Chapter 127

Tang Zhixi made a phone call with Su Qian after taking a shower.

As she expected, Su Qian came to gossip after talking on the phone with Gu Xia.

"Hey, what's going on! Gu Xia said that the emerald bastard is Ye Hanzhi!"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi was in the bathroom, wearing a midriff-baring vest.Looking at the bruises and swellings on his ribs from the mirror, he said softly, "That goblin."

"Xixi!" Su Qian said excitedly, "Then the mines in the entire D continent belong to you, don't you? Dark Ye has gold mines, and Ye Hanzhi has emeralds."

"The dark night belongs to you, and the emerald belongs to Ye Hanzhi, how could it be mine."

"An Ye is her mother's family, and Ye Hanzhi is her husband's family." Su Qian said, "Of course they belong to you."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Really, my lord does not remember the faults of villains. For your sake, we can live in peace with him in the future."

"Who told me that Ye Hanzhi is extremely dangerous and should not be approached?"

"Then how can it be the same." Su Qian said, "Doesn't he have a mine now?"

"So for the sake of the mine, you asked me to get married." Tang Zhixi asked, "Where is conscience?"

"Conscience, conscience is fed to Huiying."

"...wait for him to bite you. Hang up, I'm going to sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi looked at her left arm in the mirror, and saw that it was slightly red, as if something was about to emerge.

She pulled the towel on the side, turned the water to the cold side, wet the towel, and applied it to her left arm.

After repeating this several times, the thing on the arm gradually disappeared.

She then applied a cold towel to the bruise on her ribs.

While applying it, he thought about the time he hit Ye Hanzhi.

He just wanted to vent his anger on the yellow shirt.She should fight more and get her share back.

After wrapping her ribs, she washed the towel off again.Then he went out directly.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, he took two steps outside and saw Ye Hanzhi who pushed the door in.

The room is spacious and has very little stuff.

Although the distance between the two is a bit far, there is no obstacle at all.

Tang Zhixi's navel-baring vest has very thin shoulder straps, and the chest is a little low.The lower body was wearing shorts, revealing two long white legs.

Just like that, it directly hit Ye Hanzhi's eyes.

Ye Hanzhi was stunned by the whiteness in front of him, and his eyes were stabbed by the three scars from her shoulder to collarbone.He suddenly took a step back and slammed into the door behind him.

"I just knocked on the door, but no one answered." Ye Hanzhi paused again at the bruises on her shoulders.Hastily looked away.But when I looked down, I saw the bruise on her ribs, and suddenly frowned, not caring about the embarrassment, "Why is it so serious?"

Tang Zhixi took a few steps, went to the bedside to get her nightgown, and put on her nightgown with her back to him.

Ye Hanzhi saw the tattoo on her left shoulder again, the red crown.Like a fire on the white skin.
He swallowed, clenched the medicine box in his hand, and forced himself to look away.

Tang Zhixi put on the belt, turned to look at him, and said softly, "Don't you know what you did?"

"I..." Ye Hanzhi paused for two seconds, walked into the room, and hugged Tang Zhixi in his arms, "Zhixi, I'm sorry."

Tang Zhixi frowned, she was the one who was beaten, how pitiful it seemed to be him.

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi patted her head, "You hit me a few more times."

Tang Zhixi took a deep breath, but didn't smell the aloe fragrance on his body.After two seconds of silence, he said, "I'm too lazy to bother you and hurt yourself."

Ye Hanzhi quickly let go of her and took a step back.

Only then did Tang Zhixi realize that his eyes were red, even moist.She was startled for a moment, as if something hit her heart.

Ye Hanzhi stretched out his hand to look at the wound, but before he touched her, he retracted his hand again.

He held the medicine box in one hand, opened it with the other hand, and pointed it out to Tang Zhixi: "This one is for disinfection. After disinfection, apply these two to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Then put this on. Also It works well together to reduce swelling and relieve pain.”

Tang Zhixi looked down at the medicine box, paused and said, "Ye Hanzhi, there is something I must tell you."


"It's dangerous to be around me." Tang Zhixi looked up at him, looking at his flushed eyes, "It will be life-threatening."

"Life and danger mean that Zhixi will beat me up?" Ye Hanzhi joked.

Tang Zhixi followed him with a slight smile, and then said seriously: "It means someone will harm you."

Ye Hanzhi also became more serious, looked at her, and asked after a while, "Because of you?"


"The person behind 319?" Ye Hanzhi thought for a while and guessed.

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes flickered slightly: "Yes."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, and said silently for two seconds: "Zhixi. First of all, I am not afraid of him. I have the strength and power to not be afraid of him. Secondly, he will definitely not be able to beat me. I only refer to the aspect of force and intelligence. , including his machinations. In the end, I do hope he will come to your door. I sincerely hope. It will save me a lot of trouble."

Tang Zhixi kept looking up at him, feeling a little admiration suddenly in her heart.

No one has this kind of confidence when facing that person.This kind of self-confidence seems to come from the suppression of nature.

Even for Tang Zhixi herself, the best result she could think of was to die together and take that person to hell by herself.

But Ye Hanzhi did, and she also believed in Ye Hanzhi from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, she actually felt a little familiar.

And this sense of familiarity made her want to get closer.

"So Zhixi, this is nothing to me at all." Now that she said it, Ye Hanzhi naturally understood what she was thinking.

She is afraid of hurting herself.

Tang Zhixi curled her lower lip, and looked down at the medicine box he had been holding in his hand: "I don't want to rub the medicine."

"Wipe it, it will heal faster." Ye Hanzhi's voice seemed to be coaxing a child, "Be obedient and save yourself from pain."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, her eyes were bright, and she was a little seductive: "San Ye wipe it for me?"

Ye Hanzhi's pupils shrank obviously, and the expression on his face froze for a moment.But fortunately, his mind is still clear, and he is not dazzled by the beauty.

With tenderness in his brows and eyes, he said half jokingly, half dotingly: "Isn't it convenient for me?"

"That's right." Tang Zhixi nodded, "Lonely men and widows, with a bad reputation."

Ye Hanzhi slightly raised his eyebrows, and was about to speak when his shirt collar was suddenly grabbed.He was pulled by the collar and bent over.

Before he could react, in the next second, Tang Zhixi suddenly approached, and then a piece of softness was pasted on his lips.

At that moment, something exploded in Ye Hanzhi's head.

It exploded so that his eyes were colorful and his ears were full.

Tang Zhixi grabbed his hand by the collar of his shirt until his knuckles turned white.

After sticking to his lips for a while, he loosened his collar and took half a step back.

Ye Hanzhi stared at her blankly: "Zhi, Zhixi."

Tang Zhixi looked as if nothing happened just now, her expression was flat.Of course, ignore the words from those red ears: "I will give you the status of a boyfriend."

As she spoke, she took another step forward, getting closer to Ye Hanzhi, raised her head, and approached him, saying: "This will be justified."

(End of this chapter)

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