Chapter 129

Tang Zhixi just asked for three days off, so she didn't care about the affairs of Dazhou, and flew back to Yancheng in a hurry.

Ye Hanzhi also left Lu Shang on Continent D and asked him to assist the Dark Night Alliance in dealing with matters.

It's almost a matter of listening to the dispatch of the Dark Night Alliance.

After returning to Yancheng, Tang Zhixi went directly to the crew.

Ye Hanzhi had nothing to do recently, so he naturally went with him.

It's just that Tang Zhixi went to film, and Ye Hanzhi was in the nanny's car, using a computer to handle some things remotely.

After waiting for a long time for the show, or when eating, Tang Zhixi would go back to the nanny car to accompany him for a while.

"Sister Xi, you can sleep for a while after lunch today." Jiang Nian said while opening the food box, "The play in the afternoon will be after three o'clock."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi was still wearing a costume, a plain white undershirt.Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and her makeup was plain.

She has the temperament of a female general.

It's still very cold now, Tang Zhixi's hands were frozen, and she kept them in hand warmers.He could only watch Jiang Nian put the rice in the food box one by one, but couldn't eat it.

Ye Hanzhi also put his hand into the hand warmer, held her hand and warmed it.

Jiang Nian glanced at the two of them, then lowered his head and smiled.Then he sat aside and looked at his phone.

She flipped through the news and suddenly asked a question.

Tang Zhixi looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Ning didn't reply to my message." Jiang Nian refreshed the message, but still nothing, "It's been almost five hours, and I haven't replied. Sister Ning seems to be acting weird recently."

Zhou Keying used to call Tang Zhixi to ask questions even if he didn't come to the set.There are indeed fewer phone calls now.

"Call her and ask."

"Okay." Jiang Nian responded, and her phone page suddenly changed.

Someone called, but the phone just vibrated slightly, before it rang.Jiang Nian quickly pressed the volume button to mute the phone.

He also quickly turned the phone over: "Sister Xi, I'm going to make a call."


When the car door was closed, Ye Hanzhi looked away, looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "She also seems to have some problems."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Why is there a problem?"

"She has something on her mind." Ye Hanzhi said, "This matter may have something to do with you. In the past few days, she has been a little distracted. When she is distracted, she will subconsciously look at you, and her eyes are not right."

Tang Zhixi smiled slightly: "Then do you think it's dangerous for me to keep her by my side?"

"People's hearts are unpredictable." Ye Hanzhi pinched her fingers and said, "You get along very well, treat her very well, and there is no personal enmity between you. If she really hurts your heart, the most likely thing is Instigated, instigated."

"Continue." Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Changing an assistant is a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. Since you like this, you might as well see whether she chooses you or someone else, and find out who is behind the scenes, and then make a plan. Sister Xi ,Am i right?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi hummed lightly, "Nothing can escape the eyes of the third master."

Ye Hanzhi smiled again, and then said seriously: "Zhi Xi, I promised you. I will not stop your decision. But you must also remember that you also promised me. Everything is based on your own safety. "

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and after a while, she hooked his finger lightly with her fingertips: "I have a sense of proportion."

"it is good."

Just as he finished speaking, Ye Hanzhi's cell phone rang.

He turned his head and glanced, it was Chu Yimo.He reached out and pressed the answer button, and then pressed the speakerphone.Then he put his hand into the hand warmer and held Tang Zhixi's hand.

"Han Zhi, are you in the Imperial Capital?"

A very clear male voice, still very pure Beijing accent.Listening to the voice, Tang Zhixi glanced at his phone subconsciously.

I saw the words "Chu Yimo".

"no, what happened?."

"Why are you not here?" Chu Yimo said.

"Have you returned to the imperial capital?"

"No. If I go back, what should I do with you?"

Ye Hanzhi: "What's the matter?"

"Oh—my sister got into a fight." Listening to the voice, one can imagine how helpless Chu Yimo is now, "He's at the police station now."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.

"Is it okay?"

"She's fine. I heard that the other three boys were beaten badly." Chu Yimo said, "She was afraid that my parents would find out and beat her, so she called me."

Chu Yimo's own people are not in the country.For the Chu family members in China, whenever they go to the police station to solve their problems, the Chu family and his wife will know everything in less than 10 minutes.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for the Ye family to come forward to solve this matter.

"Let her stay inside for two more days."

"It's not your sister, don't you feel bad."

"Of course I don't feel bad." Ye Hanzhi said ruthlessly, "It's because you feel so bad that you made her so lawless."

Tang Zhixi stretched out her right hand and picked up chopsticks to eat.Hearing him say this, he glanced at him.

"You are cold-blooded." Chu Yimo said angrily, "It wasn't when she was young that you hugged her and praised her for being beautiful."

Ye Hanzhi picked up the chopsticks to help Tang Zhixi pick up vegetables: "Is there something wrong with your memory? I only hugged Qingge, and I haven't even seen you, little girl."

"You" Chu Yimo said, "If I knew you were like this, I wouldn't let you hug Qingge."

Ye Hanzhi stopped arguing with him and said, "Speak to Ting Jue."

"Okay, I can only look for him if you're not here." Chu Yimo said, "When I count on you, I can't count on it."

Ye Hanzhi hung up the phone directly.

Tang Zhixi picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and ate slowly: "Chu Yimo?"

Ye Hanzhi paused for a moment: "Yes."

"Miss Chu's name is Chu Qingge?" Tang Zhixi heard it just now.

Ye Hanzhi said that he had hugged Qingge before, but not the younger one.


"What about the younger one?"

"Chu Qingyan."

Tang Zhixi took two mouthfuls of rice and said, "Is Chu Yimo not often in the Imperial Capital?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her: "He's usually in Continent F. He comes back occasionally."

Tang Zhixi nodded and did not speak again.

This Chu family is really interesting.

With such a large family business, Mr. Chu is not in the imperial capital.The young master of the Chu family is not in the imperial capital either.

"Zhixi." Ye Hanzhi suddenly called her.

Tang Zhixi looked up at him.

Ye Hanzhi held her hand and said very seriously: "Zhi Xi, our family is really rich."

Tang Zhixi blinked her eyes.What are you doing, showing off your wealth?Need a beating?
Ye Hanzhi continued: "And at Ye's house... there will be no troubles from my sister-in-law."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi thought for a while and said, "If you like the Doomsday Hotel, we can build it. It's definitely not worse than them, and we can do it according to your preferences."

Tang Zhixi: "...I'm really just curious, just ask."

"Oh. Then... I'm just talking about it." Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a smile on his face and said, "Are you curious about our family? You can also ask."

Tang Zhixi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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