Is he teasing me

Chapter 346 What Is He Going To Do?

Chapter 346 What Is He Going To Do?

Yushen was the first to eat hot rice. Oh my god, there are pre-packaged cat rice frozen in the refrigerator. They are all prepared by the cook before. Just take them out and steam them, and the operation is extremely simple!None of the humans in the Xiao family knew about such an important matter.

How sad!

While eating hard, the kitten was grateful for the kindness of the cook, and couldn't help thinking about how to keep the cook by his side forever.If the cook can always live in the master's house like himself, then he will not have to worry about food and drink in his life... (The kitten is thinking)

Zhang Moyan made a pot of borscht with the only cabbage and red sausage left in the kitchen with tomato sauce, and ordered a few more dishes to take away, making a makeshift lunch.

"Moyan is still you, why didn't I think of ordering takeaway?"

Ms. Meng accompanied Zhang Moyan in the kitchen, and while she was talking, she secretly glanced at Zhang Moyan's face: "Ah, my compliments on you definitely don't mean to coax you to be a cook for our family! We have an aunt who cooks, and the eight major cuisines are at hand. Confinement meal was the foundation of her life in her early years."

"Auntie..." Zhang Moyan looked at Meng Xiaoya in embarrassment.

"Aha," Meng Xiaoya immediately pointed it out, "We are able to live independently, and our cooking skills are not bad. Before he was studying abroad, he disliked the taste of Western food and often took care of three meals by himself. His tutor even troubled him. Bring food!"

Zhang Moyan opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, not knowing what to say.

Help, it's already this time, why are you still letting her know Xiao Xingyu's strengths!Xiao Xingyu probably hasn't told Ms. Meng what happened in the exhibition hall yesterday... Such a handsome man who can cook is really nice, but it has nothing to do with her, right?
Zhang Moyan turned her head away, bit her lip slightly, and poured the soup into a bowl.

"Moyan, are you and Xingyu reconciled?" Meng Xiaoya cautiously asked, "I think he is very happy recently... If only he could settle down sooner, I really hope to see him in my lifetime." Until he gets married and starts a business."

Zhang Moyan was stunned. Ms. Meng's way of saying these words, as well as her hopeless relationship with Xiao Xingyu, made her so heartbroken that she almost couldn't hold back her tears.

"Auntie, Mr. Xing, Mr. Xiao and I... might break up because of some things."

Let's be honest.

"Ah?..." Meng Xiaoya was caught off guard, embraced Sun Mengsha, and was struck by thunder, not knowing what to do.

However, as an outstanding female entrepreneur with both talent and beauty, knowledgeable, and mature, Chairman Meng did not choose to pursue the question even though she was very confused.

On the TV in the living room, a certain city is suffering from a once-in-a-century flood. Amid the mournful background sound of the announcer, Sasha and the little aunt are full of praise.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, Zhang Moyan looked in front of him sadly.

She took off her apron and hung it up in the old place, and said goodbye to Meng Xiaoya politely when she came back: "Auntie, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Huh? Aren't you going to eat with us? Eat here, you worked so hard!"

Zhang Moyan shook her head and lied, "I've already eaten outside, so I won't bother you if I have nothing else to do."

"Oh..." Meng Xiaoya noticed Zhang Moyan's unspeakable expression, "Then if you have something to do, go ahead and do it first. Thank you so much today!"

Zhang Moyan politely agreed until the 302 door was closed.

She turned her back dejectedly, and returned to the state of being attacked by powerlessness.

When she opened the door of Room 301, she heard footsteps from downstairs, she subconsciously looked towards the corner of the stairs—suddenly found that it was Xiao Xingyu who came.

Xiao Xingyu, who seemed to have a feeling, raised his head, and the eyes of the two met, and they were both fixed in place.

The air seemed to be filled with many complicated things. After a tense and brief pause, Zhang Moyan hurried down two steps.

"How is Zhou Xia?" Zhou Xia's safety made her worry, and she couldn't care less.

