The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 118 Marrying into the Chu Family

Chapter 118 Marrying into the Chu Family
On the night of the eighth day of the lunar new year, the Doomsday Hotel held an auction.

In the afternoon Tang Zhixi waited at home for Ye Hanzhi to pick her up.

She was sitting in the living room, watching Nan Cheng running back and forth in the room.The shoulder-length curly hair was all messed up.

"Come here, let me tie your hair."

Nan Cheng went to get a box of small rubber bands from the bookshelf in the living room, and took a Luban lock on the side by the way.

He was sitting on the carpet, with his back to Tang Zhixi, tinkering with the extremely complicated Luban lock
"Can you cut it short?"

Tang Zhixi ran his hands through his hair and said, "Just your curly hair, if you cut it short, it won't blow up."

"But there are no boys with long hair." After Nan Cheng finished speaking, he remembered something, and said, "I don't want to be like that weird uncle."

"That guy is weird, and it has nothing to do with his long hair." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "Thousands of years ago, no one has long hair."

"That's feudal dross, it's not worth it." Nan Cheng retorted.

"The dross of feudalism is thought and certain systems." Tang Zhixi said, "Your current thinking is the dross of feudalism."

"Oh." Nan Cheng agreed, and then said after a moment of silence, "But who did I inherit my curly hair from?"

Uncle Rui was really watering the flowers in the living room, when he heard his words, his hands suddenly shook, and the water poured outside.

"Father's hair is black and straight." Nan Cheng said, "Mother Jing's hair is a bit yellow, but it's still straight."

"Who knows who you inherited your [-]/[-] hybrid gene." Tang Zhixi tied a half ball on his head, "Let's play."

Nan Cheng touched his little balls, took the box of rubber bands and put them back in their original place, and started running around the living room again.

After a while, Uncle Rui served Tang Zhixi a bowl of white fungus soup that he had just made: "As soon as Miss came back, the young master became lively."

Tang Zhixi sat up straight, took the bowl with both hands, and said, "Talking too much is annoying."

Uncle Rui sat on the single sofa: "Miss, after you return to Yancheng"

Before she finished speaking, Tang Zhixi's cell phone on the table rang suddenly, and Uncle Rui didn't say anything more.

Tang Zhixi looked at the caller ID, it was Yan Qi, or an overseas call.After she answered it, she pressed the speakerphone directly.

"Going to continent D?"

"Yeah." Yan Qi said, "I've been here since the third day of the Lunar New Year."

"What's the matter?" Tang Zhixi ate a mouthful of tremella soup and said, "I'm not very happy listening to the sound."

"Damn it, the price of jadeite in D continent has doubled several times." Yan Qi scolded, "I pay 40.00% of the price now, and I paid all of it before. There is not much difference at all."

Tang Zhixi frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Yan Qi said, "I can't find out any news. People just say that if they want to buy it, they will pay, and if they don't want to buy it, they will leave."

"Where are the diamonds from Continent F? Did you inquire?"

"What do you mean? Are those who monopolize the diamonds in Continent F and those in Continent D the same group?" Yan Qi asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi said calmly.

Yan Qi cursed out a small composition.

"I'll ask someone to inquire about it." Tang Zhixi said, "Why don't you come back first."

Continent D is too chaotic, and it has been a long time. If you are unlucky, you may encounter something bad.

"I'm going to see if the price of gold has risen."

Going to see the gold, it is on the territory of the Dark Night Alliance, it is also safe: "Okay, let's go."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi thought for a while and asked in the group: [Who is in D continent? ]
Yellow Shirt Ghost: [Boss, I am here. ]
Tang Zhixi: [Inquire about what happened to those emerald mines recently?Why the sudden price increase. ]
Yellow Shirt Ghost: [Yes, Boss, I'll do it right away. ]
Tang Zhixi: [Also, Yan Qi... is the person who often buys our gold in China.When you arrive at our site, take care of it in secret. ]
Yellow Shirt Ghost: [Yes. ]
Tang Zhixi: [Be careful. ]
Yellow Shirt Ghost: [Understood. ]
The Doomsday Hotel in the Imperial Capital is several times deeper than that in Yancheng.

