Is he teasing me

Chapter 350 Decision

The room fell into a deeper silence.

After a while, the door lock made the sound of unlock failure, and Zhang Moyan knew that the door code had been changed.

Feeling lost just sprouted, behind the tattooed buttocks sang the hot and majestic "Mountain and River Picture" by Phoenix Legend.Immediately, "Go to the highest point, RKZ, stands on the top of the Himalayas, and it snows heavily at the easternmost point, and the heavy snow floats by the Mohe River..." The loud voice surrounds and resounds through the space.

"What the hell is your phone on!" Xiaowa exploded until smoke came out of his head.

"How could I expect the boss to do this?" The tattooed man grabbed the phone like a hot potato, not knowing what to do.The two of them could pretend to be dead just now and say they weren't there, but when the phone rang, it could be regarded as the singer's make-up had been removed—they had revealed their true colors.

"Hey, Brother Yu," Tattoo dared not answer Xiao Xingyu's phone call, and replied with a shrunken head, "I'm here, dare you...just come, Brother Yu, wait a moment..."

Xiaowa looked at the window in panic, and Jin Xueyang looked at the show: "You don't mean to jump down, do you? The third floor can also fall to the brain!"

Jin Xueyang deliberately re-read the word "brain-dead" and poked Xiao Wow hard, but he had no time to counterattack now, and cursed "You are laughing" and came back to meet the small eyes of the tattooed big eyes who hung up the phone tremblingly, and finally looked at each other They looked at Zhang Moyan together, like a pair of living treasures waiting to be rescued in northern Myanmar.

Zhang Moyan had no choice but to stand up to open the door, and she stopped after walking three or five steps forward. Xiaowa and the tattoos were not the only ones who were unprepared, she was really afraid that she would be shaken when she saw Xiao Xingyu.

The horrible blank on the answering machine just now flashed in her mind. At this moment, she thought of her biological father's suicide note, Chen Yun's ending, and Zhou Xia's current situation. None of them ended well, so there is a high probability that she will not end well either.

I really don't know what will happen before, and Xiao Xingyu must not let Xiao Xingyu scrap with her.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Moyan turned around, and said in a deep voice to Xiaowa: "I like Xiao Xingyu so preconceived. It's ridiculous. I don't want to be with him simply because I evaluated the consequences. It's all out of self-preservation and I don't want to be the first Two Zhou Xia! You want me to say these things to Xiao Xingyu face to face, so make trouble later!"

After saying that, she turned back expressionlessly, leaving the other three people frozen in place with shock.

Opening the door, Xiao Xingyu was furious and waited impatiently. Seeing that the person who opened the door was Zhang Moyan, he widened his eyes and was stunned for a moment. dog.

The first time he saw Xiao Xingyu, the blood in Zhang Moyan's body throbbed like waking up, accompanied by a feeling of weightlessness.This is a natural reaction to liking someone, just like the tides are affected by the gravity of the moon, you can't help yourself.

When he came back to his senses, Xiao Xingyu smiled and asked, "Where are Xiaowa and Tattoo?"

"...Ah, here we are." Zhang Moyan opened the door to the side.

Xiao Xingyu walked towards the threshold in a bad mood, aiming to take Xiaowa and the tattoo directly.

Xiao Wow and Tattoo had already surrendered and stood side by side in a row. Xiao Xingyu glanced over them, and when he saw Jin Xueyang, he was determined, and his eyes turned around on Jin Xueyang.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xingyu asked Xiaowa, suppressing his anger.

Xiaowa lowered his head and grabbed the seam of his trouser legs, hesitated for a long time, and then raised his head and said: "Brother Yu, you are a brother, you should have told us early in the morning that you failed to get back together with Sister Moyan, if it wasn't for the celebration banquet last night, we would force you None of us know how wronged you are when you're drunk! I know you've never been dumped before, so I'm sure you won't be able to get rid of this face, brothers must come out and do something for you at this time!"

"Yes!" The tattoo group supported her, "All the brothers wanted to come, but we were afraid that the crowd would scare the woman, so Xiaowa and I came to talk to her!"

Xiao Xingyu's expression changed a few times when these two incisive words fell to the ground, and Jin Xueyang covered his mouth with his hands and almost laughed out loud.

It took Xiao Xingyu a long time to come out of the petrified state, he coughed, and asked Zhang Moyan: "They didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Zhang Moyan shook his head: "No, I just arrived and we just said a few words."

Xiao Xingyu nodded, walked over and put his big hand on the back of Xiaowa's neck.

"You guys are doing this..." It took him a while to finish, "...I'm so moved! Then are you guys done talking? Go back and watch the live broadcast of your internet celebrity-to-be girlfriend!"

"Don't look at it..." Xiaowa's resentment contained grief and indignation, "Since she has a new big brother, she has ignored me."

"Hey," Xiao Xingyu was surprised and sympathized, "Is this girl so realistic? It's okay, it's better to see people clearly."

