The glass door between the balcony and the living room is tightly closed, and the autumn sunshine shines brightly inside the house, shining on the neatly arranged tables and chairs, casting a quiet shadow on the spotless ground.

The security door rang twice in silence, was pushed open, and a pair of black men's sneakers walked into the house.

You Ming's steps were very familiar, and he patrolled around the door of each room, even the balcony. After confirming that there was absolutely no second person in the room, he went straight into the bedroom.

The upper layer of the locker against the wall was opened, and the books and medicines placed inside were clearly visible. There was nothing needed, and the door was closed again intact.

Then the lower level of the locker was opened, and a white suitcase and several bags were arranged in an orderly manner. Without any hesitation, the person reached out and took out the white suitcase.

The black sneakers left the bedroom and walked straight out. Just when he was a few steps away from the door, the door suddenly opened with a click, and the black sneakers stopped his steps abruptly.

Outside the door frame, Zhang Moyan was standing there with a backpack on his back!
"Xueyang, why are you here with me?" Zhang Moyan's voice showed no emotion, and his eyes moved from the face of the person opposite to his hand, "What are you doing with this box?"

Jin Xueyang froze for a moment without reacting. His stagnant movements made him feel guilty: "Mo Yan, why are you back? Didn't you follow the car to Wuxi?"

"The family suddenly had something to deal with and said they would pick me up again in the afternoon."

"That's it." Jin Xueyang cleared his throat to get rid of his unnaturalness and grinned, "I answered Professor Chen's call. He said that he wanted to use the contents of this suitcase. If he couldn't contact you, he would call. Give it to me and let me send it to him."

"Oh," Zhang Moyan said numbly as he turned around and closed the door, "I don't want to give it to him, so don't give it to him."

"Why?" Jin Xueyang looked confused, "Maybe he needs it urgently?"

Zhang Moyan took off her backpack and placed it on the shoe-wearing stool in the entrance hall, calmly and naturally: "Maybe the things in it are not as simple as Geng Baishan said, and he probably regretted giving it back to me. I thought about it two days ago. Okay, I’m going to take this suitcase to Xiao Xingyu’s grandfather and ask him to check and study it.”

"Give it to Xiao Guotao?" Jin Xueyang followed Zhang Moyan to the living room in astonishment, "What should I give it to him for?"

Zhang Moyan took the kettle and went to the kitchen to get water: "You know, our family once did something wrong to the Xiao family. I want to see if I can repair the relationship with them by doing this. Even if it can't be repaired, at least it can be done." I expressed my attitude to Mr. Xiao."

Jin Xueyang was simply unbelievable: "Repair the relationship? How is this possible? Chen Yun killed a life of the Xiao family. He was Xiao Guotao's biological brother. How can such a deep hatred be written off just because you have this?"

Zhang Moyan pressed her hand on the faucet valve, and the sound of water flowing suddenly stopped.

The sudden silence made Jin Xueyang feel strange, but he didn't know what was wrong and stood there in a daze.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Moyan still maintained the action of catching water, motionless like a cement sculpture, and even the air around her seemed to have turned black.

"Mo Yan?" Jin Xueyang stepped forward cautiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Moyan smoothly placed the kettle on the table, lowered her neck and supported the sink with both hands. After a long time, she turned around and her voice was hoarse when she opened her mouth.

"Xueyang, how do you know that the person Chen Yun killed was Xiao Guoxi?"

Jin Xueyang seemed to be struck by a bolt of thunder, his pupils dilated and froze.

"I should have never told you, right?" Zhang Moyan's lips trembled slightly, "I only told you that our Chen family and Xiao family had a feud, but I never told you from the beginning to the end. Please tell me what is going on with my biological mother and the Xiao family."

Zhang Moyan was too familiar with Jin Xueyang, and he could read his panic from his subtle expression.

Something seemed to be surging violently in the suffocating space.

"Jin Xueyang, how much do you know?" Zhang Mo asked heartily, "Who are you?"

Jin Xueyang had not yet recovered from the previous questions, but this question hit home again, and his face turned pale and he was speechless.

Zhang Moyan looked at him with frowning eyebrows: "You changed your major in your sophomore year because you deliberately approached me for a purpose, right? You have already confirmed that I am Chen Yun's daughter and have a relationship with Chen Guanfu, right?... Are you also here for the azure glazed porcelain?"

Jin Xueyang let go of his hand and the white suitcase fell to the ground with a thud. "Mo Yan is not what you think, please listen to my explanation!" He stepped forward in a panic and wanted to hug Zhang Moyan.

Zhang Moyan arched her body and backed away from him: "What do you want to explain? You just said that Chen Guanfu asked you to send this box to him. Do you dare to ask me to confirm it with him now?"

Jin Xueyang froze, with large beads of sweat oozing out from his forehead.

Zhang Moyan's heart sank when she looked at Jin Xueyang's expression.She knew that Jin Xueyang would be found out, but when he was found out so easily, she really felt sad.

