Chapter 123 One report per day

"What happened to Nan Cheng?"

Ye Hanzhi came to take Tang Zhixi to the airport, saw Nan Cheng in the corner, turned his back to them and ignored them.

"I'm angry that I didn't buy him a plane ticket." Tang Zhixi glanced at him and said.

"You said you would take me with you when you leave. Your words don't count." Nan Cheng didn't even look at them, he just turned to the wall and said angrily.

"I didn't say which time I left."

"You said you would take me back after the New Year."

"I didn't say it was the Chinese New Year this year." Tang Zhixi bullied the child openly.

"Why are you still bullying the child?" Ye Hanzhi whispered, raising his hand to stroke her hair.

"While he is a child, bully him more."

Nan Cheng heard the two of them muttering secretly, turned around, sat on the carpet, folded his arms.The little milk fat on the angry face was enlarged, and the big eyes blinked and were about to cry.

"Hold back, don't force me to do it."

Nan Cheng pursed his lips hard, holding back the tears that were about to fall.

Ye Hanzhi watched and laughed.He walked over and hugged Nan Cheng directly: "I will come to see you when I have time. I will teach you how to play the piano."

Nan Cheng didn't speak, just looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi looked at him for a while, then took him from Ye Hanzhi's arms.Then he raised his hand and messed up his little curly hair: "I'm going back to filming, I don't have time to take care of you. You are not very safe by my side."

"But you promised me."

"I'm sorry." Tang Zhixi said patiently, "I will try to come back as soon as I have time."

Nan Cheng was silent for a while: "Really?"

"Really." Tang Zhixi said, "I won't want you."

"Then I'll call you, and you have to answer it." Nan Cheng said.


On the way to the airport, Zhen Lei drove, with Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi behind.

"Why do you want to go back all of a sudden?"

It was too sudden, Ye Hanzhi took the time to see her off today.

"There's something wrong." Tang Zhixi said, "You're busy with your work, so you don't need someone to accompany me back."

"Zhenlei will go there with you."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him.

"If you want Nan Cheng, bring him there when I go." Ye Hanzhi said, "Let Zhen Lei take him with him."

"No problem, I happen to have someone to accompany me." Zhen Lei said, "I also like Xiao Nancheng. And he is very obedient and easy to take care of."

Tang Zhixi looked at Zhen Lei again, and wanted to ask if he was talking about Nan Cheng?But in the end, he just said: "Let's talk about it."


Back in Yancheng, before joining the group, Tang Zhixi was always in the laboratory and didn't even go home.

So that's what Zhenlei reported to Ye Hanzhi.

After Miss Tang arrived in Yancheng, she disappeared. She didn't return home at night or during the day for five consecutive days.

But Ye Hanzhi had videos with Tang Zhixi every day, so he really couldn't tell where she was.But he didn't ask, anyway, he didn't ignore him, as long as she was safe.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening before joining the group that Tang Zhixi returned home and had a good night's sleep.

Entering the group for training and reading scripts are all in Yancheng, so she can go home every day.

Zhenlei took the initiative to take up the responsibility of picking up and dropping off every day.

Besides, he also made small reports with Ye Hanzhi every day.

Every day when picking Tang Zhixi home, he would press his cell phone to send a voice message to Ye Hanzhi in the car.

"Third Master, when Miss Tang came out today, there was a little boy beside her."

"Third Master, today's Miss Tang is replaced by a more mature man."

"Third Master, there are two women beside Miss Tang today. I think the eyes of those two women are not quite right."

"Third Lord, there is a man at the door who seems to be waiting for Miss Tang specially. He talked to Miss Tang at the door for almost a minute."

"Third Master, the man from yesterday is here again today waiting to come."

"Third Master, that man is here again."

Ye Hanzhi never replied to him once, but he listened to every message.

The third master knew very well that there were people robbing him of his wife every day.

But the laboratory cannot do without him for the time being.

He could only be in a hurry.

This caused Lu Shang to watch helplessly as his third master was surrounded by hostility, and as time went by, the hostility became more and more serious.

As soon as Tang Zhixi's Jiuxi identity was revealed, everyone in the crew was very enthusiastic towards her and greeted her with smiles every day.Almost all of them have never met and don't know each other at all.

When we met, it was like we had been friends for many years.

The treatment from the previous crew was completely different.

That's why every day when she goes back, someone will send her to the door.

And the person who was always waiting at the door was Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng seemed like a rebellious person in the sky.The more he is not allowed to do something, the more he will do it.The more you reject him, the more motivated he becomes.

When he appeared at the door again on the fourth day, Tang Zhixi couldn't bear it anymore.

But this time before she could make a move, Zhen Lei made the move first.

Seeing Chen Zheng watching Tang Zhixi come out, Zhenlei was about to go up to him as soon as his eyes lit up.Zhen Lei stretched out his hand to block in front of him.

"This fan." Zhen Lei said, "It's been four days in a row, and you have already affected the life of our artist. If you come any closer, I will call the police and arrest you."

Chen Zheng frowned, looked at Zhen Lei and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm Miss Tang's bodyguard."

"I know Zhixi." Chen Zhengdao.

Zhenlei smiled lightly: "It's up to you whether you know her or not, and it's my duty to protect her. And knowing her proves that you won't cause some trouble and danger to us artists?"

"Get out of the way!" Chen Zheng shouted.

"Sir, respect yourself."

Chen Zheng pushed his hand away and was about to move forward.But Zhenlei immediately grabbed his wrist and used his strength.

In an instant, Chen Zheng's entire arm went numb: "You fucking! You."

"Sir, don't make such a scene too ugly." Zhen Lei smiled, but the strength in his hand was a bit heavier.

While the two were talking, Tang Zhixi had already returned to the car.

Seeing that he couldn't beat him, Chen Zheng could only give up, shook off Zhen Lei's arm and left.

Zhenlei looked at his back, curled his lower lip, took out his mobile phone, and started sending Ye Hanzhi a message again, asking for credit: "Third Master, that man came again, I got him away. I didn't let him see Tang Miss."

And in a parking space about 50 meters away from them.He Zhuo was wearing sunglasses, sitting in the back seat of the car, with the window down, watching all this.

"Who is that man?"

The driver in front said: "It's Tang Zhixi's driver."

"Driver? A driver would look like that? Probably a little lover." He Zhuo smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's a mess."

"This man comes to pick up Tang Zhixi every day." The driver said, "I'm afraid of being discovered. I haven't followed the car. I just kept watching them in this parking space."

"Well, you did a good job." He Zhuo said: "You have been watching here for the past few days. When the driver stops picking her up, let me know."

"Okay, sir."

"This kind of woman will definitely not be able to live without a man around her. But we can't ignore the rules, wait until she finishes playing with this man. Let's do it again." He Zhuo said.


He Zhuo closed the car window and smiled lightly.After chasing here from the Imperial Capital, he must get this person.

I have to say that with the same father, Tang Zhixi is really beautiful, much more beautiful than his cousin.

People can't help but daydream
(End of this chapter)

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