Jin Xueyang heard it, and couldn't help but snorted: "I said that you are so angry, how dare you get dumped and take your anger out on Moyan!"

Xiaowa bit her lip, her mind seemed to be struggling violently.

Xiao Xingyu was standing with Xiaowa and the tattoos like this, Zhang Moyan noticed that he was still wearing the "Peak Rescue Team" T-shirt, but the same clothes were worn on him, it was like a model and an ordinary person. The difference is that anyone who looks at him will definitely see him first.

"She's not a good person either!" Xiaowa suddenly made up her mind, and suddenly raised her head and pointed at Zhang Moyan to accuse, "She's not a good person either, just now, she told us that she didn't want to be with you because she was worried about something Unexpectedly, she wants to protect herself, she doesn't want to be the second Zhou Xia! If you don't believe me, you asked about tattoos, he heard it too!"

The tattoo repeatedly affirmed: "Yes, brother Yu, she really said so!"

Zhang Moyan suddenly felt that the world was full of thunder, really, the words of pressure just now were for nothing, no, it would be better not to say it.

"What's wrong with that?" Jin Xueyang pulled the bewildered Zhang Moyan closer, "Can't Moyan tell the truth?"

Xiao Xingyu's eyes darkened, he didn't return to Jin Xueyang, and patted Xiaowa lightly on his side: "Why are you more excited than me?...Thank you brother! Well, I'm here and leave it to me, you Go back to rest early with Tattoo, aren't you tired after so many days?"

Xiaowa vowed to die: "I won't leave, Brother Yu, we haven't explained clearly to her, she can't let her down..."

In the middle of the sentence, he stopped in a daze, because Brother Yu suddenly caught Zhang Moyan's wrist who was being pulled away by Jin Xueyang.

"Moyan, don't go!" Xiao Xingyu grabbed her heavily, "I still have something to tell you."

"Ms. Xiao," Jin Xueyang pulled Zhang Moyan's arm towards him, "There are some things that you don't need to say, it's only embarrassing. I've been with Moyan for many years and I know Moyan better than you. The decision she made It won't change."

Xiao Xingyu frowned, the strength in his hand was not loose but tightened.

Xiaowa ran over: "Sister Moyan, do you know where we have been these days? We went to T city, did you see the words on our clothes? We are going to fight the flood! Brother Yu came back after listening to you Do you know how much work it takes for him to come back as a celadon glazed porcelain? He has to settle down with us brothers who have worked with him all these years. He thought for a long time and finally decided to let us switch to rescue. This is for everyone. It’s a long-term way out. This is our first mission, and he’s worried about going to the front line with us, you know? Many reporters came to film us, but he didn’t let any news of him photograph him. He didn't say it, but the brothers know that he is afraid of those who care about him, and of course you are among these people..."

When Xiaowa talked about the last snot and tears, she simply didn't want to be a big man. She sat down on the stool by the dining table, covered her face and cried bitterly: "He is such a good person, how can you hurt his heart? Dumped him, are you blind? Why is your character so bad? Why did you hurt Brother Yu? I could happily give you a big gift, but now what do you want me to... I am not reconciled!"

Xiao Wa's crying pierced Zhang Moyan's heart word by word, it hurt so much... Xiao Xingyu was also infected by Xiao Wa, and his deep eye sockets turned red.

The feeling of self-loathing was overwhelming again. Zhang Moyan thought that none of this was real. How great it would be if everything was just a dream!
Who doesn't want to hug the person they love deeply, but she is such a dangerous person, she will only bring bad luck to people, as long as the biological father, biological mother, adoptive father, and adoptive mother, as long as they are involved with her, no one is not pitiful... She dare not bet, she Can't bet.

"Moyan, they are crazy, let's leave quickly!" Jin Xueyang dragged Zhang Moyan and wanted to leave quickly.

However, Zhang Moyan couldn't take a step away under the influence, and Xiao Xingyu's grip on her suddenly became abnormal.

"Mo Yan," Xiao Xingyu stared deeply into her eyes and said, "You said you want to protect yourself, which is untrue. Also, you said last time that you are from the Chen family and you will do whatever it takes to help the Chen family achieve success. Everything, so I should stay away from you, is not true. If you really want to help Chen Guanfu, shouldn't you fish for me? Wouldn't it be more effective to be by my side? "

Zhang Moyan was shocked, as if she had been held seven inches, her excuses were like thin paper that could be broken with a single poke.

At this moment, many thoughts were chaotically entangled together, Zhang Moyan forced himself to calm down, so as not to make a wrong step in his emotional move.

After a long time, she raised her head and looked back at Xiao Xingyu: "You are right, those are all excuses, of course I have other reasons, do you want to listen?"

"what reason?"

Zhang Moyan took a deep breath, swallowed the choked throat, and said, "Because I have decided to be with Jin Xueyang."

I have to write a masterpiece of official documents in the past two days, and the leader can't wait for it to be delayed. I will deal with it first, and I will update it after I hand in the assignment.

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