"Jin Xueyang, you are so good at lying! You often lie to me, so you are so good at it, right? ... I'm sorry, I lied to you too. The boss has no relatives in Wuxi to get married at all," she pointed to the items in the entrance hall. A small vase on the shelf, "I put a camera there. If I see you get something, I will stop you."

Jin Xueyang looked at Zhang Moyan in disbelief.

Zhang Moyan looked indescribably lonely: "Actually, I have noticed that you have a problem a long time ago. My social relationships are not complicated and I can easily eliminate them. But even if I realize that you have a problem, I am reluctant to expose you because you He is my best and only confidant. I thought that as long as you don't do anything in the future, everything in the past will be forgotten. Even in order for you to get back on track, I am willing to satisfy you and be with you."

Zhang Moyan no longer had hope: "Jin Xueyang, you promised me that you would live a good life with me, so what are you doing now?"

Jin Xueyang trembled: "Mo Yan, I really want to live a good life with you, you believe me!"

He couldn't help but hugged Zhang Moyan.

Zhang Moyan struggled to break away from him and scolded: "Then what did you do with the box?! Who are you going to give it to?"

Jin Xueyang said in a panic: "Don't care who I work for, you believe me, I will never hurt you no matter before, now or in the future!"

"You're hurting me now!" Zhang Moyan's eyes seemed to be filled with ice mist. She raised her phone, "Have you never hurt me before? Then how do you explain this?"

"What?" Jin Xueyang grabbed his phone. On the screen was a photo of him and a boyfriend posing shoulder-to-shoulder on the grassland. He was puzzled, "What's going on? This person is a friend I met while traveling. .”

"Black peaked cap, Adidas printed three-stripe black sports suit," Zhang Moyan said, "When Xiao Xingyu and I were in Ruzhou, his car was tampered with and almost caused an accident. You must not have imagined that we were watching on the surveillance camera I saw a suspicious person whose back and clothes were exactly the same as the person in this photo.”

She paused, and revealed word by word in a deep voice: "Jin Xueyang, you want Xiao Xingyu's life! In order to make the Xiao family pay attention to me and doubt me, you have to kill Xiao Xingyu, right? In Xiao Xingyu's case, The person who did anything in the car was the one you sent, right?"

Jin Xueyang's hand holding the phone suddenly stiffened. For a moment, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath as if he was lacking oxygen: "This is just a suit of clothes. It's normal for someone to wear the same clothes. Why should I want Xiao Xingyu's life? He's dead. What’s in it for me?”

Zhang Moyan's smooth brows were extremely disappointed: "I don't know why you want his life? I don't know the intention of many of your actions?"

Jin Xueyang's back tightened: "What else can I do?"

Zhang Moyan stood upright, his black and white eyes filled with pain: "The fact that Xiao Xingyu and I met was also the result of your careful planning, right? At that ancient porcelain auction, you arranged for someone with a history of mental illness to assassinate Xiao Xingyu, and then deliberately jumped out to save him regardless of the danger. I obviously reached out for you, but in the end it was me who saved Xiao Xingyu... What an ingenious design, your purpose is to let him get to know me, no, your ultimate purpose You asked me to establish a relationship with the Xiao family through Xiao Xingyu, right? You don’t need to answer. The fact is that not long after I met Xiao Xingyu, you facilitated my going to the Xiao family to work on "Xinhuo". The bottom line of everything you did The logic is that you know that I am Chen Yun's daughter, and if the Xiao family knows my identity, they will definitely chase me to find Chen Yun's things... Excuse me, is that ancient glaze from the Geng family?"

"It's not glaze!" Jin Xueyang blurted out in response to the repeated attacks. As soon as the words came out, he realized that he had been completely exposed.

Zhang Moyan, with a stern look on her face, pressed forward and asked: "Three and a half years ago, it was your arrangement when I rescued Xiao Xingyu on Guanju Road, right? You wanted me to get involved with him as early as that time, right? ? If it weren’t for my adoptive parents not allowing me to respond to his notice to find kindhearted people, and if it wasn’t for Xiao Xingyu later leaving the porcelain world and staying abroad for a long time, you wouldn’t have reached this point today, right?!”

"It's not me, it's not me!" Jin Xueyang couldn't bear to deny, "It's them who want to do this! Not only do they want to collect all the techniques and materials for studying azure glazed porcelain, but they also want to eliminate all those who might crack the color mechanism of azure glazed porcelain. people!"

"Who are they? Why do you want to help them?!"

"They are, they are..." Jin Xueyang paused temporarily. Although his mood was quite unstable, he still controlled it at the critical moment, "I can't tell you."

"So," Zhang Moyan's eyes were filled with tears, angry and sad, "you really came to me with a purpose from the beginning."

Jin Xueyang was speechless again, his panic expression getting bigger and bigger.

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