Is he teasing me

Chapter 352 Jin Xueyang’s confession

Chapter 352 Jin Xueyang’s confession

After living for 25 years, she is no longer a child and can already foresee the future.

Some things, as long as they don't start, there will be no ending.

There are some good things that if you don’t think about possessing them, you won’t encounter ups and downs.

Zhang Moyan was sad but also a little relieved.

Most of the tension in her body relaxed, and she turned around with her thin shoulders hanging down, facing Jin Xueyang face to face. She suddenly remembered that she had just treated him as a tool, and immediately became ashamed and opened her mouth awkwardly, speaking incoherently.

"Xueyang, thank you just now. I was in a hurry and used you as a shield." She stiffly stretched out her thumb, "But you acted so well! I was shocked. Your reaction speed is really good. Hurry, um..."

She racked her brains, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she pointed at the door with her thumb: "Let's go! I'll treat you to a barbecue now. I'll thank you and apologize to you. How about that?"

"Mo Yan." Jin Xueyang took her left arm as she turned around.

Zhang Moyan looked back and looked at him slightly nervously - he did that without consulting anyone just now, but now it looked like Jin Xueyang's face seemed to mind him.

"I didn't act." Jin Xueyang said solemnly.

"Huh?" Zhang Moyan was stunned, his eyes unclear and questioning.

Jin Xueyang looked unusual: "The words I just said were not acting, every word is from my heart."

Zhang Moyan concentrated on carefully analyzing what he meant. Before he could refine the underlying meaning, he heard Jin Xueyang say: "Moyan, I like you."

Zhang Moyan shrank when he heard this.

Jin Xueyang simply put it more bluntly: "You heard it right, I like you. I have liked you since the year I met you. It has been six years. I still like you to this day, and my liking for you has grown." No less.”

Zhang Moyan's blood circulation stagnated for a second, and he was caught off guard with a big, bold expression on his face.

She looked at Jin Xueyang with a serious face for a long time before making a difficult sound: "You..."

"Don't I like men?"

Jin Xueyang closed his eyes speechlessly, enlightened: "I said that I have been with you for six years, how come you have never considered me? It turns out that you secretly arranged such a persona for me! I am really wronged, If Xiao Xingyu hadn’t said it just now, I might never have been able to find out what the problem was!”

Zhang Moyan's frightened expression cracked, this is too subversive!Jin Xueyang doesn't like men, Jin Xueyang likes her...

Zhang Moyan looked at Jin Xueyang in disbelief, as if she had met him for the first time today.

"Mo Yan," Jin Xueyang held Zhang Moyan's shoulders, "If I didn't like you, why would I be around you all day long? Have you seen me be interested in any other woman in all these years?"

At this point, he seemed to suddenly have an epiphany: "No, you feel it! But you don't think that I like you, but you think there is something wrong with my orientation!"

Jin Xueyang smiled wryly: "Zhang Moyan, Zhang Moyan, are really talented! Back then, even a bystander like Zhu Lili could see the clue, why are you so dull? You are so dull now."

To be honest, Zhang Moyan's brain was in chaos at this time. Is Jin Xueyang confessing to her?Oh my god, Jin Xueyang is actually confessing to her? What is the difference between this and seeing fish flying in the sky!! !
But once you accept the setting of "he likes you", everything in the past seems to be traceable again.Indeed, with Jin Xueyang's popularity and ability to play both ways, there is no reason why he would become close friends with someone like her who lacks emotional intelligence.Moreover, for so many years, he has indeed been very kind to me in all aspects. He is always there for all important things, and he never abandons him. He takes the initiative to share the unfinished work, and he works hard without complaining. As long as he is called for help, he will never refuse. She is always there when called... However, she has always thought that it was a kind of generosity between old classmates and "care" between old friends. Who would have thought that there is another layer?

"Then, why didn't you tell me that?" Zhang Moyan stuttered.

Jin Xueyang's tone was mixed with a little helplessness: "Because you told me a long time ago that you don't like people chasing you. If someone comes over and tells you that they like you, you will hate that person for no reason, and even commit crimes. It's disgusting, and I just want to stay away from that person. Therefore, I have never dared to be honest with you. I was worried that you would hate me, and in the end we wouldn't even be friends."

Zhang Moyan pursed her lips. She had indeed said these words mentioned by Jin Xueyang.In fact, when it comes to this weird physical discomfort caused by the confessor, she is still like this to this day. When Eric confessed to her before, she was scared to death and ran away immediately. There is no reason for this reaction and no explanation.

She had also searched online, and there were not a few women who had her reaction.

"Then why do you dare to say it now?" Zhang Moyan asked in confusion, it would be fine if he didn't say it.

But Jin Xueyang beamed: "Because you just said you wanted to be with me!"

Zhang Moyan swallowed his throat and quickly explained: "That, that was what I said in an emergency. If I hadn't said that, Xingyu might not have given up on me."

The smile on Jin Xueyang's face faded, but he quickly regained his energy: "I know, but from your words, I can tell that you will never be disgusted with being with me. Mo Yan, I can tell you Is it right?"

Zhang Moyan was like a WIFI that couldn't connect to the signal.

The situation is that she has seen Jin Xueyang confess his feelings to her so sincerely and seriously, but she still asks herself repeatedly in her heart: Is what he said true?I have misunderstood him for so many years?Jin Xueyang doesn't like men like her?
"Mo Yan, let's really be together!" Jin Xueyang held her hands and promised very solemnly, "Let me protect you. I swear I will take good care of you and make you safe for the rest of your life."

Zhang Moyan's brain was completely stuck, but she still tried to organize her sentences: "Xueyang, I'm so stupid that I never noticed your affection. You told me today that I should...but I can't lie to you, I'm not ready to be in a new relationship right now."

After Jin Xueyang listened, he was silent for a while, and then he shook Zhang Moyan's hand harder: "Moyan, bystanders know, you have to know that if you don't start a new relationship, Xiao Xingyu will never be true to you." You give up. Only if you don’t miss him can he have a peaceful life... Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Mentioning Xiao Xingyu, Zhang Moyan showed a trace of hesitation, and she couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Jin Xueyang looked down at Zhang Moyan, and after waiting again and again, he suddenly smiled: "Otherwise, after we get together, I will treat you as being in love, and you will treat me as doing you a favor. Do you think this is okay? "

Zhang Moyan raised her head in surprise and looked at Jin Xueyang's smiling face with emotion: "Xueyang, this is unfair to you. I can't do this to you."

Jin Xueyang smiled and clasped her hands on her chest: "As long as you are willing, there is nothing fair or unfair. I have waited for you for too long, and I have had enough of you being someone else's girlfriend. If you now No matter what your reasons are, I am only happy. Mo Yan, believe me, I am the most suitable candidate for you. Please give me a chance and let's give it a try, okay?"

Zhang Moyan looked straight at Jin Xueyang, his brain working rapidly.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as you agreed?"

Zhang Moyan couldn't move his whole body.

 The editor gave me a recommendation and I will update it for four consecutive days starting today.


(End of this chapter)

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