Is he teasing me

Chapter 368 Day 2

The elegant and handsome white cat squatted at the door of the magnificent kitchen with its furry paws. In more than two months, it not only became a sleek and fairy-like figure that stood out among the other cats, but also quickly transformed from a rather large cat to a large one. Hakimi evolves into a super solid gas tank.

Through the little brain of the Rain God, I can see that the male master is unusually diligent today. Taiyang hasn’t gone to work yet, and he is washing his hands and making soup (@_@). I thought that the master finally realized that he can no longer feed the cat the growth pot. Even though it was imported, at first glance, what was carefully cooked on the stove turned out to be a pot of white porridge! (O_o) Except for a few slices of lilies, a few red dates and a few slices of gaudy yam, there is no meaty smell at all... So, Junmao guessed the essence through the phenomenon: God, is this handsome man about to go bankrupt? !Meow——

The Rain God hurriedly inspected the entire villa according to the daily route map, and found no signs of family decline. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and came back to see what trouble this human was trying to make.

For more than an hour, other people in the villa got up one after another and made noises, and this bowl of white porridge, which had been painstakingly prepared, was finally completed.I saw Dashuai carefully scooping the porridge into a gold-rimmed celadon bowl and carrying the dinner plate into his bedroom.

Tsk, the Rain God scoffed.

It's just a bowl of mediocre white porridge, and you have to hide to eat it. Even if the cat's food is tasteless, it won't be greedy for this kind of thing.

However, this behavior does not seem to be in line with the male master's usual style. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and I will wait for this cat to find out.

Walking on elegant cat steps, pushing open the crack of the ajar door with her big round head, I'm going!What's the smell in here?Human sweat mixed with a strange fishy smell makes the cat's heart beat faster.

Walking inside, I saw the man of the house had pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, staring at the bed with all his attention. The bowl of white porridge was temporarily placed on the cabinet next to his legs.

Um?Could it be that there is someone in this bed?

How strange!No other person has ever come into Dashuaibi's room, except this cat. Of course, this cat is not a human.

He jumped on the bedside table and took a look. Junmao was immediately shocked!Ju, he is actually a cook~~ the cook who cooks particularly delicious food! ! !
Oh my god, happiness comes so unexpectedly!Has the cook moved here too? 55555, I thought that Dashuai Bi had a falling out with the cook. It has not been kind to Dashuai Bi for several months.

Haha, there is really no cat language that can describe my mood at this moment!Wow, I can’t help but look around the cook...

The cook is really a sleeping beauty. There is simply no one in the world who is more beautiful than her, and no one can cook better than her. Now I finally have to say goodbye to those industrial cat foods! !

Huh?But something seems wrong. Why is the cook sweating so much? ...What's the matter with the red patches on her neck?Also, how could she sleep so soundly?It feels... like death... Are you still breathing?
Just as the Rain God was about to get closer to confirm, Xiao Xingyu had already put his hand under Zhang Mo's cigarette nose and stayed there for three seconds, and then heard Xiao Xingyu let out a loud breath.

Rain God raised his head suspiciously, and saw the other person's guilty look as if he had done something wrong. Junmao immediately understood - it must be that the cook refused to come here, and Marshal Bi subjected the cook to inhuman torture, so the cook did this. Only when you are dying will your body be scarred.

Look, less than half of the bed sheet fell to the ground, and it was stained with blood, which showed that the fight must have been very brutal.

This is really unreasonable!The Rain God glared at Xiao Xingyu and said "meow" to Dihu.

One person and one cat looked at each other for 3 minutes. Xiao Xingyu felt really guilty because of the little look in his eyes. He suddenly felt a little lucky that the cat couldn't speak, otherwise it would have been scolded very unpleasantly.

Not to mention this cat, he even wants to beat himself up!Just because Zhang Moyan said "I have nothing left to give you", he imagined that she and Jin Xueyang were just short of a marriage certificate, so he didn't show any sympathy to her when they first met. Who would have thought... thinking of this , Xiao Xingyu wished he could give himself a slap.

The moment he lost control of the key, he shouldn't have done it. As a result, he made the same mistake again and again. The already weak person even fell into a coma, and he didn't stop.

The self-control he had always been proud of turned to shit, leaving him worse than a beast.

But seriously, who else can stay calm and composed when they have the right person at their fingertips?
Especially when he knows that she is completely his own, even a man must be ecstatic, right? !
Oops, here we go again, my heart is beating fast just thinking about it.

The corners of Xiao Xingyu's mouth raised, and he put his arms on his two separated legs, like a child looking at his most beloved treasure, concentrating on it and loving it hard.

This is a treasure that is so hard for him to get. He never dreamed that it would be so difficult to get a woman with his appearance and material conditions!It's so hard that he takes the initiative and fails again and again. Sometimes it feels like the flywheel effect doesn't work on him anymore.

Fortunately, God was kind to him and made him decide to go back and follow Zhang Moyan yesterday.Otherwise, he couldn't imagine how completely different his mood would be at this moment.

Xiao Xingyu looked at Zhang Moyan motionlessly like a sculpture, looking from his forehead to his chin, his eyes not missing every little detail, as if this woman who survived the disaster was the work of his heart and soul.

After a long time, Zhang Moyan's two butterfly-wing eyelashes moved, and he suddenly came to his senses.

"Mo Yan," Xiao Xingyu quickly helped Zhang Moyan, who was about to get up, "it's still early for you to sleep a little longer."

"Hiss—" Zhang Moyan gritted her teeth. The pain all over her body, especially the pain in her waist and thighs, made it impossible for her to sit up on her own.She opened her eyes in confusion, and what came into view was a beautiful man and a beautiful cat.

The beautiful visual impact made Zhang Moyan's head freeze for a moment, and she didn't know what day it was. But soon the delayed CPU recovered, and her first reaction was to lower her head and check herself.

She had put on clean pajamas and seemed to have taken a shower.Regarding this, Zhang Moyan's mind went blank. She had no memory of when she took a shower and changed clothes. The only thing that was certain was that with her current physical strength, she would definitely not be able to complete these two difficult processes.

So... Zhang Moyan looked at Xiao Xingyu with a heated face, a little at a loss.

"Meow~" A soft meow broke the silence. The handsome cat climbed up Zhang Moyan's thigh with its gorgeous tail like a feather duster. The next second, Xiao Xingyu picked up his neck and threw him aside.

"What are you holding? Where did the big smoker you pointed at me just now go?"

(End of this chapter)

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