Xiao Xingyu didn't say a word, didn't move, staring at Zhang Moyan.

Zhang Moyan paused, hesitating whether to advance or retreat under such gaze: "I... I heard from my aunt that Zhou Xia was allergic to anesthesia during the operation, and the situation was very dangerous. Even Dean Geng was on the operating table, but Geng Hospital Isn't the chief a neurosurgeon?"

Xiao Xingyu looked at the door of his own room, then looked back, but still did not answer Zhang Moyan's question.

The picture seemed to be still, and it lasted for a long time.Just when Zhang Moyan was about to be overwhelmed by the feeling of being ashamed, Xiao Xingyu suddenly walked up to her step by step, until they were almost at eye level.

In an instant, under Xiao Xingyu's powerful aura, Zhang Moyan could barely breathe.

"Zhou Xia..." She plucked up the courage to mutter, "Are you all right?"

Xiao Xingyu still didn't answer, his bloodshot eyes from staying up late seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, bottomless.

In fact, his silence already meant an answer—not so good, not so bad.

But what is it?

"...Is she alright?" Zhang Moyan waited with expectation in his eyes.

Xiao Xingyu's Adam's apple twitched, then changed his mind and turned his head towards Room 301, and said lightly, "Let's go in and talk about it!"

In, in?
Xiao Xingyu wants to enter her house?

Her identity was exposed yesterday, what is he going to do, settle the score?
Zhang Moyan was struggling, but if he didn't give in, would Xiao Xingyu not tell her about Zhou Xia's situation?

After a little hesitation, Zhang Moyan went up and opened the door.

Xiao Xingyu entered the house, closed the door and changed his shoes, as usual, as if nothing had happened.

He went straight into the bathroom, took a towel and turned on the faucet to wipe his face, Zhang Moyan followed beside him, at a loss.

Xiao Xingyu wrung out the towel to cover his face and rubbed it. After wiping off the water stains, he turned around and said to the woman who wanted to ask, "She is out of danger."

Zhang Moyan breathed a sigh of relief immediately, but Xiao Xingyu said again: "But the child was not saved, and she was unconscious. She has been transferred to Huarui ICU, and Geng Jun is watching closely."

Zhang Moyan's head buzzed for a moment, and the situation was really serious: "How it really an allergy to anesthesia?"


"Why does this happen?"

"There is a probability, it is lucky to be able to be rescued."

Zhang Moyan blamed herself unspeakably: "...I am responsible."

Xiao Xingyu: "It will be sooner or later without you."

This...Xiao Xingyu is comforting her?Zhang Moyan couldn't control her eyes to confirm.

Xiao Xingyu said "hmm" with no clear meaning, walked out of the bathroom and returned to the living room a little tiredly, lay down on the sofa, and closed his eyes without saying anything more.

Zhang Moyan also gently sat down on the other half of the sofa. She looked at Xiao Xingyu in front of her, her mind was full of question marks, and she felt very at a loss for the scene of this man appearing here.

She said such a terrific thing yesterday!
"You, have you had lunch yet?" Zhang Moyan finally choked out a few words after holding back his smoke for a long time, "If you haven't eaten, I'll serve you a bowl of noodles, shall I?"

After saying that, Zhang Moyan wanted to slap herself twice, how could this sound like the words of a ruthless woman who has lost her love? !
"I can not eat."

In self-condemnation, Zhang Moyan heard Xiao Xingyu say this.

With just four words, the sad tone and unfinished meaning are better than all the long-winded complaints in the world, which made her heart feel like a knife.

The living room was silent for a long time, stunned, Zhang Moyan felt the back of her hand covered, she turned her head, and saw Xiao Xingyu was still lying on his back, he stretched his arm slightly and grabbed her easily.

"Have you been tortured by this for a long time?"

Xiao Xingyu rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb and asked.

Zhang Moyan stopped, bitter tears broke through the lacrimal glands and rushed into the eye sockets in an instant.

The "this matter" that Xiao Xingyu asked was naturally not about Zhou Xia, but about her background.

(End of this chapter)

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