a job quickly, and I will definitely pay you back... half of the money by the end of the year."

"I'm not in a hurry. I don't have much money to spend. I'm not in a hurry to find a job. You don't want to be a reporter anymore, so take your time looking for a job. This time, you must find a job that you want to do."

Jin Xueyang stuffed the money bag into Zhang Moyan's hands: "Is 15 yuan enough? I'll make an appointment to pick it up for you tomorrow."

"15?" Zhang Moyan was taken aback, "Didn't I borrow 20 from you? We started working in the same year. I spent so little in the past few years but saved [-]. Where did you spend so much... ..."

"Don't look down on people," Jin Xueyang interrupted her unfairly, "You can't just count the money I earn at work, the pocket money my parents gave me is much higher than that dead wage, okay?"

Zhang Moyan silently looked at the money in his hand.

Jin Xueyang couldn't bear to see her like this: "Oh, I'm really rich! How about I show you my account balance now..."

Zhang Moyan pressed the phone that Jin Xueyang stretched out: "Thank you, I don't know what to say to express my gratitude for your generosity. It's not easy for you, you really don't need to lend me any more money!"

Jin Xueyang was puzzled: "I'll go, thank you for being so unreasonable, why is it not easy for me? Do you have any misunderstanding about my family's conditions?"

Zhang Moyan looked at Jin Xueyang sincerely: "Okay, when you withdraw money one day, you don't have to queue up for an ordinary number, I will definitely borrow it from you, okay?"

Jin Xueyang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "Zhang Moyan, your, you, you really know how to pierce the heart, and I don't just save money in this bank! Ouch, fortunately, I'm used to it, otherwise I would really I'm mad at you."

Only then did Zhang Moyan realize that she had said something wrong, and said in a panic, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look down on you."

Jin Xueyang wiped his chest to comfort himself, and waved his hand: "Forget it, I know who you are, and I tell you that I am the only person in the world who will tolerate you. Let's go, I will take you back!"

Zhang Moyan nodded, and put the money bag into the handbag.

The two left the bank and got into Jin Xueyang's car.

Jin Xueyang drove the car out of the parking space on the side of the road, and asked Zhang Moyan, "How are you going to give this money to your adoptive parents?"

Zhang Moyan was silent, and said: "They probably don't want to see me now... I still have the key to their address, I know they have to participate in the volunteer activities of the neighborhood committee every Saturday morning, I thought I would take advantage of them Don't put it in at home."

After hearing her plan, Jin Xueyang didn't say a word.

"I know that their kindness to me in nurturing me cannot be measured by money, but now I don't know how to make up for it except money... Repaying them, my 20 deposit plus your 15, can only be paid first. That’s it, I’ll give it to them later when I have money.”

Jin Xueyang looked at the traffic ahead and wanted to say something, but when he came to his mouth, he only let out a breath: "Okay, this is indeed the case."

Zhang Moyan turned her head to look at his side face, and said solemnly: "Xueyang, I told you about me and my adoptive parents. If you see them in the future, just pretend that you don't know anything. Don't mention it. Don't complain about me. You are the person I trust the most in my life, and I have told you everything I can and cannot say, and you must promise me. "

Jin Xueyang glanced at her: "Am I sick? Tell others if your child was killed by mistake. You are so unlucky that you raised the little girl the murderer originally wanted to kill?"

The air was suddenly silent.

Jin Xueyang cleared his throat and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I understand, I won't see them."

Zhang Moyan paused, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Thank you."

"Since your adoptive parents have already listed the house with an intermediary, where are you going to live next? Do you want to rent a house?"

Zhang Moyan bowed her head: "Well, I will ask the agent about renting a house today. The agent who came to see the house yesterday said that he can recommend houses for me."

Jin Xueyang sighed: "This year Shen Hai's rent has risen outrageously. Like you rent a one-bedroom house, you have to pay [-]. If you pay three deposits, you have to hand over [-] to the landlord. You still have this How much money?"

Zhang Moyan didn't respond, and said after a while: "I heard that some landlords can also negotiate to pay a deposit."

Jin Xueyang chuckled: "Some landlords, you have to meet such a landlord. Now you are anxious to find where you are so lucky to meet....Okay, I will help you to the end if you are in trouble this time , you can move here and live with me, my house has vacant bedrooms, if you come and live for as long as you want, I won’t take any money.”

Zhang Moyan was taken aback when he heard the words: "How can this work? How can the two of us live together."

"Why not? I live alone in my house. One guest bedroom and one study room are both empty. You have to spend money to rent an apartment. Why bother!"

"You're a man and I'm a woman. If we live together, then we can't live together?" Zhang Moyan shook his head, "Of course not. Thank you for your kindness. Don't say anything. Go to a few more agencies to help me find a house, and I will definitely find someone who pays a deposit."

Jin Xueyang didn't force it: "You really are a good girl who cherishes her reputation, I must support you. Okay, I will take care of you when I run out of money to eat!"

Zhang Moyan smiled, leaned the back of her head lightly on the back of the chair, and said calmly: "Actually, the most difficult thing for me now is not renting a house, but where to put my household registration."


"Yeah..." Zhang Moyan's chest heaved deeply, "My household registration is now in the house of Yunshan Homeland. If the transaction of this house is successful, the new owner will definitely ask me to move my household registration. My adoptive parents will definitely not be there again. It is acceptable to move my household registration into their house, and I have no real estate... I understand the policy of the talent center. In Shenhai, I have to find a company that can hold a collective account... If it doesn’t work, I can only move the account to Hangzhou.”

Zhang Moyan sighed weakly, looked sideways at the high-rise buildings speeding past outside the window, and for the first time felt that the city he had been living in was so alienated.

"Then you transfer your household registration to my house." In silence, Jin Xueyang said.

Zhang Moyan was amused: "I'm going to move into your house? How can I move? We're not immediate family members or brothers and sisters, so we won't pass the inspection by the police station!"

"Why can't we move?" Jin Xueyang said, "We can just get married."

The smile on Zhang Moyan's face froze.

Seeing that she was silent for a long time, Jin Xueyang turned his head to confirm at a red light: "I'm serious, couples can also seek refuge, you should understand this, right?"

Zhang Moyan was inexplicably angry: "Marriage is not a child's play, why do you think I will use you like this for an account?"

Jin Xueyang shrugged disapprovingly: "What use is it? My parents are urging me to go on a blind date and get married every three days. I am so annoyed. I really need a wife. As long as I have a wife, they will stop nagging. "

It turned out that Jin Xueyang wanted to find a shield, and many colleagues were like this. Marry a wife and give the family an explanation, so that he can fool around in the future.

Zhang Moyan pushed Jin Xueyang's face away speechlessly: "Come on, I will never cooperate with you on this road!"

(End of this chapter)

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