Is he teasing me

Chapter 354 Disputes

Chapter 354 Disputes
"Mo Yan, is this the coconut facial cleanser you planted?"

In the spacious and bright beauty integrated store, Jin Xueyang was in front of a row of shelves using pictures on his mobile phone to compare products. When there was no reply for a long time, he called again: "Mo Yan, come here and take a look!"

Only then did Zhang Moyan come back to his senses, put down the bottle of perfume and put it back in its place, covering the spot on his wrist where he was testing the scent, and walked towards Jin Xueyang.

The bottle of perfume just now smelled like Xiao Xingyu's body, like the fresh and charming floral fragrance after snow.

"Is this the facial cleanser you want?"

Zhang Moyan took it and looked at it: "Yes, it seems that there is a new packaging."

"That's good." Jin Xueyang picked up two and put them into the shopping basket.

"One is enough, more than 300!" Zhang Moyan wanted to take it back, but Jin Xueyang blocked it: "Of course I'll pay for it when I go out with my girlfriend. You just have to pick the one you like."

Zhang Moyan paused: "I have money to pay for it myself. You know, I usually hate picking up girls."

Jin Xueyang was extremely speechless: "Two facial cleansers are all it takes to get a girl. How can you get a girl with such a low threshold? I've never seen you so polite before. Why are you showing off now?"

These words caught Zhang Moyan's finger. If he continued to insist, it would seem that he no longer regarded others as his own.

"Okay then, I'll treat you to dinner later!"

Jin Xueyang rubbed her head: "Go back and eat. I haven't finished the pot of chicken soup you stewed last night. It was so delicious that I'm still thinking about it! Let's go to the supermarket later to buy some and stir-fry two vegetables!" "

Zhang Moyan resisted avoiding her head, smiled and said, "Okay."

There's really nothing wrong with going home for dinner.

In this situation, where Zhang Moyan and Jin Xueyang could not see, Xiaowa swallowed a quick-acting heart-saving pill: "Huh..."

Do you want to tell him Brother Yu?

Looking at the salesperson at the cash register scanning the barcode of the product, Zhang Moyan pinched the phone, still having the urge to reach out for the payment code. Just when she was hesitating, an incoming call popped up on the screen of the phone, and the bright "Mom" two The words made her heart beat fast.

"Hello mom?" The blurted out title made both ends of the phone silent for a moment.The next second Zhang Moyan realized the problem and apologized awkwardly, "I'm sorry, who are you looking for me..."

"Tell her!" Huang Qin seemed to have given her phone to someone else on the phone.

After a while, a loud male voice came: "Hello comrade, I am a police officer from the Huamu Street Police Station. Now a man is suspected of causing trouble and broke into Ms. Huang's home and demanded the items you left at her home. Please come to our office to cooperate. Let’s investigate!”

Zhang Moyan was confused for a moment and couldn't remember what items he had left. He answered mechanically: "Okay, I understand. I'll be there later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Moyan and Jin Xueyang rushed to the police station. When they arrived at the duty room, they discovered that the lineup in the dispute was much greater than she had imagined. In addition to Zhang Feng and Huang Qin, there were also Geng Baishan and Chen Guanfu present!The person who broke into the Zhang family to cause trouble was Geng Zhiwei, the uncle of the Geng family, a man with some mental problems who once caused trouble in the paternity testing center.

The three parties had obviously just had a heated argument and were placed in three corners of the room by the police to calm down.

As soon as he saw her arriving, Shen Baishan stood up immediately: "Come on, come on, you have the right to blame!"

"Guo Man's daughter! Xiaoqi!" Geng Zhiwei was all excited and rushed towards Zhang Moyan. He was yelled by Geng Baishan and was pulled back by the people who came with the Geng family.

Jin Xueyang stretched out his hand to protect Zhang Moyan: "What are you doing!" Chen Guanfu sat on the side like an old monk, as if watching from the wall, with Ms. Fujiwara Nanako accompanying him like a shadow.

"Dad, Mom..."

This was Zhang Moyan's first meeting with Zhang Feng Huang Qin in more than a month. It would be a lie to say she wasn't excited. Although she felt it was inappropriate to speak like this, on this occasion, she instinctively walked towards the place she was most familiar with. People: "Are you okay? What does he want from me?"

"Your grandpa is over there, don't yell at people." Huang Qin was still angry and turned away to express his resistance to Zhang Moyan.

Zhang Moyan felt cold and did not dare to move forward.

Zhang Feng glanced at Zhang Moyan with a complicated expression, said nothing, and pointed to a policeman in the window. The policeman who was registering felt his gaze, and then walked over from the side door carrying a 16-inch white suitcase. .

"You actually put something like this in our house! Are you, are you trying to provoke us?" Huang Qin angrily scolded Zhang Moyan when she saw the suitcase.

Zhang Moyan recognized the suitcase at a glance that Chen Guanfu had sent to Zhang's house for her. It contained Chen Yun's childhood toys.

"I didn't, I'm sorry," she apologized to Huang Qin Zhangfeng before it was too late, "I'm sorry, I forgot that I still have this thing."

"Forgot?!" Huang Qin gasped and looked at her: "You forgot so easily? Why did you forget? Didn't you come back?!"

"Quiet! Do you speak or should I speak?!" the police officer shouted angrily, and then opened the suitcase on the table in front of Zhang Moyan.

"Please check whether this box is yours and whether there are any missing originals inside."

"Okay." With his head boiling, Zhang Moyan first followed the police's instructions and counted the items with his eyes focused on his memories.

To be honest, she had only seen this box once. Because of the confusing impression of her mother Chen Yun, she subconsciously chose to forget this relic.A few months ago, Chen Guanfu came to give her this thing, but she didn't take it back to her Yunshan home. After the Zhang family severed ties with her, she only secretly returned to the Zhang family and put away the 35 yuan without taking anything away. Now she wants to Think about it, you can say that it doesn't belong to you and don't take anything. It's really wrong to leave this thing in the Zhang family. It's not an exaggeration to say that the crime deserves death.

"Is there anything missing?" the policeman asked.

Zhang Moyan shook his head: "They're all here." Just some puppets, dolls, cartoon candles, jigsaw puzzles, and nine-link rings.

She looked up and realized that everyone in the room was focused on these toys, and she had an indescribable feeling.

The police took a document: "Then please sign on it, and then you can take the items away."

"Oh, okay," Zhang Moyan took the pen and signed. The police officer closed the box and pushed it to her on the table. The moment Zhang Moyan reached out and pressed the box, "pop"!One hand pressed hard on the box.

"You are not qualified to take this box back." Chen Guanfu said coldly.

The policeman frowned: "This is..."

"This is my daughter's relic," Chen Guanfu raised his hand, stared at Zhang Moyan with cold eyes, and answered the policeman in a steady voice, "I traveled thousands of miles to give her such a precious thing, but she doesn't care at all. Cherish and cherish it, even forget it in other people's homes. I think she is no longer qualified to inherit this relic. Comrade police, I should have the right to take it back, right?"

As his words fell, the air in the room seemed to be swept away.

(End of this chapter)

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