Picking up a piece of scum from anywhere can be worth thousands of gold.

Complete ancient buildings, carved beams and painted buildings, Qionglou Yuyu.All the lights are covered with lanterns outside, a string of lanterns, dim and warm.And there are very special totems on the beams and pillars.

Like a unique logo.

As soon as you step in, you have the feeling of being transported to a certain dynasty suddenly.

The auction was on the other side of the exhibition hall, and Ye Hanzhi led Tang Zhixi directly to the upstairs compartment through the side door.

The auction is downstairs, and it's almost about to start.The seats downstairs are already full.

The upstairs compartments are very secretive. Generally, those who don't want to show up, or those with special identities, will be upstairs.

Even among the various compartments upstairs, they don't know who is who.

"Last time you sat across from each other." Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi took off her coat and put it on the chair: "So I can see your asking price very intuitively."

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "What was your mood at that time?"

"Chou Fu." Tang Zhixi said, "At that time, my hatred for you surpassed my number one object of hatred."

"The first object of hatred?"

"Doomsday Hotel." Tang Zhixi said, "I've seen a lot of rich people. But people like Doomsday Hotel who are rich on the surface... really deserve a beating."

He Yuzhe laughed from the side, and then gave her a thumbs up: "Sister Xi, it's you who is brave enough to say that the Chu family deserves a beating."

"Thank you." Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and smiled.

"When I entered the Doomsday Hotel for the first time, my first reaction was to make it my own." Tang Zhixi said.

The corner of He Yuzhe's mouth twitched.What a lofty ideal.He never dared to think about it in his life.

"Have you made any efforts for this?" Ye Hanzhi asked while pouring tea for her.

Tang Zhixi looked at the color of the tea, paused and said, "I've been observing for three years, and the only relatively simple and reasonable way I can think of is to marry into the Chu family."

"Cough—" He Yuzhe was almost caught by the melon seeds.

Ye Han's hand also shook, and he poured the tea on the table.

Lu Shang and Zhen Lei have been sitting behind the three of them.They were also shocked.But Lu Shang reacted quickly, got up immediately, took a few paper towels, and wiped the tea on the table.

Seeing that his tea was poured out, Tang Zhixi looked up at him.

Ye Hanzhi seemed to want to say something, but his lips trembled, and he was suddenly unable to speak.

He suddenly remembered that Tang Zhixi seemed to be very interested in the affairs of the Chu family.After all, apart from being so ostentatious about the Doomsday Hotel, the Chu family is actually very mysterious, and it is normal to be curious. Everyone is curious.

But he never expected that she would have such thoughts.

The alarm bells in my heart rang.

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi said seriously, "Actually, our family is also rich, richer than the Chu family."

He Yuzhe, Lu Shang, and Zhenlei looked at Ye Hanzhi together.

"Does the Ye family's wealth have a lot to do with you? You don't even have shares, nor do you have the right to inherit." Tang Zhixi looked at him and said calmly.

The corner of Ye Hanzhi's mouth twitched.

The other three pursed their lips together, obviously wanting to laugh, but they were afraid that it would be unlucky if they laughed for a while at this time, so they all held back.

"I'm rich myself." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'm no worse than the Chu family."

Tang Zhixi looked at his eagerness to prove herself, held back, and laughed.

Seeing her smile, Ye Hanzhi knew that she was teasing him again, and he was fooled again.

"I just think that's a method." Tang Zhixi said with a smile, "I didn't say I wanted to implement that method."

He Yuzhe rubbed his face, and pressed down the corner of his mouth that was going up.

Ye Hanzhi ground his teeth, pinched her face, and said ruthlessly: "Sooner or later, I'll clean you up."

Tang Zhixi rubbed the place he pinched with the back of her hand, lowered her head, and laughed even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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