Chapter 125 The third master is in danger
Tang Zhixi took a nap when she arrived at the Dark Night Alliance.

I slept until it was dark.

There is an hour's time difference between continent D and China.At eleven o'clock at night, Tang Zhixi took Gu Xia to leave.

"Ninth brother, are you really not taking me?" Su Qian asked.

"The Dark Night Alliance is yours, you take it with you. You take them outside to respond." Tang Zhixi said casually while wearing black half-finger gloves, "Gu Xia and I went in to check the situation first. If necessary, I will call you of."

Su smiled slightly: "Responsiveness."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi checked the gun, then put it behind her, looked at Su Qian, with a hint of evil in her eyes, "Since we want to break the balance, we can only dominate them."

"Naturally." Su Qian said.

"Let's go." Tang Zhixi tapped the headset, "Wait for news."

"Well, safety first."

At [-]:[-], Ye Hanzhi was drinking tea while listening to the opera on the phonograph.

"Third Master, are you still asleep?" Lu Shang said.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at the time again and said, "It's been almost three days. I think someone will come over tonight."

Lu Shang immediately understood: "No name?"

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Ye Qing brought people here twice, but they couldn't be rescued. Wuming should also appear."

"Third Master has only been defending but not attacking these few days. He is waiting for him." Lu Shang said.

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi pointed his fingertips on the table, "The Dark Night Alliance will be destroyed, but talents will also be recruited."

"Can he sneak in?"

"If he doesn't even have the ability to sneak in, what do I need him for? Is it a waste of food?"

Lu Shang stood aside and didn't speak anymore. His father had already made up his mind and wanted to catch the turtle in his urn.

As long as he is caught, his master will naturally have a way to tame him and use him for himself.

While Lu Shang was thinking, he heard the opera on the phonograph singing "The Case of Guillotine Beauty".

Zheng sang: ".Qin Xianglian is 32 years old. She sued the prince's son-in-law for deceiving the king and the emperor.

He saw Ye Hanzhi suddenly turned his head to look at the phonograph, then paused for two seconds, then pulled the wire of the phonograph.

And he seemed to feel Ye Hanzhi's murderous aura when he pulled out the wire.

Tang Zhixi and Gu Xia have already found the yellow shirt.

This manor is very large, but its construction is based on Qimen Dunjia.

After Tang Zhixi came in, she quickly figured out the way, so she didn't need much effort to find where the yellow shirt was.

And there are only five people guarding that place.

Tang Zhixi and Gu Xia knocked them out silently at the fastest speed.

"Boss." Huang Shirt's hands were handcuffed.

Tang Zhixi looked at the yellow shirt from head to toe first: "Are you injured? Did they hit you?"

"No. They just kept me locked up." Huang Shirt said, "There haven't been many people guarding me, I doubt it."

"They're waiting for me," Tang Zhixi said.


"I guessed it." Tang Zhixi said, "For so many days, they have the upper hand, but they only defend but not attack. There must be a conspiracy."

Gu Xia was watching the wind at the door: "Sis, since this is the case, let's blow up this place. Everyone is here, and we should cooperate with Sister Qing and take them away."

Tang Zhixi covered the upper half of her face with a hoodie, and the lower half of her face was wearing a mask.She opened the handcuffs with clips, and a chuckle came from under the mask: "It's all here."

"Yes." Gu Xia said, "Although they must be prepared, we have you."

Tang Zhixi looked at Huang Shan: "Is it okay?"

"I'm fine." As soon as Huang Shan finished speaking, the room suddenly plunged into darkness.

Someone cut the power to the whole building.

The three of them fell into darkness and could only rely on hearing for the time being.

Tang Zhixi got up with the yellow shirt and walked towards the door: "Hui Ying, help her."

Gu Xia took the person from her hand.

"What's going on in a while, you go and don't worry about me." Tang Zhixi looked into the darkness with sharp eyes and said, "Even if I can't get out, I have my arrangements, you follow the command."

"Okay." Huangshan and Gu's family agreed at the same time, they all believed in Tang Zhixi.

The three of them walked out together in the dark.

The people's place is underground, with all the power supply, but no light source at all.

But Tang Zhixi's senses and hearing were very good, so she couldn't help it.

So the speed of the three of them walking out was rather fast.But when she was about to reach the stairs, she heard a very light breathing.

She stopped Gu Xia and Huang Shan for a while, then quickly stepped forward, and made a move before the other party had time to react.

She was very fast, carrying a strong wind, and punched the person at the corner of the stairs head-on.

The man was beaten back two steps.

Then the people behind him immediately stepped forward to fight Tang Zhixi.

After only two tricks, Tang Zhixi felt that this person was very strong, so she was very serious.

And Gu Xia and Huang Shan soon got into a fight.

In the darkness, Tang Zhixi couldn't tell the outcome, nor could she concentrate on listening.However, Gu Xia was very strong, which reduced her worries.

As long as she entangles this person and the two of them get out, it's not a problem.

It's just a matter of time.

Tang Zhixi turned around and kicked, but the opponent raised his hand to block it.He changed hands to grab her leg, but Tang Zhixi also quickly dodged.

But the gun in his waist was taken away.

She touched his waist, then clenched her fists, and hit him harder, almost every blow was aimed at killing him.

But the opponent was too strong, and within 10 minutes, she was defeated.

Moreover, there were two blows to the ribs, and the other party also withdrew his strength. Even though she had buffered the strength, those two blows were not light.

Another punch at the opponent, the opponent directly grabbed her arm, twisted behind her back, and bent her directly.

Tang Zhixi bent down and grabbed the hand on her shoulder with the other hand.But the opponent's strength was too great, and she couldn't move at all.

After struggling twice, I didn't struggle to get away.

"Nameless. Admit defeat." The voice should be very familiar, but the tone is unfamiliar, contemptuous, arrogant, and contempt of the superior.

And Tang Zhixi didn't pay much attention to listening, so she didn't hear it.Opened his mouth and scolded him: "Go to hell!"

Suddenly the person behind was silent for two seconds, and then said in an extremely unbelievable tone, with a tentative, even trembling tone: "Zhixi?"

Tang Zhixi was stunned for a moment, her body froze obviously, and after two seconds she said: "Ye Hanzhi?!"

Ye Hanzhi froze for a moment, then let go of his hand immediately, and helped him up: "Zhi, Zhixi, you, you."

Tang Zhixi didn't make a sound, but she could feel from the darkness that she was not well now.

"Lu Shang, tell them to stop!" Ye Hanzhi shouted, "Turn on the electricity."

Gu Xia first heard the name "Lu Shang", and then heard Ye Hanzhi's voice.But he didn't stop, and took the opportunity to kick the two people next to him, kicking them to the ground.

Lu Shang obviously didn't know what was going on, so he could only obey the order and let people stop.Someone went upstairs to supply electricity again.

"Zhixi, I'm sorry, I... Du, where are you hurt?" Ye Hanzhi's hand had never been so cold, and he was shaking slightly while holding Tang Zhixi's fingertips.

The head is not so stuck, and the tongue is also knotted...

(End of this chapter)

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